Search Results for: rights of nature

Feb 6, 2013

Tree Media, producing films such as The 11th Hour and Urban Roots, is partnering with CELDF to make a film called We The People 2.0, about our grassroots organizing and our community partners. Below is a trailer for the film.

Tree Media, producing films such as The 11th Hour and Urban Roots, is partnering with CELDF to make a film called We The People 2.0, about our grassroots organizing and our community partners. Below is a trailer for the film.

Sometimes, a film comes along that conveys a message we’ve been listening for, but haven’t yet heard. A message that shows us what we’ve had a sense of, but haven’t been able to explain – let alone offer a solution.

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Sep 15, 2012

Position Paper on Sustainable Energy

Position Paper on Sustainable Energy

Currently, most development of wind energy resources is carried out by a handful of large corporations…. The corporation…controls the land, production of energy from the wind resource, and the distribution of that energy to the grid.

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Aug 22, 2012

Why the Recent Act 13 Decision Won’t Help to Stop Fracking

Why the Recent Act 13 Decision Won’t Help to Stop Fracking

How Environmental Groups Keep Leading Communities into Dead-Ends.

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Jan 1, 2012

Statement on Efforts to Amend the U.S. Constitution following Citizens United

Statement on Efforts to Amend the U.S. Constitution following Citizens United

A great deal of activism has emerged in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC. In that case, the Court declared that corporate First Amendment “free speech” rights were violated by federal law which limited corporate spending in elections. Following the ruling, several groups began working to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United. CELDF was invited to participate in those efforts based on our ongoing legislative work on corporate “rights.”… As the Legal Defense Fund has observed the national activism following the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, we’ve declined to participate in proposed efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution for two main reasons.

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Oct 31, 2011

The Next Step: Beyond Sustainable Agriculture

The Next Step: Beyond Sustainable Agriculture

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Oct 11, 2011

Turning Occupation into Lasting Change

Turning Occupation into Lasting Change

If the Occupy movement is to succeed over time, it must follow the lead of community rights building efforts that have begun work to dismantle the body of law that perpetually subordinates people, communities, and nature to wealthy corporate minorities.

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Aug 16, 2011

Envision Spokane Successfully Qualifies Initiative to the Ballot

Envision Spokane Successfully Qualifies Initiative to the Ballot

Envision Spokane’s Brad Read on the “Community Bill of Rights” Initiative.

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Nov 10, 2010

Shale gas can pollute the air, too…But Marcellus companies might even profit from preventive measures

Shale gas can pollute the air, too…But Marcellus companies might even profit from preventive measures

“Drilling opponents and supporters can all agree that if Marcellus Shale development proceeds, it should happen in a manner that protects workers, the environment and communities.”

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Nov 7, 2010

Blaine Township

Blaine Township

Blaine Township is a small rural township some 45 miles west of Pittsburgh, in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylvania has been mining coal for 250 years, but no mining has occurred in Blaine and its residents and township supervisors aim to keep it that way.

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Sep 16, 2010

CELDF on the Radio

CELDF on the Radio

“Democracy Matters” New Podcast for September 16, 2010

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Apr 6, 2006

Barnstead & Nottingham, NH, Live Up To Their State Constitution

Barnstead & Nottingham, NH, Live Up To Their State Constitution

The story of how two communities changed their thinking and their strategies, and became the first to adopt rights-based ordinances banning water privatization.

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Mar 9, 2005

A Movement Diverted: How Corporations Neutralized Anti-Chain Store Campaigns Of the 1920s and 1930s

A Movement Diverted: How Corporations Neutralized Anti-Chain Store Campaigns Of the 1920s and 1930s

Early in the 20th Century, giant corporations like Woolworth’s, Sears Roebuck, J.C. Penney, Ligget, and A&P began forcing their chain stores into communities across the nation. The chains were unwelcome. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, people in towns from coast to coast banded together to stop this corporate invasion, only to be beaten back by corporations and the federal government.

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Aug 30, 1930

Centralization and Popular Control, From: The Growth and Decadence of Constitutional Government, by J. Allen Smith, 1930

Centralization and Popular Control, From: The Growth and Decadence of Constitutional Government, by J. Allen Smith, 1930

The attitude of the well-to-do classes toward local self-government was profoundly influenced by the extension of the suffrage…the removal of property qualifications tended to divest the old ruling class of its control in local affairs.

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