
Mar 27, 2018

Dick McGinn – A Life of Service

Dick McGinn – A Life of Service

CELDF, OHCRN, and Ohio communities grieve the loss of Dick McGinn, and celebrate his life and contributions. He was a passionate leader in growing Community Rights in Ohio.

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Mar 20, 2018

Jefferson Public Radio: Oregonian Wins Award For Opposition To Pesticides

Jefferson Public Radio: Oregonian Wins Award For Opposition To Pesticides

Carol Van Strum has dedicated her life to fighting pesticides. Here an interview with Van Strum and CELDF’s Kai Huschke on pesticides, Community Rights, and protecting our communities from corporate harms.

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Mar 20, 2018

Daily Camera: Anti-fracking group’s attorney sends letter to Lafayette over possible legal action

Daily Camera: Anti-fracking group’s attorney sends letter to Lafayette over possible legal action

Lafayette, CO, residents are unrelenting in their determination to protect their community from fracking harms. At City Council, they insist on enforcement of their Climate Bill of Rights and urge adoption of a non-violent direct action amendment.

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Mar 19, 2018

Broadway World: Core Dance To Participate In National Water Dance

Broadway World: Core Dance To Participate In National Water Dance

Integrating art with the environmental movement, the 2018 National Water Dance will take place across the U.S. on April 14th. Core Dance is partnering with CELDF and other organizations to build alliances and protect water.

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Mar 19, 2018

Press Release: Mahoning Board of Elections Defies Supreme Court

Press Release: Mahoning Board of Elections Defies Supreme Court

The Mahoning County, OH, Board of Elections blocks a duly qualified Community Bill of Rights initiative from the ballot in Youngstown. CELDF assists residents to file a lawsuit with the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Mar 19, 2018

Daily Camera: Lafayette may again consider legalizing anti-fracking civil disobedience

Daily Camera: Lafayette may again consider legalizing anti-fracking civil disobedience

Community members in Lafayette, CO, rally behind an amendment to their Climate Bill of Rights that would legalize non-violent civil disobedience if necessary to stop fracking harms.

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Mar 16, 2018

Press Release: Historic Vote on Community Rights State Constitutional Amendment in NH Legislature

Press Release: Historic Vote on Community Rights State Constitutional Amendment in NH Legislature

The New Hampshire legislature takes an historic vote on the first Community Rights state constitutional amendment considered by a state legislature.

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Mar 14, 2018

Mongabay: Carol Van Strum, crusader against Agent Orange, wins prestigious environmental award

Mongabay: Carol Van Strum, crusader against Agent Orange, wins prestigious environmental award

Carol Van Strum, Community Rights advocate and long time activist, receives the international David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding environmental and social justice work.

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Mar 14, 2018

Blog: The NRA, Gun Violence, and Ceiling Preemption

Blog: The NRA, Gun Violence, and Ceiling Preemption

Communities can’t adopt the gun laws they believe would best protect their health, safety, and welfare. Here’s why – and what communities can do about it.

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Mar 9, 2018

Lane County, OR, residents vow to appeal decision blocking their rights-based initiative

Lane County, OR, residents vow to appeal decision blocking their rights-based initiative

See this story in The Register-Guard on Lane County, OR, residents fighting to protect themselves from aerially sprayed herbicides.

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Mar 8, 2018

The Athens News: Bill of Rights group and CELDF deserve praise for their work

The Athens News: Bill of Rights group and CELDF deserve praise for their work

An Athens County, OH, community member makes it clear: The people of Athens aren’t giving up their rights to govern themselves and protect their community from fracking wastewater, regardless of what the state says.

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Mar 6, 2018

The Monroe Monitor: Organizations rallying opposition to annual aerial spraying of pesticides in the Sky Valley region

The Monroe Monitor: Organizations rallying opposition to annual aerial spraying of pesticides in the Sky Valley region

Snohomish County, WA, residents partner with CELDF to assert their democratic rights and stop aerial sprayed pesticides.

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Mar 5, 2018

Daily Camera:   Lafayette’s oil, gas forum ‘day one in the real resistance,’ activists say

Daily Camera: Lafayette’s oil, gas forum ‘day one in the real resistance,’ activists say

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey speaks to an overflowing crowd in Lafayette, CO, on defending their Climate Bill of Rights. The City’s ordinance bans fracking as a violation of rights.

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Mar 3, 2018

Rebelling Against the Corporate State

Rebelling Against the Corporate State

Our popular Community Rights Papers were printed between 2014 – 2017 and re-frame contemporary and historical events through a Community Rights lens.

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Mar 1, 2018

The Laconia Daily Sun: Perhaps Northern Pass is falling to our fatigue, but my generation has had enough, we’re done; vote yes on CRBO in Ashland

The Laconia Daily Sun: Perhaps Northern Pass is falling to our fatigue, but my generation has had enough, we’re done; vote yes on CRBO in Ashland

This powerful letter-to-the-editor by an Ashland, NH, resident, is what builds a people’s movement.

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Mar 1, 2018

The Athens News: Judges to hear appeal of Board of Elections’ rejection of charter

The Athens News: Judges to hear appeal of Board of Elections’ rejection of charter

Denied their right to vote by the Athens County Board of Elections in Ohio, county residents make their case today in the 4th district court of appeals. Residents qualified a rights-based county charter initiative in 2017 that banned fracking activities.

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Feb 28, 2018

Press Release: International Lifetime Achievement Award Presented to Oregon Community Rights, Rights of Nature Advocate

Press Release: International Lifetime Achievement Award Presented to Oregon Community Rights, Rights of Nature Advocate

Community Rights supporter Carol Van Strum receives the International Lifetime Achievement Award Presented at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene, OR.

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Feb 25, 2018

Blog: Black History Month, White Supremacy, and Community Rights

Blog: Black History Month, White Supremacy, and Community Rights

CELDF’s Tish O’Dell shares discoveries of her own white privilege when fracking came into her community – and how Dr. Martin Luther King and Black Lives Matter inform her work with communities today

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Feb 23, 2018

Fosters.com: To the Editor: Let the people vote on CACR19

Fosters.com: To the Editor: Let the people vote on CACR19

With bi-partisan support, the New Hampshire House Municipal & County Government committee will vote how to recommend the Community Rights state constitutional amendment CACR19 to the full House next week.

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Feb 19, 2018

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Backed by Legislative Subcommittee

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Backed by Legislative Subcommittee

The people’s Community Rights state constitutional amendment moves ahead with the support of a New Hampshire legislative subcommittee.

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Feb 13, 2018

Ohio gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich supports Community Rights state constitutional amendment

Ohio gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich supports Community Rights state constitutional amendment

Columbus Free Press covers Ohio’s Dennis Kucinich and his support for a Community Rights state constitutional amendment.

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Feb 11, 2018

The Register-Guard: Rural residents in Lane County fight spraying of herbicides by helicopters

The Register-Guard: Rural residents in Lane County fight spraying of herbicides by helicopters

Community members advance community rights in Lane County, OR, fighting for their health and safety against the timber industry’s use of pesticides.

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Feb 8, 2018

In These Times: The Community Rights Movement to the New Hampshire House: Let the People Decide What’s Best

In These Times: The Community Rights Movement to the New Hampshire House: Let the People Decide What’s Best

Taking steps to assert decision-making authority over their own communities, New Hampshire residents work with the CELDF and NHCRN to advance a rights-based state constitutional amendment.

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Feb 6, 2018

New Hampshire Public Radio: Local Governance Advocates Try Again To Amend State Constitution

New Hampshire Public Radio: Local Governance Advocates Try Again To Amend State Constitution

New Hampshire supporters of a community rights state constitutional amendment urge the legislative committee to advance the amendment to the House.

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Feb 5, 2018

Blog: Think Globally, Enact Locally

Blog: Think Globally, Enact Locally

“Local control” today means seizing our local governments and enacting laws to protect our communities and the future of the planet.

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Feb 5, 2018

Think Progress: The new legal threat to environmental attorneys: Sanctions from judges and attorneys general

Think Progress: The new legal threat to environmental attorneys: Sanctions from judges and attorneys general

From ThinkProgress on the efforts of the oil and gas industry to stop Community Rights and Rights of Nature, the courageous communities who refuse to fold, and the growing momentum of this new legal paradigm.

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Feb 5, 2018

New Hampshire Public Radio:  Plymouth Is Latest To Try Blocking Big Energy Projects With Local Ordinance

New Hampshire Public Radio: Plymouth Is Latest To Try Blocking Big Energy Projects With Local Ordinance

Plymouth, NH, residents are among the growing numbers of New Hampshire communities using Community Rights to stop projects harmful to their health, safety, and welfare.

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Feb 3, 2018

Columbus Free Press: Overturning Ohio HB 463 – Dismantling a corporate state and building something new

Columbus Free Press: Overturning Ohio HB 463 – Dismantling a corporate state and building something new

CELDF stands by Ohio residents. Together, the people succeeded in overturning unjust law, and today they are ramping up their efforts to advance democratic and environmental rights across the state.

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Feb 1, 2018

The Register-Guard: Don’t delay aerial spray ballot issue discussion

The Register-Guard: Don’t delay aerial spray ballot issue discussion

Lane County, OR, residents urge their county commissioners to place Community Rights measures on the ballot for a vote by the people. Residents are taking action to protect themselves from aerial spraying of herbicides.

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Feb 1, 2018

Press Release: Plymouth, NH, Voters Adopt Community Rights Sustainable Energy Future Ordinance

Press Release: Plymouth, NH, Voters Adopt Community Rights Sustainable Energy Future Ordinance

Plymouth, NH, voters overwhelmingly adopt a rights-based ordinance banning unsustainable energy projects and protecting their right to a sustainable energy future. The measure bans the Northern Pass project.

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Jan 31, 2018

New Hampshire Rep. Ellen Read on adopting a Community Rights state constitutional amendment

New Hampshire Rep. Ellen Read on adopting a Community Rights state constitutional amendment

As the New Hampshire Community Rights state constitutional amendment moves forward to a legislative committee, Representative Ellen Read voices her support for the amendment. Listen here.

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Jan 31, 2018

Union Leader: Plymouth residents take aim at Northern Pass with new ordinance

Union Leader: Plymouth residents take aim at Northern Pass with new ordinance

Facing a massive electrical power corridor cutting through New Hampshire, the people of Plymouth ban the project in their Town using Community Rights. Next step: a statewide amendment codifying Community Rights in the NH constitution.

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Jan 29, 2018

Blog: One Final New Year’s Resolution for 2018

Blog: One Final New Year’s Resolution for 2018

Let’s stop lying to each other and stop protesting. Let’s start truth-telling and begin building our communities based on rights. It’s time.

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Jan 25, 2018

The Laconia Daily Sun: Let’s not wait for the Legislature’s permission to self-govern

The Laconia Daily Sun: Let’s not wait for the Legislature’s permission to self-govern

A former Selectperson from Ashland, NH, writes this LTE on the NH Community Rights state constitutional amendment. We are born with the inalienable right to local community self-government, and we must exercise that right.

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Jan 24, 2018

In These Times: Does the Natural World Needs Its Own Bill of Rights?

In These Times: Does the Natural World Needs Its Own Bill of Rights?

Environmental regulations aren’t doing much for the environment – but recognizing nature’s rights is.

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Jan 23, 2018

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment  Advances to Public Committee Hearing

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Advances to Public Committee Hearing

New Hampshire residents and the NHCRN advance a Community Rights state constitutional amendment to the legislative committee hearing.

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Jan 22, 2018

Non-Profit Quarterly: Nonprofit Legal Firm Ordered to Pay for its Defense of Anti-Fracking City Ordinance

Non-Profit Quarterly: Nonprofit Legal Firm Ordered to Pay for its Defense of Anti-Fracking City Ordinance

Sanctioning public interest attorneys for defending Grant Township, PA’s, ban on fracking wastewater injection wells is the next step in efforts to stop communities from refusing harmful corporate projects.

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Jan 21, 2018

Blog: When we fight, we win

Blog: When we fight, we win

Why are attacks from the corporate state escalating against communities who are advancing basic rights and protecting themselves from harm? And what’s next?

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Jan 17, 2018

Desmog: Court Orders Nonprofit Law Firm to Pay $52,000 to Oil and Gas Company for Defending Local Fracking Waste Ban

Desmog: Court Orders Nonprofit Law Firm to Pay $52,000 to Oil and Gas Company for Defending Local Fracking Waste Ban

Community Rights is growing, and this is the corporate state’s punitive response.

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Jan 15, 2018

Blog: Having a Dream is Just the Beginning

Blog: Having a Dream is Just the Beginning

Dr. Martin Luther King is remembered for his extraordinary leadership in advancing Civil Rights. Let us not forget, either, how the system he and his followers sought to change, punished them for doing so.

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Jan 11, 2018

The Athens News: City Council commits to codifying citizen-OKed laws, including anti-fracking, pot de-penalization

The Athens News: City Council commits to codifying citizen-OKed laws, including anti-fracking, pot de-penalization

Protecting water means enforcing their Community Bill of Rights fracking ban, says Athens, OH, residents. The rights-based law was adopted overwhelmingly by residents in 2014.

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Jan 10, 2018

Rolling Stone: The Rights of Nature Movement Goes on Trial

Rolling Stone: The Rights of Nature Movement Goes on Trial

The people of Grant Township, PA, are fiercely defending their right to clean air and water. A federal judge sanctions two attorneys for standing with Grant and fighting for their rights.

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Jan 5, 2018

Press Release: Federal Court Sanctions Lawyers for Defending Community’s Right to Say “No” to Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

Press Release: Federal Court Sanctions Lawyers for Defending Community’s Right to Say “No” to Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

The corporate state’s judiciary punishes attorneys defending Grant Township, PA, residents against the oil and gas industry by imposing sanctions.

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Jan 5, 2018

Blog: Seceding from Ourselves

Blog: Seceding from Ourselves

Abolitionists urged secession to end the slave state. Explore secession to end the corporate state.

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Jan 3, 2018

Daily Camera: Lafayette to meet with legal fund on fracking ban defense, over counsel’s concerns

Daily Camera: Lafayette to meet with legal fund on fracking ban defense, over counsel’s concerns

Lafayette, CO, city council looks to defend its Right to Climate ordinance banning fracking activities, holding an open forum with CELDF on strategies to do so.

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Dec 22, 2017

The Guardian: New Zealand gives Mount Taranaki same legal rights as a person

The Guardian: New Zealand gives Mount Taranaki same legal rights as a person

As part of the growing Rights of Nature movement, this sacred mountain in New Zealand is now recognized as having rights.

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Dec 21, 2017

Fosters.com: We the people shall rule

Fosters.com: We the people shall rule

People have always risen up to right the wrongs inflicted by the ruling elite. That time has come again, and the people of New Hampshire are using Community Rights to end harmful exploitation of our communities.

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Dec 20, 2017

Press Release: First Rights of Nature Easement Established in Hawaii

Press Release: First Rights of Nature Easement Established in Hawaii

As part of the growing Rights of Nature movement, the first conservation easement in Hawaii recognizing the Rights of Nature now protects 8 acres of land on the island of Kaua’i.

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