Camylle Lanteigne has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Honours) from McGill University. She will be starting a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Public Administration at Concordia University in the Fall of 2020, focusing on environmental policy and technology policy.

In this thesis, she explores the conceptual links between anticapitalism and ecocentrism present in the philosophical underpinnings of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund’s work. We are excited to publish this piece. Camylle has been working and volunteering for many years with local organizations that aim to raise awareness about environmental issues and protect nature. In her free time, she loves to rock climb, hike, and read. She lives in Montreal.

Thesis: The Watermelon Way

Call for Papers: Submit your work to our library

If you’d like to submit your research to be added to CELDF’s resource library, please contact Simon at We will be releasing the library later this year.

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