Search Results for: rights of nature

May 24, 2018

Press Release: Ohio Attorney & Community Rights Advocate Receives the 2018 Johnsrud Unsung Heroes Award

Press Release: Ohio Attorney & Community Rights Advocate Receives the 2018 Johnsrud Unsung Heroes Award

Environmental and social justice attorney Terry Lodge receives the 2018 Johnsrud Unsung Heroes Award. Lodge partners with CELDF to advance and protect Community Rights for communities across Ohio.

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Apr 5, 2018

Press Release: Colombia Supreme Court Rules that Amazon Region is “Subject of Rights”

Press Release: Colombia Supreme Court Rules that Amazon Region is “Subject of Rights”

In the growing recognition of ecosystem rights around the world, today the Colombia Supreme Court of Justice ruled that the Amazon region in Colombia possesses rights.

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Mar 16, 2018

Press Release: Historic Vote on Community Rights State Constitutional Amendment in NH Legislature

Press Release: Historic Vote on Community Rights State Constitutional Amendment in NH Legislature

The New Hampshire legislature takes an historic vote on the first Community Rights state constitutional amendment considered by a state legislature.

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Feb 25, 2018

Blog: Black History Month, White Supremacy, and Community Rights

Blog: Black History Month, White Supremacy, and Community Rights

CELDF’s Tish O’Dell shares discoveries of her own white privilege when fracking came into her community – and how Dr. Martin Luther King and Black Lives Matter inform her work with communities today

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Feb 19, 2018

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Backed by Legislative Subcommittee

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Backed by Legislative Subcommittee

The people’s Community Rights state constitutional amendment moves ahead with the support of a New Hampshire legislative subcommittee.

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Feb 1, 2018

Press Release: Plymouth, NH, Voters Adopt Community Rights Sustainable Energy Future Ordinance

Press Release: Plymouth, NH, Voters Adopt Community Rights Sustainable Energy Future Ordinance

Plymouth, NH, voters overwhelmingly adopt a rights-based ordinance banning unsustainable energy projects and protecting their right to a sustainable energy future. The measure bans the Northern Pass project.

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Jan 23, 2018

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment  Advances to Public Committee Hearing

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Advances to Public Committee Hearing

New Hampshire residents and the NHCRN advance a Community Rights state constitutional amendment to the legislative committee hearing.

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Dec 7, 2017

Blog: Downsizing Nature: The Fight for Bears Ears and Beyond

Blog: Downsizing Nature: The Fight for Bears Ears and Beyond

Nature isn’t protected in our constitution. And so ecosystems, including our national monuments, are protected – or not – at the whim of current powerbrokers.

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Dec 7, 2017

Press Release: Ohio Ballot Board Approves Community Rights State Constitutional Amendments

Press Release: Ohio Ballot Board Approves Community Rights State Constitutional Amendments

Two Community Rights state constitutional amendments advance in Ohio, meeting Ballot Board requirements for single subject. Residents are launching their signature gathering campaign.

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Dec 4, 2017

A Win for People’s Democratic Rights in the Ohio Supreme Court

A Win for People’s Democratic Rights in the Ohio Supreme Court

For three years, Ohio government and the oil and gas industry have tried to quash Community Rights. This year, communities have come back stronger than ever, and with a win in the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Dec 4, 2017

CELDF: Forging a Movement for Rights

CELDF: Forging a Movement for Rights

What began over twenty years ago as an effort to help communities enforce the nation’s environmental laws, has now fully evolved into a resistance movement focused on driving rights for local self-determination and nature into the highest levels of law.

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Nov 20, 2017

Blog: A New Hampshire Resident & Legislator Exchange Words on Community Rights

Blog: A New Hampshire Resident & Legislator Exchange Words on Community Rights

A powerful exchange between a New Hampshire legislator and a New Hampshire resident on Community Rights.

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Nov 17, 2017

Press Release: Ohio Residents Fight for Rights: Submit State Constitutional Amendments to Guarantee Right to Local Self-Government

Press Release: Ohio Residents Fight for Rights: Submit State Constitutional Amendments to Guarantee Right to Local Self-Government

Today, residents take action to protect democratic and environmental rights in Ohio, submitting two state constitutional amendments to the Ohio Attorney General.

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Nov 14, 2017

Press Release: As Part of Growing Community Rights Movement, New Hampshire Legislators Consider State Constitutional Amendment

Press Release: As Part of Growing Community Rights Movement, New Hampshire Legislators Consider State Constitutional Amendment

The NH Community Rights Network and residents successfully introduce a rights-based state constitutional amendment to the NH legislature with Representative Ellen Read as a sponsor.

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Jul 24, 2017

Press Release: Oregon River Stands Up for its Rights

Press Release: Oregon River Stands Up for its Rights

The Siletz River watershed in Lincoln County, OR, files to intervene in a case to protect itself against aerially sprayed pesticides. The practice was banned by county residents in May.

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Jun 25, 2017 Support urged for new community bills of rights Support urged for new community bills of rights

Youngstown, OH, residents advance two rights-based measures to protect their water and their elections. Community members are gathering signatures for the November ballot.

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May 18, 2017

Press Release: Grant Township, PA, Sues Department of Environmental Protection for Rights Violations

Press Release: Grant Township, PA, Sues Department of Environmental Protection for Rights Violations

Grant Township, PA, is being sued by their own Dept of Environmental Protection to force in a fracking wastewater injection well. CELDF filed a countersuit on behalf of the Township, asserting the DEP is violating the rights of the community and the Charter.

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May 4, 2017

Press Release: Colombia Constitutional Court Finds Atrato River Possesses Rights

Press Release: Colombia Constitutional Court Finds Atrato River Possesses Rights

Reversing course from mainstream views of nature as property, Colombia’s Constitutional Court finds the Atrato River is a rights-bearing entity – a necessary step to protect life on earth.

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Dec 27, 2016

Community Rights Paper #15 – Stopping Climate Change: The Slow Train to Nowhere

Community Rights Paper #15 – Stopping Climate Change: The Slow Train to Nowhere

The Paris Agreement will not stop climate change – most experts agree on that. What will? Only we, in our communities, can achieve the changes necessary to protect our communities and the planet.

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Dec 20, 2016

Community Rights Paper #14: Democratic Rights Matter

Community Rights Paper #14: Democratic Rights Matter

There is a corporate state crack down on communities governing themselves and taking action to protect future generations. The crack down is evidence that these communities’ strategies are working, and striking at the power wielded against people and nature.

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Nov 8, 2016

PR: Youngstown Residents: Unshakable Determination as They Look Ahead to Next Community Bill of Rights

PR: Youngstown Residents: Unshakable Determination as They Look Ahead to Next Community Bill of Rights

The might of the oil and gas industry and its allies were out in force, outspending residents enormously in today’s election to defeat the people’s Community Bill of Rights banning fracking. While the measure was defeated, the people are not.

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Nov 8, 2016

PR: Waterville Residents Ban Pipelines and Compressor Stations through Adopting Community Bill of Rights

PR: Waterville Residents Ban Pipelines and Compressor Stations through Adopting Community Bill of Rights

Waterville, OH, residents make clear the Nexus pipeline and compressor station will not cut through their community, overwhelmingly adopting a Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment banning fracking related activities.

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Sep 13, 2016

Blog: Ganga’s Rights are Our Rights

Blog: Ganga’s Rights are Our Rights

CELDF is partnering with local groups and NGOs in India to advance the rights of the Ganges River through the National Ganga River Rights Act.

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Aug 19, 2016

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Sides with Oil/Gas Industry Again Over Community Rights

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Sides with Oil/Gas Industry Again Over Community Rights

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted demonstrates his loyalty to the oil and gas industry by trying to block citizen initiatives. The initiatives propose county charters that ban fracking activities. Residents are fighting back, appealing Husted’s decision to the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Aug 15, 2016

Ohioans Take a Stand for Rights

Ohioans Take a Stand for Rights

Undaunted by the courts, the state legislature, or the oil and gas industry, Ohioans understand the power to protect themselves is in We, the People, as they fight for their rights.

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Aug 11, 2016

Press Release: Grant Township Wins Key Motions in Fight for Civil and Environmental Rights

Press Release: Grant Township Wins Key Motions in Fight for Civil and Environmental Rights

Grant Township, PA, residents and the Little Mahoning Watershed secure wins in motions filed recently by CELDF. Residents are fighting for their rights against PGE as the company tries to force a frack wastewater injection well in the Township.

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Jun 30, 2016

Press Release: Ohioans Determined to Stop Fracking through Asserting Rights

Press Release: Ohioans Determined to Stop Fracking through Asserting Rights

Last summer, the corporate state led efforts to keep Ohioans from voting on fracking bans. Ohio communities are back in action, refusing to be deterred, and committed to protecting their communities. Five ballot measures are submitted this week for November.

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Jun 9, 2016

Community Rights Paper #13: Breaking the Planet

Community Rights Paper #13: Breaking the Planet

Breaking the Planet takes an unflinching look at climate change, the legal and governing structures accelerating our own destruction, and the radical action necessary to cease the sweeping and violent damage being done to the planet, and us.

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May 11, 2016

Press Release: Community Rights Ramps Up in Ohio

Press Release: Community Rights Ramps Up in Ohio

Today residents in Meigs County and the City of Waterville, OH, launched their petition campaigns to place rights-based initiatives before voters this November. Residents are organizing to stop fracking projects and protect rights to clean air and water.

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May 2, 2016

Democratic Rights

Democratic Rights

CELDF is partnering with grassroots and statewide groups to confront the many barriers that are being erected by corporations and government to restrict our democratic rights, and our ability to protect people, workers, communities and the environment.

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Apr 27, 2016

Community Rights Paper #12: Preempting Democracy

Community Rights Paper #12: Preempting Democracy

North Carolina’s HB2 is a new state law that preempts local laws that protect LGBT rights. This means that the state legislature deliberately and knowingly eliminated protections for the LGBT community in North Carolina. It’s time for communities to take action.

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Mar 14, 2016

Press Release: Ohio Residents Launch Community Rights Petition Campaigns throughout the State on Primary Day

Press Release: Ohio Residents Launch Community Rights Petition Campaigns throughout the State on Primary Day

Five Ohio counties and cities launch Community Bills of Rights campaigns to protect themselves from fracking activities. Residents are aiming for the November 2016 ballot.

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Mar 9, 2016

Press Release: “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment Supporters Set Sights on 2017

Press Release: “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment Supporters Set Sights on 2017

Community Rights supporters in New Hampshire look to 2017 to bring forward their state constitutional amendment securing rights.

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Mar 8, 2016

Press Release: The People of Barrington, NH, Vote in Community Rights at Town Meeting

Press Release: The People of Barrington, NH, Vote in Community Rights at Town Meeting

The people of Barrington, NH, adopt a Community Bill of Rights, asserting their right to clean air, pure water, and local, community self-government. The rights-based ordinance bans corporate gravel extraction and water withdrawals as a violation of those rights.

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Feb 28, 2016

CELDF Statement: Corporations Successful in Blocking Spokane from Voting on Community Bill of Rights

CELDF Statement: Corporations Successful in Blocking Spokane from Voting on Community Bill of Rights

In a move reflective of efforts by the corporate state to quash citizens’ initiatives across the U.S., the Washington Supreme Court recently denied Spokane residents the right to vote on their Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment.

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Feb 21, 2016

NH Legislature Holds First-in-Nation Public Hearing on “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment

NH Legislature Holds First-in-Nation Public Hearing on “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment

For the first time in the U.S., a state legislative committee held a public hearing on a Community Rights state constitutional amendment. Residents from across New Hampshire testified in support of the measure as they face an onslaught of harmful corporate projects in their communities.

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Dec 29, 2015

Community Rights Papers #9: Drowning the Clean Water Act in the Constitution’s Bathtub

Community Rights Papers #9: Drowning the Clean Water Act in the Constitution’s Bathtub

In the U.S., laws securing civil rights, worker rights, and environmental protections have been pinned not on Congress’s authority to protect people or nature, but on its authority to regulate commerce. The U.S. Constitution was written to protect property and commerce, rather than human and nature’s rights. The Community Rights Movement is working to change that.

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Dec 11, 2015

New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Moves Closer to Committee Public Hearing

New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Moves Closer to Committee Public Hearing

New Hampshire’s Community Rights state constitutional amendment securing the right to local, community self-government for all Granite Staters, moves forward for the 2016 Legislative Session.

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Nov 4, 2015

Press Release: Youngstown Residents Just Shy of Codifying Community Rights

Press Release: Youngstown Residents Just Shy of Codifying Community Rights

Youngstown, OH, community rights supporters came within 345 votes of adopting their rights-based charter amendment banning fracking, and are ready to press forward.

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Nov 4, 2015

Press Release: West Chester, PA, Voters Adopt Community Rights Charter Amendment Banning  Fracking Wastewater, Pipelines, and Drilling

Press Release: West Chester, PA, Voters Adopt Community Rights Charter Amendment Banning Fracking Wastewater, Pipelines, and Drilling

The people of West Chester, PA, vote overwhelmingly to assert their community rights and ban fracking activities from their borough. They join dozens of other communities across the state – and the country – who are standing up for their rights.

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Oct 12, 2015

Community Rights Networks

Community Rights Networks

National Community Rights Network The National Community Rights Network (NCRN) launched in 2014, growing out of CELDF’s grassroots organizing, which has assisted communities to advance Community Rights at the local level for 20 years. Nearly 200 communities across the U.S. have adopted CELDF-drafted Community Bills of Rights, protecting community rights to clean air and water,… Read more »

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Aug 31, 2015

Corporations and Natural Rights By Charles A. Beard

Corporations and Natural Rights By Charles A. Beard

Chapter I, from “Jefferson, Corporations and the Constitution” originally published in The Virginia Quarterly Review, 1936

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Aug 14, 2015

Press Release: People of Spokane to Vote on Worker Bill of Rights

Press Release: People of Spokane to Vote on Worker Bill of Rights

SPOKANE, WASHINGTON: Judge Salvatore Cozza from the Spokane County Superior denied a preliminary injunction brought by the Mayor of Spokane to block the vote of a Worker Bill of Rights initiative, which is on the November ballot.

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Aug 12, 2015

August Update: Chomsky, Hedges, Unions Endorse Worker Bill of Rights

August Update: Chomsky, Hedges, Unions Endorse Worker Bill of Rights

Learn the latest news on Spokane, WA’s, Worker Bill of Rights, read Community Rights Paper #5 on Citizens United, and join us for the launching of the Ohio Community Rights Workshop.

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Aug 11, 2015

Press Release: Highland Township Supervisors Vote to Defend Community Bill of Rights Banning Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

Press Release: Highland Township Supervisors Vote to Defend Community Bill of Rights Banning Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

This week, Highland Township, PA, Supervisors, with overwhelming community support, voted unanimously to defend their Community Bill of Rights banning frack wastewater injection wells rather than surrender their community’s rights. The vote was taken after Seneca Resources (Seneca) made good on a two year old threat to sue the Township to overturn the ordinance.

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Aug 4, 2015

Community Rights

Community Rights

What are Community Rights? Where did they come from? Why do we need them? In a series of Community Rights Papers, we will explore the roots of Community Rights in our history, and how they’ve emerged as rights movements – including our own American Revolution.

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Jun 24, 2015

Common Sense: A Community Rights Organizing “Primer” from CELDF

Common Sense: A Community Rights Organizing “Primer” from CELDF

Trying to protect your community from any number of threats? Check out Common Sense, CELDF’s community rights organizing primer.

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Mar 7, 2015

Community Rights Paper #1: The Spirit of ‘73 and the Right to Local Self-Government

Community Rights Paper #1: The Spirit of ‘73 and the Right to Local Self-Government

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Nov 18, 2014

Press Release: First-in-the-Nation Action – Ecosystem Files for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Own Legal Rights to Exist and Flourish

Press Release: First-in-the-Nation Action – Ecosystem Files for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Own Legal Rights to Exist and Flourish

Today, for the first time, an ecosystem in the United States filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend its own right to exist and flourish. The Little Mahoning Watershed and Grant Township, PA, residents come up against the Pennsylvania General Energy Corporation.

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Nov 5, 2014

2014 Election Update: Record Number of Community Rights Initiatives on Ballot

2014 Election Update: Record Number of Community Rights Initiatives on Ballot

Community Bills of Rights advance on Election Day 2014, with a record number of initiatives on the ballot, and a growing number of communities determined to drive those rights forward.

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