Press Releases & Blogs

Aug 19, 2016

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Sides with Oil/Gas Industry Again Over Community Rights

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Sides with Oil/Gas Industry Again Over Community Rights

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted demonstrates his loyalty to the oil and gas industry by trying to block citizen initiatives. The initiatives propose county charters that ban fracking activities. Residents are fighting back, appealing Husted’s decision to the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Aug 15, 2016

Press Release: Democracy Ruled Dead in Highland Township

Press Release: Democracy Ruled Dead in Highland Township

Highland Township Supervisors overturn their rights-based fracking wastewater injection well ban. They file a consent decree to allow an injection well, and receive approval by a federal judge. Residents vow to fight back and protect their community.

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Aug 11, 2016

Press Release: Grant Township Wins Key Motions in Fight for Civil and Environmental Rights

Press Release: Grant Township Wins Key Motions in Fight for Civil and Environmental Rights

Grant Township, PA, residents and the Little Mahoning Watershed secure wins in motions filed recently by CELDF. Residents are fighting for their rights against PGE as the company tries to force a frack wastewater injection well in the Township.

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Aug 9, 2016

Press Release: Secretary of State & Medina County Block Community’s Right to Vote

Press Release: Secretary of State & Medina County Block Community’s Right to Vote

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted blocks Medina County residents from voting on their own County Charter initiative. Residents are filing with the Ohio Supreme Court to have their measure placed on the November ballot.

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Jul 25, 2016

Press Release: Athens County Residents Fight for Right to Initiative

Press Release: Athens County Residents Fight for Right to Initiative

Athens County, OH, residents worked with CELDF to file a protest today against their Board of Elections. The Board blocked their qualified County Charter initiative banning fracking wastewater injection wells from the November ballot.

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Jul 15, 2016

OHCRN Statement: County Boards of Elections Attempt to Stifle Democracy:  Meigs, Athens and Medina Counties

OHCRN Statement: County Boards of Elections Attempt to Stifle Democracy: Meigs, Athens and Medina Counties

Efforts in Ohio by local Boards of Elections to block rights-based County Charter initiatives banning fracking fail to disempower We the People.

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Jun 30, 2016

Press Release: Ohioans Determined to Stop Fracking through Asserting Rights

Press Release: Ohioans Determined to Stop Fracking through Asserting Rights

Last summer, the corporate state led efforts to keep Ohioans from voting on fracking bans. Ohio communities are back in action, refusing to be deterred, and committed to protecting their communities. Five ballot measures are submitted this week for November.

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Jun 10, 2016

Press Release: Spokane Initiative to Ban Coal, Oil Trains as Threat to Climate and Public Safety

Press Release: Spokane Initiative to Ban Coal, Oil Trains as Threat to Climate and Public Safety

Coal and oil trains passing through Spokane, WA, spark physician Gunnar Holmquist to take action, filing a CELDF-drafted Community Bill of Rights charter amendment banning the shipments as a violation of the right to a healthy climate and public safety.

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May 18, 2016

Press Release: Court Overrides Josephine County’s Democratic Decision-Making

Press Release: Court Overrides Josephine County’s Democratic Decision-Making

State preemption prevails again in this week’s decision from a Josephine County, OR, Circuit Court judge, overturning the people’s democratically enacted ban on GMOs.

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May 11, 2016

Press Release: Community Rights Ramps Up in Ohio

Press Release: Community Rights Ramps Up in Ohio

Today residents in Meigs County and the City of Waterville, OH, launched their petition campaigns to place rights-based initiatives before voters this November. Residents are organizing to stop fracking projects and protect rights to clean air and water.

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May 3, 2016

Press Release: Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Press Release: Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Grant Township, PA, residents make history as the first community in the U.S. to legalize nonviolent civil disobedience to protect their community from a fracking wastewater injection well.

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Mar 22, 2016

Tree Media Presents We the People 2.0 – The Second American Revolution

Tree Media Presents We the People 2.0 – The Second American Revolution

Tree Media releases the trailer for the film We the People 2.0, featuring CELDF. Check it out here.

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Mar 14, 2016

Press Release: Ohio Residents Launch Community Rights Petition Campaigns throughout the State on Primary Day

Press Release: Ohio Residents Launch Community Rights Petition Campaigns throughout the State on Primary Day

Five Ohio counties and cities launch Community Bills of Rights campaigns to protect themselves from fracking activities. Residents are aiming for the November 2016 ballot.

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Mar 12, 2016

Press Release: Barnstead, NH, Adopts First-in-the-Nation Law Protects Against Religious Persecution, Including Religious I.D. Requirements

Press Release: Barnstead, NH, Adopts First-in-the-Nation Law Protects Against Religious Persecution, Including Religious I.D. Requirements

Barnstead, NH, residents make history as the first community to adopt a Community Bill of Rights establishing the right to be free from religious identification requirements.

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Mar 11, 2016

Press Release: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Local Self-Government  State Constitutional Amendment Can Advance to Next Stage Toward Ballot

Press Release: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Local Self-Government State Constitutional Amendment Can Advance to Next Stage Toward Ballot

The Colorado Supreme Court clears the way for residents to advance their Community Rights state constitutional amendment initiative to the November ballot. Oil and gas industry representatives had attempted to keep the measure from being voted on by the people.

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Mar 9, 2016

Press Release: “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment Supporters Set Sights on 2017

Press Release: “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment Supporters Set Sights on 2017

Community Rights supporters in New Hampshire look to 2017 to bring forward their state constitutional amendment securing rights.

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Mar 8, 2016

Press Release: The People of Barrington, NH, Vote in Community Rights at Town Meeting

Press Release: The People of Barrington, NH, Vote in Community Rights at Town Meeting

The people of Barrington, NH, adopt a Community Bill of Rights, asserting their right to clean air, pure water, and local, community self-government. The rights-based ordinance bans corporate gravel extraction and water withdrawals as a violation of those rights.

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Feb 29, 2016

Green Party of England and Wales Adopts Rights of Nature Policy:  CELDF Assisted in Drafting New Rights-Based Plank

Green Party of England and Wales Adopts Rights of Nature Policy: CELDF Assisted in Drafting New Rights-Based Plank

CELDF assists the Green Party of England and Wales to draft a Rights of Nature policy platform, which was adopted by the Party on Sunday. The policy calls for the recognition of the rights of nature to exist and flourish.

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Feb 28, 2016

CELDF Statement: Corporations Successful in Blocking Spokane from Voting on Community Bill of Rights

CELDF Statement: Corporations Successful in Blocking Spokane from Voting on Community Bill of Rights

In a move reflective of efforts by the corporate state to quash citizens’ initiatives across the U.S., the Washington Supreme Court recently denied Spokane residents the right to vote on their Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment.

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Feb 21, 2016

NH Legislature Holds First-in-Nation Public Hearing on “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment

NH Legislature Holds First-in-Nation Public Hearing on “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment

For the first time in the U.S., a state legislative committee held a public hearing on a Community Rights state constitutional amendment. Residents from across New Hampshire testified in support of the measure as they face an onslaught of harmful corporate projects in their communities.

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Dec 2, 2015

Two Landslide Wins in PA

Two Landslide Wins in PA

In November, both Grant Township and West Chester Borough, PA, residents adopt community rights measures to assert their authority for self-determination and to protect themselves from fracking activities.

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Dec 2, 2015

CELDF Celebrates 20 Years!

CELDF Celebrates 20 Years!

The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund turns 20 years old! What began as a mission to help communities fight permits has evolved into a Community Rights Movement for people and nature.

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Nov 4, 2015

Press Release: Youngstown Residents Just Shy of Codifying Community Rights

Press Release: Youngstown Residents Just Shy of Codifying Community Rights

Youngstown, OH, community rights supporters came within 345 votes of adopting their rights-based charter amendment banning fracking, and are ready to press forward.

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Nov 4, 2015

Press Release: West Chester, PA, Voters Adopt Community Rights Charter Amendment Banning  Fracking Wastewater, Pipelines, and Drilling

Press Release: West Chester, PA, Voters Adopt Community Rights Charter Amendment Banning Fracking Wastewater, Pipelines, and Drilling

The people of West Chester, PA, vote overwhelmingly to assert their community rights and ban fracking activities from their borough. They join dozens of other communities across the state – and the country – who are standing up for their rights.

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Nov 3, 2015

Press Release: Despite Court Ruling, Grant Township Bans Fracking Injection Wells Again, Through Municipal Charter

Press Release: Despite Court Ruling, Grant Township Bans Fracking Injection Wells Again, Through Municipal Charter

The people of Grant Township, PA, adopt the first rights-based charter in the country banning frack wastewater injection wells, two weeks after a federal judge overturned portions of a Community Bill of Rights ordinance banning the wells.

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Oct 5, 2015

Press Release: New Hampshire Legislature to Consider CELDF-Drafted State Constitutional Amendment

Press Release: New Hampshire Legislature to Consider CELDF-Drafted State Constitutional Amendment

A CELDF-drafted state constitutional amendment recognizing the rights of communities to govern themselves is being introduced in the New Hampshire legislature.

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Sep 19, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Upholds the Right of the People of Youngstown to Vote on a Citizens’ Initiative

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Upholds the Right of the People of Youngstown to Vote on a Citizens’ Initiative

The people of Youngstown’s constitutional right to vote on a local Bill of Rights charter amendment initiative was upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Sep 16, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Rules Against Secretary of State

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Rules Against Secretary of State

The Ohio Supreme Court rules in favor of the democratic rights of citizens, and against the Ohio Secretary of State’s claimed “unfettered authority” to block the people’s right to initiative.

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Sep 16, 2015

Government and Corporations Collude Against the People: Ohio Is a Corporate State

Government and Corporations Collude Against the People: Ohio Is a Corporate State

Ohio government officials, both locally and at the state level, use oil and gas industry law firms in an attempt to keep the people’s ballot initiatives impacting banning fracking off the November ballot.

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Aug 31, 2015

What’s in a Community Bill of Rights (CBOR)?

What’s in a Community Bill of Rights (CBOR)?

Community Bills of Rights (CBOR) come in a variety of forms, including municipal or county ordinances, home rule charters, charter amendments, state legislation, and state constitutional amendments. The community decides which form to use, depending largely upon the types of local government and the tools for exercising local government allowed by your state constitution.

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Aug 31, 2015

Initiating a Rights-Based Campaign

Initiating a Rights-Based Campaign

The Three G’s of Organizing

Wondering how to get started on the road to local self-government in your community? You’ll need:

A Goal,
A Group,
and Get out of “The Box” by asserting your Right to Local Self-Government

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Aug 31, 2015

Is it Really ILLEGAL to Think Outside the Box?

Is it Really ILLEGAL to Think Outside the Box?

What is it that keeps us from getting what we want in our communities? Why can’t we say, “No!” to harmful activities? The short answer is: THE LAW. A handful of legal doctrines make it illegal for communities to govern on important issues like fracking, factory farms, large-scale energy infrastructure projects and commercial water extraction.

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Aug 31, 2015

The System is Fixed and We Need to Break It

The System is Fixed and We Need to Break It

The system is broken! At CELDF we hear this all the time from communities asking for our help. Yet, to our eyes, the system is actually working just fine for those who created it; it’s been fixed to work on behalf of corporations that are protected by our state and federal governments.

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Aug 31, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Citizens Protest Against Secretary of State for denying their Constitutional Right to Vote

Press Release: Ohio Citizens Protest Against Secretary of State for denying their Constitutional Right to Vote

Ohio residents will demonstrate in downtown Columbus on Wednesday, against Ohio Secretary of State’s recent decision to remove three Home Rule county charter initiatives from the November ballot.

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Aug 31, 2015

Press Release: National Community Rights Network Endorses  NH  Town ’ s  Community Bill of Rights Ordinance

Press Release: National Community Rights Network Endorses NH Town ’ s Community Bill of Rights Ordinance

The National Community Rights Network backs Barrington, NH’s Community Bill of Rights Ordinance banning resource extraction as a violation of residents’ rights to clean air, water, and scenic preservation. Residents are bringing the measure forward for a vote at Town Meeting in March 2016.

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Aug 24, 2015

EcoWatch: Corporate Rights Trump Democracy in Ohio Fracking Fight

EcoWatch: Corporate Rights Trump Democracy in Ohio Fracking Fight

People who oppose having their communities transformed into corporate resource colonies are familiar with the Halliburton Loophole, a secretly drafted edict that places the oil and gas industries above the law, exempting them and no one else from obeying the clean water act, the clean air act, the safe water drinking act, and others. Now, Ohio Sec. of State Jon Husted has unilaterally placed those same corporations above the Ohio State Constitution.

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Aug 11, 2015

Press Release: Ecosystem, Community Group, and Municipal Authority File for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Community from Injection Well

Press Release: Ecosystem, Community Group, and Municipal Authority File for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Community from Injection Well

HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP, PA: Today, an ecosystem in the United States filed a motion to intervene in a federal lawsuit to defend its own rights to exist and flourish.

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Apr 1, 2015

In Remembrance of Gail Darrell

In Remembrance of Gail Darrell

It is with great sadness that we share with you the loss of our friend and colleague, Gail Darrell. For nearly a decade, Gail has worked to protect communities across New England from corporate and government interests that sought to override the rights of people, communities, and nature.

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Feb 3, 2015

CELDF Statement: Spokane Initiative Appellate Court Decision

CELDF Statement: Spokane Initiative Appellate Court Decision

In the face of corporations and government joining together to suppress the democratic rights of the people of Spokane, WA, to vote on a Community Bill of Rights, last week the Washington Court of Appeals overturned an earlier ruling and ordered the initiative be placed back on the ballot for a vote of the people.

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Nov 18, 2014

Press Release: First-in-the-Nation Action – Ecosystem Files for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Own Legal Rights to Exist and Flourish

Press Release: First-in-the-Nation Action – Ecosystem Files for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Own Legal Rights to Exist and Flourish

Today, for the first time, an ecosystem in the United States filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend its own right to exist and flourish. The Little Mahoning Watershed and Grant Township, PA, residents come up against the Pennsylvania General Energy Corporation.

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Nov 10, 2014

Punishing Democracy

Punishing Democracy

Denton, TX, joins a growing number of communities being sued by their own government and corporate entities, to punish communities for democratically enacting bans on fracking.

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Nov 5, 2014

Press Release: Athens, OH, Bans Fracking and Frack Waste Water Disposal as a Violation of Rights

Press Release: Athens, OH, Bans Fracking and Frack Waste Water Disposal as a Violation of Rights

Athens, OH, residents overwhelmingly adopt a Community Bill of Rights banning fracking wastewater disposal, as a violation of their rights to clean air, water, and the right to local self-government.

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Aug 21, 2014

The Colorado Statesman: How Congressman Jared Polis and Food and Water Watch sold out Colorado

The Colorado Statesman: How Congressman Jared Polis and Food and Water Watch sold out Colorado

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey calls out the blatant sellout of Coloradans by a Congressman who had claimed to support communities banning fracking, and a non-profit’s abandonment of helping protect Coloradans from fracking.

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Aug 19, 2014

Press Release: Lafayette, CO, Residents Seek Injunction Against State & Oil and Gas Industry for Violating the Right of Local Self-Government

Press Release: Lafayette, CO, Residents Seek Injunction Against State & Oil and Gas Industry for Violating the Right of Local Self-Government

Lafayette, CO, residents seek a preliminary injunction against the State of Colorado, the Governor, and the Colorado Oil and Gas Association to enforce their Community Bill of Rights banning fracking – adopted overwhelmingly by residents last November.

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Jul 1, 2014

CELDF Statement on New York Fracking Decision

CELDF Statement on New York Fracking Decision

We congratulate the victory in the New York Court of Appeals for banning fracking. We also recognize the Court, rather than affirming communities’ right to local self-governance, instead affirmed the state legislature may at any time remove those bans. Read more here.

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Dec 19, 2013

Press Release: Statement on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Ruling that Parts of Act 13 are Unconstitutional

Press Release: Statement on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Ruling that Parts of Act 13 are Unconstitutional

“This ruling, while welcome, does not stop fracking of Pennsylvania’s communities, nor does it recognize the right of the people of Pennsylvania to govern their own communities without state or corporate interference.” – Thomas Linzey, Esq., Executive Director

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Nov 6, 2013

Press Release: Ohio and Colorado Voters Adopt Community Bills of Rights

Press Release: Ohio and Colorado Voters Adopt Community Bills of Rights

Lafayette, CO, and Oberlin, OH, residents ban fracking as a violation of rights with strong majority wins.

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Sep 18, 2013

Press Release: Sangerville, ME, Adopts Community Bill of Rights Ordinance to Reject Transportation & Distribution Corridors

Press Release: Sangerville, ME, Adopts Community Bill of Rights Ordinance to Reject Transportation & Distribution Corridors

Voters in Sangerville, ME, adopt a Community Bill of Rights ordinance to protect their municipality from a private transportation corridor.

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Mar 28, 2013

CELDF Statement: A New Civil Rights Movement: Liberating Our Communities from Corporate Control

CELDF Statement: A New Civil Rights Movement: Liberating Our Communities from Corporate Control

A Pennsylvania Judge Holds That Corporations Are Not “Persons” Under the Pennsylvania Constitution.

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