Do You Care about People, Communities, and the Environment?
We do, too.
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2024 Year-end Newsletter: Living in Nature
CELDF’s Living in Nature year-end campaign theme emerges from our Truth, Reckoning, and Right Relationship with the Great Lakes gathering, the release of CELDF’s “Wouldn’t You Say?” book, our time in the Amazon with the Sarayaku people, and the launch of a rights of nature continuing legal education series, among other projects, presentations, and community support efforts. We hope you enjoy the articles, factoids, features, and spotlights of the people who make CELDF the powerhouse that it is through our 2024 End-of-Year Newsletter.
Nearly every day, for almost 30 years now, people have been reaching out to CELDF for help. There is a knock at the door, and without hesitation, we welcome people in with a readiness to listen to what they have to say. We’ve had thousands of conversations leading to system-rattling challenges and changes and established long-running friendships with people and organizations from around the world. That willingness to be present, as well as being honest with those thousands of people is why CELDF has persevered over three decades and why we look to be around for years to come.
So thank you to those who have been supporting CELDF for a long time. And, an advanced thank you to all you new donors to CELDF. Individual donations are critical to our existence and continued work. We need your help. Communities and ecosystems all over the planet need our help.
All the best and happy holidays!
CELDF staff and partners
Other Ways to Give
We want to pave the way for passionate activists to support us in the way they find easiest. Please explore some of our other donation opportunities below.

Prefer to give via check?
Make Checks Payable To: “CELDF”
Send To: PO Box 360
Mercersburg, PA 17236
We are a 501(c) 3. All donations are tax-deductible!
Why join us in this crucial mission?
It’s CELDF’s hope to provide legal support and representation for individuals of all backgrounds, small and/or vulnerable communities, and our threatened environment. Your generous contribution helps us champion Community Rights and Rights of Nature. Our work is possible because of your support.
Learn How to Take Action
We want to share something life-changing with you. This is a book that reframes events through a Community Rights lens and offers a vision of a better legal future. Armed with its knowledge, you’ll learn how to take action to create change. Just the cost of shipping will bring this indispensable resource to your door, so you can become part of the movement.
The time has come for a new American Revolution, and this book is the first step on the way there. Click the button below to learn more, donate, and take action.