
Apr 4, 2017

Communities take action when their government fails them: Community Rights in PA/OH

Communities take action when their government fails them: Community Rights in PA/OH

Environmental activists, leaders, and residents are touring Pennsylvania and Ohio, sharing what they are doing in the face of the corporate state attempting to force fossil fuel harms in their communities.

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Apr 3, 2017

Blog: Colorado Fracking “Win:” Redefining Victory

Blog: Colorado Fracking “Win:” Redefining Victory

Colorado youth gained a win with the recent Court of Appeals decision regarding the COGCC and fracking permits. But how far does that win go?

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Apr 2, 2017

For economic and environmental sustainability, we need to govern ourselves

For economic and environmental sustainability, we need to govern ourselves

A Coos County, OR, resident calls out local officials supporting the oil and gas industry, rather than supporting residents in building long term economic and environmental sustainability through the people’s May ballot measure.

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Apr 2, 2017

Who Needs Sanctuary? We All Do

Who Needs Sanctuary? We All Do

People can’t be illegal, but policies that strip them of fundamental rights can be. What can we do? Govern ourselves in the places we live, establishing human rights to safety, dignity, and sanctuary.

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Mar 31, 2017

In These Times: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Sues Towns for Trying to Protect Their Environment

In These Times: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Sues Towns for Trying to Protect Their Environment

It doesn’t get any clearer than this: our own environmental regulatory agencies suing communities who dare to protect the environment by banning fracking activities. Is there any question that we live in a corporate state?

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Mar 30, 2017

KBOO: Rights-based ban on pesticide spraying in Lincoln Co, OR, is on May ballot

KBOO: Rights-based ban on pesticide spraying in Lincoln Co, OR, is on May ballot

Seeking to elevate environmental rights over corporate “rights,” Lincoln Co, OR, residents will vote on a ban on aerial pesticide spraying in May.

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Mar 30, 2017

PennLive: Outrage and localism after state sues towns that banned frack water wells

PennLive: Outrage and localism after state sues towns that banned frack water wells

Residents of Grant and Highland Townships, PA, are outraged by the Dept. of Environmental Protection’s lawsuits against them for rights-based laws banning frack waste injections wells.

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Mar 29, 2017

PR: The Corporate State of Pennsylvania

PR: The Corporate State of Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection sues Townships with Community Rights Home Rule Charters to force in fracking injection wells.

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Mar 28, 2017

PA Dept of Environmental Protection sues its own communities over fracking injection wells

PA Dept of Environmental Protection sues its own communities over fracking injection wells

A state agency charged with protecting the health and safety of communities and the natural environment sues Grant and Highland Townships in Pennsylvania, attempting to force in frack wastewater injection wells against the will of the people.

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Mar 24, 2017

PR: India Court Declares Personhood for Ganga and Yumana Rivers

PR: India Court Declares Personhood for Ganga and Yumana Rivers

This week the High Court of Uttarakhand, a state in India, recognized the personhood rights of the River Ganga and River Yumana – a step towards recognizing the rights of nature to exist and flourish.

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Mar 23, 2017

PR: Ohio / Pennsylvania Communities Rising Tour: Defying the Corporate State

PR: Ohio / Pennsylvania Communities Rising Tour: Defying the Corporate State

Ohio and Pennsylvania residents are inundated with environmental harms, and have had enough. Join the Communities Rising tour, featuring voices from the front lines in the wave of direction action against the corporate state. Check it out here.

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Mar 22, 2017

PR: First in Ohio Ballot Initiative: Right to a Healthy Climate in Bowling Green

PR: First in Ohio Ballot Initiative: Right to a Healthy Climate in Bowling Green

Bowling Green, OH, students and residents join together to advance a Community Rights Charter Amendment for the November ballot. The measure would establish a right climate – the first measure of its kind in the state.

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Mar 17, 2017

WOUB Athens, OH – Interview with CELDF’s Tish O’Dell

WOUB Athens, OH – Interview with CELDF’s Tish O’Dell

CELDF’s Tish O’Dell interviewed on WOUB radio on Community Rights for Social Justice Workshop: Growing Roots and Rights. Myriad issues share a common root problem: a structure of law and governance that blocks our right to local community self-government. Learn here what you can do about it.

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Mar 10, 2017

Changing the power structures through We the People 2.0 and Community Rights

Changing the power structures through We the People 2.0 and Community Rights

Gig Harbor, WA, residents face over-development and environmental threats – and turn to the documentary We the People 2.0 and Community Rights for solutions.

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Mar 9, 2017

CCBOR Media Release: Columbus Water Protectors Deliver Anti-Fracking Petitions to City Hall

CCBOR Media Release: Columbus Water Protectors Deliver Anti-Fracking Petitions to City Hall

Columbus, OH, residents to deliver more than 10,000 signatures to City Hall on Friday. Residents are working to place a Community Bill of Rights banning toxic fracking waste on the November ballot.

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Mar 4, 2017

Voices Network: Occupy Community Rights

Voices Network: Occupy Community Rights

Co-host David Callihan interviews CELDF’s Emelyn Lybarger and OHCRN’s Tish O’Dell, discussing Community Rights to create the change necessary to transform our oppressive structure of law and governance.

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Feb 22, 2017

Indiana Gazette LTE: Learning from Grant Twp, PA, on protecting our communities from fracking

Indiana Gazette LTE: Learning from Grant Twp, PA, on protecting our communities from fracking

When our government fails to protect us from fracking activities, we must do so ourselves.

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Feb 20, 2017

The World: Coos County Right to a Sustainable Energy Future Ordinance on May ballot in OR

The World: Coos County Right to a Sustainable Energy Future Ordinance on May ballot in OR

Coos County, OR, residents advance rights to stop Jordan Cove LNG export project.

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Feb 17, 2017

CELDF Blog: Worried about SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch? Remember, movements don’t begin and end at the Supreme Court steps

CELDF Blog: Worried about SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch? Remember, movements don’t begin and end at the Supreme Court steps

Driving rights forward requires our joining together in advancing cultural and legal change – it will not begin with the Supreme Court.

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Feb 16, 2017

Bioneers: Bioneers Partners with CELDF on Rights of Nature in Indigenous Communities

Bioneers: Bioneers Partners with CELDF on Rights of Nature in Indigenous Communities

Where indigenous communities seek a western legal framework to protect Rights of Nature, CELDF and Bioneers are working together to support them.

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Feb 13, 2017

The Seattle Times LTE: City Council applauded – now it’s time for Community Rights

The Seattle Times LTE: City Council applauded – now it’s time for Community Rights

Seattle’s City Council withdraws financial ties with Wells Fargo over the Dakota Access Pipeline. Now it’s time for them to take the next step.

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Feb 12, 2017

Lancaster Online: No remedy to protect themselves, Lancaster Co, PA residents take direct action

Lancaster Online: No remedy to protect themselves, Lancaster Co, PA residents take direct action

Lancaster Co, PA, residents move to non-violent civil disobedience to protect their communities from the Atlantic Sunrise LNG pipeline.

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Feb 9, 2017

The Colorado Independent: Lafayette Climate Bill of Rights draws passionate support from mothers, children

The Colorado Independent: Lafayette Climate Bill of Rights draws passionate support from mothers, children

Lafayette, CO, residents show resounding support for a Climate Bill of Rights that would legalize non-violent civil disobedience to enforce their ban on fracking.

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Feb 8, 2017

Daily Camera: Lafayette leaders, Standing Rock members voice support for anti-fracking proposal

Daily Camera: Lafayette leaders, Standing Rock members voice support for anti-fracking proposal

Lafayette, CO, residents and Standing Rock members call for local action as Lafayette advances a Climate Bill of Rights and Protections.

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Feb 6, 2017

The Oberlin Review: Oberlin Must Stand by Community Bill of Rights

The Oberlin Review: Oberlin Must Stand by Community Bill of Rights

The City of Oberlin, OH, has a Community Bill of Rights protecting them from unsustainable energy projects – and an Oberlin resident calls on the community to enforce it.

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Feb 1, 2017

The Spokesman-Review: Oil, coal train protesters in Spokane file federal lawsuit claiming climate change protections

The Spokesman-Review: Oil, coal train protesters in Spokane file federal lawsuit claiming climate change protections

Residents of Spokane, WA, file a federal lawsuit asserting the people’s right to a healthy climate.

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Feb 1, 2017

KREM2: ‘Raging Grannies’ and other protesters file federal lawsuit claiming climate change protections

KREM2: ‘Raging Grannies’ and other protesters file federal lawsuit claiming climate change protections

“Raging Granny” residents in Spokane, WA, file federal lawsuit for a right to a livable climate.

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Jan 31, 2017

PR: Spokane Arrestees Sue U.S. Government: Seek to Overturn Federal Preemption of Local Control  Over Coal and Oil Trains

PR: Spokane Arrestees Sue U.S. Government: Seek to Overturn Federal Preemption of Local Control Over Coal and Oil Trains

CELDF files lawsuit against the federal government, asserting federal law preempting municipal control of fossil fuel rail shipments violates residents’ constitutional right to a healthy climate and local self-government.

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Jan 31, 2017

PR: Spokane Arrestees Sue U.S. Government: Seek to Overturn Federal Preemption of Local Health and Safety Laws  Concerning Coal and Oil Trains

PR: Spokane Arrestees Sue U.S. Government: Seek to Overturn Federal Preemption of Local Health and Safety Laws Concerning Coal and Oil Trains

CELDF files lawsuit against the federal government, asserting federal law preempting municipal control of fossil fuel rail shipments violates residents’ constitutional right to a healthy climate and local self-government.

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Jan 28, 2017

Columbus Free Press: Corporate State Attempts to Choke Off Citizens’ Initiatives

Columbus Free Press: Corporate State Attempts to Choke Off Citizens’ Initiatives

As prior people’s movements have taught us, when unjust government promotes unjust laws, we must promote local laws advancing rights.

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Jan 21, 2017

Counterpunch: Get The Frack Out of Pennsylvania

Counterpunch: Get The Frack Out of Pennsylvania

Fiction mirrors reality, and author Lee Ballinger draws the parallels between a novel set in Pennsylvania describing the ravages of fracking, and the reality in Grant Township, where residents are fighting back to protect themselves and assert their rights.

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Jan 20, 2017

Mrs. Green’s World: CELDF’s Kai Huschke on Community Rights

Mrs. Green’s World: CELDF’s Kai Huschke on Community Rights

CELDF’s Kai Huschke is featured on Mrs. Green’s World, talking about We, the People, taking control of our own government and our own communities to create what they envision for themselves and future generations.

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Jan 19, 2017

The Athens Messenger: HB 463 will not stand

The Athens Messenger: HB 463 will not stand

Ohioans recognize the state legislature’s assault on democracy through the adoption of HB 463. Presented as a foreclosure bill, legislators encroached on citizens’ right to initiative, blocking the right to local self-government.

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Jan 19, 2017

Boulder Weekly: Lafayette Council considers legalizing direct action to protect environment

Boulder Weekly: Lafayette Council considers legalizing direct action to protect environment

The state of Colorado refuses to recognize residents’ right to protect themselves from fracking. But Lafayette City Council considers a Right to Climate ordinance legalizing nonviolent direct action to protect residents – and residents came out in droves to support the local law.

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Jan 18, 2017

The Colorado Independent: Lafayette’s Climate Change Bill of Rights: A small town grapples with a big idea

The Colorado Independent: Lafayette’s Climate Change Bill of Rights: A small town grapples with a big idea

An overwhelming number of Lafayette, CO, residents attend a City Council meeting to urge support for a Climate Bill of Rights and Protections that legalizes non-violent civil disobedience.

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Jan 17, 2017

KDV1 Fox 31 Denver: Proposed ordinance sparks fracking debate in Lafayette

KDV1 Fox 31 Denver: Proposed ordinance sparks fracking debate in Lafayette

Lafayette and other Colorado residents come out in force to support a Climate Bill of Rights ordinance that bans fracking.

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Jan 16, 2017

Daily Camera: Merrily Mazza: Why we need a Lafayette Climate Bill of Rights

Daily Camera: Merrily Mazza: Why we need a Lafayette Climate Bill of Rights

Lafaytte, CO, City Councilwoman Merrily Mazza co-sponsors the Lafayette Climate Bill of Rights and Protections, calling for nonviolent civil disobedience to end unjust laws under the corporate state.

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Jan 15, 2017

Guest Blog: American Propaganda

Guest Blog: American Propaganda

Propaganda is key to controlling our political landscape. Media literacy is crucial to our social activism – we must understand the elite’s control of mass media and how it distorts reality if we are going to stop the corporate state.

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Jan 15, 2017

Blog: Matters of State Concern: The Tyranny of Preemption

Blog: Matters of State Concern: The Tyranny of Preemption

The corporate state justifies obliterating local democracy through claims to be protecting the interests of residents across the state. We can no longer tolerate this tyranny.

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Jan 14, 2017

Kane Republican: Motion to intervene filed in Highland Twp. case

Kane Republican: Motion to intervene filed in Highland Twp. case

While Seneca Resources tries to force a frack wastewater injection well into Highland Twp, PA, a second time, residents and the Crystal Spring Ecosystem fight back, filing for intervenor status in a federal lawsuit.

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Jan 14, 2017

Akron Beacon Journal: LTE – Right to Local Control

Akron Beacon Journal: LTE – Right to Local Control

The Ohio legislature adopted HB 463, further stripping communities of local control. Portage County residents speak out, vowing they will press forward with a county-wide rights-based charter.

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Jan 13, 2017

PR: Ecosystem and Residents File Motion to Intervene In Federal Lawsuit

PR: Ecosystem and Residents File Motion to Intervene In Federal Lawsuit

Crystal Spring Ecosystem and residents of Highland Township, PA, filed to intervene in a lawsuit today. Parties are fighting to block Seneca Resources’ plans to site a frack wastewater injection well in the Township as a violation of their Home Rule Charter.

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Jan 8, 2017

Akron Beacon Journal: How lame ducks narrowed the right of Ohioans to take issues to the ballot

Akron Beacon Journal: How lame ducks narrowed the right of Ohioans to take issues to the ballot

The editorial board speaks out against the Ohio legislature’s stripping residents of their right to initiative.

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Jan 8, 2017

Blog: Relying on Undemocratic Mechanisms to Achieve “Democracy”

Blog: Relying on Undemocratic Mechanisms to Achieve “Democracy”

Our system to elect the President is undemocratic – and so are efforts to use the electoral college to block President-elect Trump on inauguration day. We need systemic change if we are going to realize a democracy.

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Jan 7, 2017

Blog: From Standing Rock to Million Women March and Beyond…if There is One

Blog: From Standing Rock to Million Women March and Beyond…if There is One

From North Dakota to Washington, D.C., people are gathering to protect water, air, and soil, and to make a stand for justice and equality. What’s next?

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Jan 6, 2017

Kane Republican: Former water/sewer board is back in Highland

Kane Republican: Former water/sewer board is back in Highland

Highland Township Supervisors in Highland, PA, abandon their efforts to illegitimately remove the Water Authority board. Highland residents are fighting to protect themselves from an injection well, while their Supervisors ally with the fracking industry.

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