Search Results for: rights of nature

Sep 13, 2016

Energy Wire: ‘Rights of nature’ heads back to federal court

Energy Wire: ‘Rights of nature’ heads back to federal court

Highland Township, PA, residents work with CELDF to push for the recognition of the Rights of Nature in the 3rd Circuit Court.

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Mar 21, 2016

Rights of Nature FAQs

Rights of Nature FAQs

What does “Rights of Nature” mean, and why do need them? Understand Rights of Nature with these FAQs.

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Feb 29, 2016

Green Party of England and Wales Adopts Rights of Nature Policy:  CELDF Assisted in Drafting New Rights-Based Plank

Green Party of England and Wales Adopts Rights of Nature Policy: CELDF Assisted in Drafting New Rights-Based Plank

CELDF assists the Green Party of England and Wales to draft a Rights of Nature policy platform, which was adopted by the Party on Sunday. The policy calls for the recognition of the rights of nature to exist and flourish.

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Feb 28, 2016

Green Party of England and Wales’ Rights of Nature Policy

Green Party of England and Wales’ Rights of Nature Policy

On February 28th, the Green Party of England and Wales adopted a Rights of Nature policy, drafted in partnership with CELDF. Read the language here.

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Aug 4, 2015

Champion the Rights of Nature

Champion the Rights of Nature

CELDF is pioneering the work for rights of ecosystems – or the “rights of nature” – working with communities and states across the U.S., and in countries around the world, to develop rights-based legal frameworks to protect the environment.

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Jul 20, 2015

The Rights of Nature & Self-Governance – San Andres Archipelago, Colombia

The Rights of Nature & Self-Governance – San Andres Archipelago, Colombia

The Raizal people of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina off the coast of Colombia work with CELDF to recognize the Rights of Nature and to achieve their right to self-determination. CELDF travels to the Archipelago this month. Learn more here.

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Jul 14, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Funds CELDF’s Work to Advance Rights to Local, Democratic Self-Governance and Rights of Nature

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Funds CELDF’s Work to Advance Rights to Local, Democratic Self-Governance and Rights of Nature

CELDF receives support from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

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Apr 13, 2015

Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity: Finally Being Heard: the Great Barrier Reef and the International Rights of Nature Tribunal

Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity: Finally Being Heard: the Great Barrier Reef and the International Rights of Nature Tribunal

Just over a year ago, the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature and Mother Earth sat for the first time in Quito, Ecuador. Here, Michelle Maoney of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance shares the powerful, alternative narrative that emerged from the Tribunal, whereby Rights of Nature are recognized, codified, and enforced.

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Feb 16, 2014

CELDF in Otavalo, Ecuador, for a Rights of Nature conference.

CELDF in Otavalo, Ecuador, for a Rights of Nature conference.

CELDF, a founding member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, joined in an international gathering hosted by the Alliance in Octavalo, Ecuador, in January. Read more here.

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Dec 6, 2013

CELDF partner in Rights of Nature work, Fundacion Pachamama, Shut Down by Ecuadorian Government

CELDF partner in Rights of Nature work, Fundacion Pachamama, Shut Down by Ecuadorian Government

CELDF partner, Fundacion Pachamama, was shut down this week by the Ecuadorian government. Learn more on how you can help.

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Aug 5, 2013

Noozhawk: Fracking and the Rights of Nature

Noozhawk: Fracking and the Rights of Nature

Community Rights and the Rights of Nature are changing our western legal paradigm, and are tools to protect Santa Barbara, CA, from fracking.

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Mar 14, 2013

Rights of Nature on the Santa Monica City Council Agenda

Rights of Nature on the Santa Monica City Council Agenda

Santa Monica City Council introduces California’s first community rights ordinance, recognizing the right to self-governance, clean air and water, sustainable food and energy systems, and the rights of nature.

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Feb 10, 2013

CELDF’s New Frontiers: Building a Grassroots Movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature

CELDF’s New Frontiers: Building a Grassroots Movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature

Slideshow Narrated by Thomas Linzey

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Jan 21, 2013

Dr. Stephen Cleghorn signed the 1st Rights of Nature based legal easement on his 52 acre organic farm in late 2012. Click here to view a stirring speech he gave in 2011, passionately taking a stand to stop fracking and protect the land.

Dr. Stephen Cleghorn signed the 1st Rights of Nature based legal easement on his 52 acre organic farm in late 2012. Click here to view a stirring speech he gave in 2011, passionately taking a stand to stop fracking and protect the land.

Presentation by Dr. Stephen Cleghorn, a sociologist and an organic farmer from Jefferson County, PA, and was recorded at the Epic No Frack Event at Ithaca College.

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Jun 19, 2012

United Nations Radio: Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature promotes its cause at Rio+20

United Nations Radio: Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature promotes its cause at Rio+20

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is….calling for global recognition and acceptance of Rights of Nature. They say an essential step for achieving this is to introduce a system of jurisprudence that sees and treats Nature as a fundamental, rights bearing entity and not as mere property to be exploited at will.

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Aug 5, 2011

CELDF’s Ben Price on Local Self Governance and Rights of Nature (Parts 1 through 3)

CELDF’s Ben Price on Local Self Governance and Rights of Nature (Parts 1 through 3)

CELDF Projects Director Ben Prices talks with Simon Kaiwai of New Zealand, sharing knowledge of how communities have overcome such things as fracking, mining, water rights, human rights, GE, GMO, corporate personhood and unwanted state plans for their local environment.

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May 3, 2011

Pachamama Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in San Francisco

Pachamama Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in San Francisco

The Rights of Nature, The Case for a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth. Co-produced by Global Exchange, the Council of Canadians, The Pachamama Alliance, and Fundación Pachamama.

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May 3, 2011

Pachamama Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in San Francisco

Pachamama Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in San Francisco

Rights of Nature panel at Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, San Francisco.

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Sep 28, 2008

Press Release: Ecuador Approves New Constitution: Voters Approve Rights of Nature

Press Release: Ecuador Approves New Constitution: Voters Approve Rights of Nature

By an overwhelming margin, the people of Ecuador today voted for a new constitution that is the first in the world to recognize legally enforceable Rights of Nature, or ecosystem rights.

Read More | Community Wires, Press Releases & Blogs, Success Story

May 28, 2021

Podcast (Climate One): “Should Nature Have Rights?”

Podcast (Climate One): “Should Nature Have Rights?”

On May 28, 2021, CELDF’s Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin joined Rebecca Tsosie (constitutional and Indigenous law scholar of Yaqui descent and regents professor of law at the University of Arizona) and Carol Van Strum (Lincoln County Community Rights) on the nationally syndicated Climate One podcast.

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Sep 10, 2019

My Plainview: How giving legal rights to nature could help reduce toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie

My Plainview: How giving legal rights to nature could help reduce toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie

An analysis of Rights of Nature laws as a path forward to protecting ecosystems in the face of continuing environmental harms.

Read More | Community Wires, News from the Grassroots

Jun 26, 2019

Media Statement: Ohio Group Submits Signatures to Recognize Rights for Michindoh Aquifer

Media Statement: Ohio Group Submits Signatures to Recognize Rights for Michindoh Aquifer

Community Rights and Rights of Nature continue to grow in Ohio as Williams County residents submit their citizen initiative to protect themselves from corporate water withdrawals.

Read More | Community Wires, News, Press Releases, Success Story

Aug 7, 2018

The Toledo Blade: Toledo water group collects signatures for “Lake Erie Bill of Rights” inclusion on Nov. ballot

The Toledo Blade: Toledo water group collects signatures for “Lake Erie Bill of Rights” inclusion on Nov. ballot

Toledo, OH, community members submit petitions to place a Lake Erie Bill of Rights citizen initiative on the November ballot. The measure recognizes the right of Lake Erie to exist and flourish, protecting it from major pollutors.

Read More | Community Wires, News from the Grassroots, Success Story

May 23, 2018

The Guardian: Our laws make slaves of nature. It’s not just humans who need rights

The Guardian: Our laws make slaves of nature. It’s not just humans who need rights

As the recognition of Rights of Nature grows globally, we must move beyond thinking of nature as having legal personhood rights. We must recognize rights of ecosystems to existence, regeneration and restoration.

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May 14, 2018

Center for Humans & Nature: Does Fracking Violate Human Rights?

Center for Humans & Nature: Does Fracking Violate Human Rights?

Check out the stories being submitted as evidence this week at the international Permanent People’s Tribunal, where the PPT is considering fracking, climate change, and the violation of the rights of people and nature.

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Jun 30, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Medina County group files 6,578 signatures seeking November vote on community bill of rights

Akron Beacon Journal: Medina County group files 6,578 signatures seeking November vote on community bill of rights

In Medina County, OH, residents gather over 6,500 signatures, qualifying for the November ballot a Community Rights County Charter banning fracking activities. They join six other Ohio cities and counties advancing similar measures.

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Jun 5, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Portage County group seeking signatures on petition calling for community bill of rights vote

Akron Beacon Journal: Portage County group seeking signatures on petition calling for community bill of rights vote

Portage County, OH, residents gather signatures to place a Community Rights County Charter on the November ballot to ban fracking activities. Residents are advancing rights to protect themselves from the oil and gas industry.

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Jan 16, 2014

National Catholic Reporter: Nature’s rights gain some legal standing

National Catholic Reporter: Nature’s rights gain some legal standing

At the Global Rights of Nature Summit in Otavalo, Ecuador, CELDF representatives and other organizations gather to call for the advancement of the Rights of Nature to protect the planet.

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Apr 22, 2011

Wired: Giving Nature Its Own Rights Might Avert Future Oil Disasters

Wired: Giving Nature Its Own Rights Might Avert Future Oil Disasters

Considering the rights of ecosystems dates to 1972 with Christopher Stone, and has evolved today to local laws establishing Rights of Nature as a means to protect against destructive activities.

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Jan 25, 2011

Taking on Corporations and Giving Rights to Nature

Taking on Corporations and Giving Rights to Nature

Why 1 in 3 Children is Chronically Ill, and Wild Weather and Media Silence on Climate Connections.

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Dec 5, 2010

Does Nature have Rights?

Does Nature have Rights?

Thoughts on Democracy School

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Sep 28, 2008

The New York Times: Ecuador Constitution Grants Rights to Nature

The New York Times: Ecuador Constitution Grants Rights to Nature

Ecuador makes history with the people’s adoption of a new Constitution recognizing the Rights of Nature to exist and flourish.

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Jun 18, 2024

CELDF Response to “Can granting legal ‘personhood’ to nature stem biodiversity loss?” by Viktoria Kahui

CELDF Response to “Can granting legal ‘personhood’ to nature stem biodiversity loss?” by Viktoria Kahui

The prospect of liability introduced by conferral of personhood status monetizes the relationship between humans and the rest of nature.

Read More | Blogs, Community Rights, Democratic Rights, Rights of Nature

May 28, 2024

Should Rivers & Trees Have Rights?

Should Rivers & Trees Have Rights?

On May 20, 2024, Rockland Sierra Club, Lower Hudson Group and ROAR (Religious Orders Along the River) hosted this conversation titled: SHOULD RIVERS AND TREES HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS? A new movement is growing around the rights of nature, arguing that rivers, lakes, and forests should have legal rights for themselves, not for their value to… Read more »

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Dec 4, 2023

2023 Year-end Newsletter: Living with Nature

2023 Year-end Newsletter: Living with Nature

FREE Gifts with tax-deductible year-end donations of $100 or more.

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Nov 29, 2023

Sneak Peek! — 2023 Year-end Newsletter: Living with Nature

Sneak Peek! — 2023 Year-end Newsletter: Living with Nature

Your efforts to be resilient and resist a system that wants to dominate Nature are critical to the changes we need.

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May 12, 2023

Radical Resilience and Restoration for Wetland Rights

Radical Resilience and Restoration for Wetland Rights

On June 28th CELDF’s Kai Huschke will be presenting at the Society for Wetland Scientists annual conference.

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May 1, 2023

Toledo voters approved a bill of rights for Lake Erie. A group wants the same for the Ohio River

Toledo voters approved a bill of rights for Lake Erie. A group wants the same for the Ohio River

Feature photo by Bill Rinehart/WVXU “An advocacy group wants Cincinnati to recognize the right of the Ohio River to thrive. Members of Citizens for the Rights of the Ohio River Watershed are circulating a petition to get an amendment to Cincinnati’s charter on the ballot. Susan VonderHaar says CROW members want to give the river a seat… Read more »

Read More | Chemical Trespass, Community Rights, Community Wires, Corporate Agriculture, Democratic Rights, Extraction & Pollution, Issues, News, News from the Grassroots, Rights of Nature

Apr 17, 2023

Ohio River Rights Campaign Launched by Cincinnati Residents

Ohio River Rights Campaign Launched by Cincinnati Residents

“We began to understand through this process that we are not only connected to the Ohio River, but that we are part of the ecosystem,” stated Jim Schenk of CROW.

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Apr 14, 2023

The Myth of American Democracy: The Ruling Class Crusade Against Community & Nature

The Myth of American Democracy: The Ruling Class Crusade Against Community & Nature

Wednesday, April 19th at 6:30 PM (Central Time) CELDF’s Tish O’Dell will be a panelist on for the upcoming discussion, The Myth of American Democracy: The Ruling Class Crusade Against Community & Nature hosted by Athens Community Rights Coalition at Ohio University.

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Mar 14, 2023

Guest Blog: We Must Overturn SCOTUS Decisions That Effectively Deny Rights to Black People

Guest Blog: We Must Overturn SCOTUS Decisions That Effectively Deny Rights to Black People

The posting of this piece is a reflection of CELDF’s commitment to featuring diverse perspectives and ideas in the quest to bring about a community rights and rights of nature existence into full being. 

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Feb 14, 2023

Community Conversation: Rights and Rites

Community Conversation: Rights and Rites

Using illustrator and writer Shaun Tan’s short story “Bears with Lawyers” as a touchstone, this discussion will interrogate the societal conception of rights (and rites) within our current legal system and beyond.

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Jan 19, 2023

Wouldn’t You Say? – Saving the Economy Means Not Saving Nature

Wouldn’t You Say? – Saving the Economy Means Not Saving Nature

At the risk of expediting the die-off of most life on the planet, including most humans, judges continue to turn a blind eye toward the rights of natural communities – where humans live in harmony with their environment – while giving full-throated support for legal rights vested in corporate property.

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Jan 5, 2023

Tumbled by the surf: Figuring out which wave to ride next for recognizing rights

Tumbled by the surf: Figuring out which wave to ride next for recognizing rights

We must think about our history- the Revolutionaries were proposing an alternative to being a colony of England, abolitionists were fighting for an alternative to slavery, the suffragists for an alternative to patriarchy and on and on.

Read More | Blogs, Democratic Rights

Nov 16, 2022

Sneak Peek! — End of Year Newsletter 2022: We are Nature

Sneak Peek! — End of Year Newsletter 2022: We are Nature

Human and ecosystem viability come when we figure out how to orient our culture to be connected to all four parts: Living from, with, in, and as Nature.

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Nov 8, 2022

Wouldn’t You Say? – What Do We Mean by “Community Rights?”

Wouldn’t You Say? – What Do We Mean by “Community Rights?”

Lakota advocate and water protector Debra White Plume (Wioweya Najin Wina), upon being introduced to the history of municipal subjugation in the United States during a Democracy School hosted by residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, remarked that “municipalities are the white man’s reservations. The only difference is, we know we’re on reservations.”

Read More | Blogs, Community Rights, Democratic Rights, News from the Grassroots, Rights of Nature

Sep 28, 2022

Happy Anniversary Rights of Pachamama Ecuador!

Happy Anniversary Rights of Pachamama Ecuador!

We at CELDF want to recognize and celebrate the 14-year anniversary of this historic date when the country of Ecuador codified Rights of Pachamama into their national Constitution.

Read More | News, News from the Grassroots, Rights of Nature