
Dec 7, 2017

The New Political: Here’s how the Ohio Community Rights Network is reforming the Ohio Constitution

The New Political: Here’s how the Ohio Community Rights Network is reforming the Ohio Constitution

CELDF, the Ohio Community Rights Network, and Athens County, OH, residents are partnering together to advance democratic and environmental rights to all Ohio residents.

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Dec 7, 2017

Blog: Downsizing Nature: The Fight for Bears Ears and Beyond

Blog: Downsizing Nature: The Fight for Bears Ears and Beyond

Nature isn’t protected in our constitution. And so ecosystems, including our national monuments, are protected – or not – at the whim of current powerbrokers.

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Dec 7, 2017

Press Release: Ohio Ballot Board Approves Community Rights State Constitutional Amendments

Press Release: Ohio Ballot Board Approves Community Rights State Constitutional Amendments

Two Community Rights state constitutional amendments advance in Ohio, meeting Ballot Board requirements for single subject. Residents are launching their signature gathering campaign.

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Dec 7, 2017

San Diego Free Press: Time to Escalate? First-Ever Rights of Nature Lawsuit Dismissed

San Diego Free Press: Time to Escalate? First-Ever Rights of Nature Lawsuit Dismissed

Will Falk, as a “next friend” in the recently dismissed Colorado River v. State of Colorado lawsuit, examines the reality of our legal system – designed to protect property, not people or nature.

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Dec 4, 2017

A Win for People’s Democratic Rights in the Ohio Supreme Court

A Win for People’s Democratic Rights in the Ohio Supreme Court

For three years, Ohio government and the oil and gas industry have tried to quash Community Rights. This year, communities have come back stronger than ever, and with a win in the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Dec 4, 2017

Rights of Nature – 2017 Symposium and Building a Movement

Rights of Nature – 2017 Symposium and Building a Movement

CELDF is leading the Rights of Nature movement, working with communities to change our trajectory and establish the sustainable communities so many envision.

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Dec 4, 2017

CELDF: Forging a Movement for Rights

CELDF: Forging a Movement for Rights

What began over twenty years ago as an effort to help communities enforce the nation’s environmental laws, has now fully evolved into a resistance movement focused on driving rights for local self-determination and nature into the highest levels of law.

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Dec 2, 2017

Post Independent: State files again to dismiss Colorado River ‘personhood’ lawsuit, threatens to sanction lawyer

Post Independent: State files again to dismiss Colorado River ‘personhood’ lawsuit, threatens to sanction lawyer

The Colorado AG wants to shut down the rights of nature case, Colorado River v. State of Colorado. Supporters know the case is part of a growing movement to protect ecosystems by recognizing their rights.

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Nov 30, 2017

Summit Daily: Attorney in Colorado River lawsuit refuses to withdraw suit despite threats of sanctions from state

Summit Daily: Attorney in Colorado River lawsuit refuses to withdraw suit despite threats of sanctions from state

As climate change accelerates unabated, growing numbers of people and communities are advancing Rights of Nature in court. In Colorado, the Attorney General uses threat of sanctions to shut it down.

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Nov 29, 2017

Courthouse News: Attorney Rebuffs Colorado’s Threat of Sanctions in River Case

Courthouse News: Attorney Rebuffs Colorado’s Threat of Sanctions in River Case

Jason Flores-Williams is arguing for the rights of the Colorado River in federal court and now faces sanctions for doing so. He is unflinching in his response.

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Nov 29, 2017

US News: Ohio Activists Push Amendments to Restore Community Rights

US News: Ohio Activists Push Amendments to Restore Community Rights

Communities across the country are rising up as corporate threats grow – including Ohio, where residents are advancing rights-based state constitutional amendments elevating Community Rights over corporate “rights.”

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Nov 28, 2017

The Hartmann Report: What’s It Going to Take to Return to the Politics of Sanity?

The Hartmann Report: What’s It Going to Take to Return to the Politics of Sanity?

Radio host Thom Hartmann interviews NH representative Ellen Read and CELDF’s Michelle Sanborn on the NH Community Rights state constitutional amendment. The interview begins at 31 minutes.

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Nov 28, 2017

The Athens News: Rights groups hope to achieve goals by altering state law

The Athens News: Rights groups hope to achieve goals by altering state law

Coming up against state preemption and corporate “rights,” Ohio residents say “no more!” They are working with CELDF to advance two state constitutional amendments that protect community and nature’s rights.

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Nov 28, 2017

Cleveland.com: Ohio local governance amendments certified by Attorney General Mike DeWine

Cleveland.com: Ohio local governance amendments certified by Attorney General Mike DeWine

Ohio residents meet first hurdle in advancing two rights-based state constitutional amendments, drafted with CELDF and the Ohio Community Rights Network.

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Nov 22, 2017

Belt Magazine: Big Ag vs. Lake Erie: How Ohio’s Biggest Industry Threatens Its Greatest Resource

Belt Magazine: Big Ag vs. Lake Erie: How Ohio’s Biggest Industry Threatens Its Greatest Resource

Growing algae in Lake Erie is driving Toledo, OH, residents to advance a Community Bill of Rights initiative, which would protect the Lake, recognizing its right to exist and flourish.

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Nov 20, 2017

Blog: A New Hampshire Resident & Legislator Exchange Words on Community Rights

Blog: A New Hampshire Resident & Legislator Exchange Words on Community Rights

A powerful exchange between a New Hampshire legislator and a New Hampshire resident on Community Rights.

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Nov 18, 2017

Post Independent: Supporters rally to give Colorado River rights

Post Independent: Supporters rally to give Colorado River rights

Supporters of the federal lawsuit to recognize rights of the Colorado River look ahead to build momentum for the broader recognition of the rights of nature.

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Nov 17, 2017

Press Release: Ohio Residents Fight for Rights: Submit State Constitutional Amendments to Guarantee Right to Local Self-Government

Press Release: Ohio Residents Fight for Rights: Submit State Constitutional Amendments to Guarantee Right to Local Self-Government

Today, residents take action to protect democratic and environmental rights in Ohio, submitting two state constitutional amendments to the Ohio Attorney General.

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Nov 17, 2017

The Hill: My freedom is on the line to fight climate change, more will follow

The Hill: My freedom is on the line to fight climate change, more will follow

Climate Disobedience Center’s Ken Ward lays bare what the Bonn climate talks are really about: 50 shades of climate denial. People on the ground and driven by necessity will do what is necessary to save the planet.

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Nov 15, 2017

Seacoastonline.com: Amendment would recognize right to self-government

Seacoastonline.com: Amendment would recognize right to self-government

Residents urge New Hampshire legislators to place a Community Rights state constitutional amendment on the ballot for voters.

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Nov 14, 2017

Press Release: As Part of Growing Community Rights Movement, New Hampshire Legislators Consider State Constitutional Amendment

Press Release: As Part of Growing Community Rights Movement, New Hampshire Legislators Consider State Constitutional Amendment

The NH Community Rights Network and residents successfully introduce a rights-based state constitutional amendment to the NH legislature with Representative Ellen Read as a sponsor.

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Nov 13, 2017

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: ‘No is no is no’: A tiny township’s fight against oil and gas waste disposal

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: ‘No is no is no’: A tiny township’s fight against oil and gas waste disposal

While Grant Township, PA, residents fight to protect themselves from PGE’s frack wastewater injection well, the oil and gas industry admits it wants to bankrupt CELDF.

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Nov 13, 2017

Press Release: Coos Bay Estuary Speaks Out Against FERC

Press Release: Coos Bay Estuary Speaks Out Against FERC

Coos Bay Estuary on the coast of Oregon files to intervene in FERC proceedings. Coos Bay is threatened by a massive LNG export terminal and a pipeline.

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Nov 11, 2017

The Post: Charter proponents protest outside board of elections

The Post: Charter proponents protest outside board of elections

Community Rights activists speak out against Medina County’s BOE blocking a proposed county charter citizen initiative. Residents gathered 17,000 signatures to place the measure on the November ballot.

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Nov 10, 2017

Truthout: “Nature Has Rights”: Activists Call for a Legal Transformation

Truthout: “Nature Has Rights”: Activists Call for a Legal Transformation

There is a growing global movement of activists and attorneys who are forging a new kind of environmental law by proclaiming the legal “rights of nature.”

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Nov 9, 2017

Blog: Capitalism: The Elephant in the Room

Blog: Capitalism: The Elephant in the Room

Through seizing municipal government, communities are building a bulwark of rights for human and natural communities, working to liberate our communities from capitalism.

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Nov 7, 2017

Sentinel-Tribune: Mayor offers impromptu remarks on Nexus, charter amendment

Sentinel-Tribune: Mayor offers impromptu remarks on Nexus, charter amendment

Students fight for right to a livable climate in Bowling Green, OH, advancing a charter amendment measure to protect the City from the Nexus pipeline.

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Nov 7, 2017

Press Release: Youngstown Residents Circulating Petitions for Water Protection Law

Press Release: Youngstown Residents Circulating Petitions for Water Protection Law

Youngstown, OH, residents make their comeback, gathering signatures on election day for their Community Rights charter amendment protecting their water.

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Oct 31, 2017

Sentinel-Tribune: Nexus is the only ‘special interest’ in charter fight

Sentinel-Tribune: Nexus is the only ‘special interest’ in charter fight

Attorney Terry Lodge blasts Bowling Green, OH, City Council for refusing to protect the community from the Nexus pipeline threatening the City. Residents are voting next week on their rights-based charter amendment banning the pipeline.

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Oct 30, 2017

The Nation: Meet the Legal Theorists Behind the Financial Takeover of Puerto Rico

The Nation: Meet the Legal Theorists Behind the Financial Takeover of Puerto Rico

A new legal theory to treat public municipalities as private corporations when they are in fiscal crisis justifies outright dictatorship – and the theory is being put into action.

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Oct 30, 2017

KBOO Radio: Coos River Estuary Intervenes in Jordan Cove FERC Proceedings

KBOO Radio: Coos River Estuary Intervenes in Jordan Cove FERC Proceedings

As part of the growing movement for the Rights of Nature, Coos River Estuary in Oregon recently filed to intervene in a FERC hearing on the Jordan Cove project.

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Oct 22, 2017

Patricia Randolph’s Madravenspeak: Plaintiff Coyote: Group helps communities put rights of nature into law

Patricia Randolph’s Madravenspeak: Plaintiff Coyote: Group helps communities put rights of nature into law

This is what we need to do, given the global environmental crisis we face and the legal structure that created it: dismantle existing law and build something new.

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Oct 19, 2017

Press Release: Bowling Green Residents Tip OH Supreme Court in their Favor, Win Fight for Right to Vote

Press Release: Bowling Green Residents Tip OH Supreme Court in their Favor, Win Fight for Right to Vote

Bowling Green residents declare victory! Their right to vote affirmed in Ohio Supreme Court as the first-in-the-state Right to Climate initiative goes on the November ballot.

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Oct 19, 2017

KUNC: Is A Personhood Lawsuit The Best Way To Save The Colorado River?

KUNC: Is A Personhood Lawsuit The Best Way To Save The Colorado River?

An over-burdened Colorado River ecosystem files a first-in-the-nation lawsuit to have its rights recognized at a time of growing ecological crisis.

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Oct 19, 2017

Sentinel-Tribune: Ohio Supreme Court denies effort to keep BG charter amendment off ballot

Sentinel-Tribune: Ohio Supreme Court denies effort to keep BG charter amendment off ballot

The people prevail! An attempt to keep Bowling Green, OH, residents from voting on their Right to Climate ballot initiative falls flat before the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Oct 18, 2017

NPQ: The Colorado River Has Its Own Lawyer Now

NPQ: The Colorado River Has Its Own Lawyer Now

A lawsuit to recognize the rights of the Colorado River to exist, flourish, and evolve, is the next step in the growing Rights of Nature movement.

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Oct 18, 2017

Desmog: Fossil Fuel Misinformation Helps Quash Community Effort to Ban Fracking in Youngstown, Ohio

Desmog: Fossil Fuel Misinformation Helps Quash Community Effort to Ban Fracking in Youngstown, Ohio

The oil and gas industry, Ohio legislators, and the Ohio Supreme Court strip Youngstown residents of their right to vote. Their response: “Onward!”

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Oct 17, 2017

Blog: Pebble Mine: Risen from the Dead

Blog: Pebble Mine: Risen from the Dead

Pebble Mine is moving forward in Alaska. We need a revolution if we have any hope to protect the ecosystems we depend upon.

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Oct 13, 2017

CBC Radio’s The Current: Colorado River should have same legal status as a person: lawsuit

CBC Radio’s The Current: Colorado River should have same legal status as a person: lawsuit

The Current interviews attorney Jason Flores-Williams on his work with Deep Green Resistance to recognize the rights of the Colorado River. DGR filed a federal lawsuit filed last month.

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Oct 10, 2017

Blog: Taking a Knee on the First Amendment

Blog: Taking a Knee on the First Amendment

If we take a knee to protest racism in our capacity as employees, our rights under the first amendment are not protected.

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Oct 6, 2017

Press Release: Split Decision in Ohio Supreme Court for Youngstown Ballot Initiatives

Press Release: Split Decision in Ohio Supreme Court for Youngstown Ballot Initiatives

In a 4-3 decision, the Ohio Supreme Court denies Youngstown residents the right to vote. Residents vow they are not surrendering their rights.

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Oct 2, 2017

Press Release: Judge Strikes Portions of Democratically-Enacted Charter Banning Frack Waste

Press Release: Judge Strikes Portions of Democratically-Enacted Charter Banning Frack Waste

Highland Township, PA, residents plan enforcement of their Home Rule Charter banning a frack wastewater injection well as judiciary sides with Seneca Resources Corporation.

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Sep 30, 2017

The Register-Guard: Supporters of Lane County aerial herbicide spraying ban say they have enough signatures to put measure on May 15 election ballot

The Register-Guard: Supporters of Lane County aerial herbicide spraying ban say they have enough signatures to put measure on May 15 election ballot

Lane County, OR, residents submit signatures to place a rights-based initiative banning aerially sprayed pesticides on the May 2018 ballot.

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Sep 28, 2017

Daily Camera: Lisa Flynn: Take Back Local Government

Daily Camera: Lisa Flynn: Take Back Local Government

Longmont, CO, resident calls out state government sacrificing communities for corporate fracking interests. CELDF offers action for residents to protect themselves.

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Sep 26, 2017

Seeker: Lawsuit Seeks Legal Rights for the Colorado River

Seeker: Lawsuit Seeks Legal Rights for the Colorado River

Today, the Colorado River files in federal court for recognition of its rights to exist and flourish, as global warming and human consumption threaten its very survival.

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Sep 26, 2017

BG Independent News:  Two sides at odds over proposed BG charter amendment

BG Independent News: Two sides at odds over proposed BG charter amendment

Community rights proponents in Bowling Green, OH, work to protect themselves from harmful fossil fuel projects through a rights-based charter amendment.

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