Community Wires

Oct 23, 2016

The Blade: Protect children by passing issue 3

The Blade: Protect children by passing issue 3

In a letter-to-the-editor, Waterville resident urges support for the community’s rights-based initiative banning the Nexus pipeline and compressor station, and exercising their right to democratic self-government.

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Oct 21, 2016

Truthout: Democracy Deferred: Ohio Removes Anti-Fracking Measures From County Ballots

Truthout: Democracy Deferred: Ohio Removes Anti-Fracking Measures From County Ballots

In Ohio and elsewhere, when democracy threatens the oil and gas industry, those occupying our legal and governing structures take liberty in interpreting the law on industry’s behalf. The result: democratic suppression and an open door to frack.

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Oct 21, 2016

The Blade: Nexus is a bad deal for Waterville

The Blade: Nexus is a bad deal for Waterville

A Waterville, OH, residents speaks up on a compressor station: “If our political leaders will not protect our children, then we the people must pass our own law to protect Waterville.” Residents are voting on a Community Bill of Rights in November.

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Oct 19, 2016

Ed “Flash” Ferenc on America’s Work Force Radio Interviews CELDF’s Tish O’Dell

Ed “Flash” Ferenc on America’s Work Force Radio Interviews CELDF’s Tish O’Dell

CELDF’s Tish O’Dell speaks up on American’s Workforce Radio regarding using Community Rights to create the environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable communities we envisions. Begins 44 minutes in.

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Oct 16, 2016

The New Political: Athens anti-fracking charter welcomes Tish O’Dell for fundraiser

The New Political: Athens anti-fracking charter welcomes Tish O’Dell for fundraiser

Athens County, OH, residents issue a call to action for next steps in their work to protect against fracking activities. The Athens County Community Bill of Rights group held a fundraiser with guest speaker Tish O’Dell, from CELDF.

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Oct 13, 2016

Courier Express: Study commission asks to be sued, request granted by the court

Courier Express: Study commission asks to be sued, request granted by the court

An Elk County, PA, judge rules in favor of the Highland County Government Study Commission to intervene in a lawsuit filed by their own Supervisors to keep a Charter measure off the November ballot.

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Oct 13, 2016

PR: Highland Township Government Study Commission Wins  Motion to Intervene

PR: Highland Township Government Study Commission Wins Motion to Intervene

Highland Township Government Study Commission wins their motion to intervene in a lawsuit brought on by Township Supervisors determined to keep the Commission’s Charter off the November ballot. Residents are fighting a frack waste injection well, using their right to local self-government.

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Oct 9, 2016 Youngstown voters will consider 6 charter amendments on fall ballot Youngstown voters will consider 6 charter amendments on fall ballot

Youngstown, OH, voters will vote for a sixth time on a Community Bill of Rights banning fracking activities within the City. Residents promise to bring the measure forward again if it does not pass, because of the threat to local water sources and climate change.

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Oct 7, 2016

Press Release: Lincoln County Residents to Vote on Clean Air  and Water in May 2017

Press Release: Lincoln County Residents to Vote on Clean Air and Water in May 2017

Lincoln County, OR, residents qualify their Community Bill of Rights ordinance banning toxic aerial spraying for the May 2017 ballot.

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Oct 7, 2016

The Laconia Daily Sun: A small number of corporations control our energy-delivery chain

The Laconia Daily Sun: A small number of corporations control our energy-delivery chain

What is sustainable? Purported “green” and “renewables” are anything but – particularly when they’re run by a small number of corporations. Truly sustainable means truly renewable, and it means the people affected by energy governing decisions are the ones who make them.

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Oct 7, 2016

Movement Rights Blog: Ponca Nation Considers Rights of Nature Fracking & Injection Ban

Movement Rights Blog: Ponca Nation Considers Rights of Nature Fracking & Injection Ban

As the corporate state continues to support fracking activities, the Ponka Nation vows to protect the land and people from harm using Rights of Nature and banning fracking waste injection wells.

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Oct 5, 2016

CELDF Statement: When Protecting Our Communities Becomes Criminal Activity

CELDF Statement: When Protecting Our Communities Becomes Criminal Activity

Oil and gas industry threatens criminal lawsuits against local elected officials taking a stand to protect their communities’ health, safety, and welfare. In Grant Township, PA, Township Supervisors are undeterred, vowing to continue their fight to protect their water from frack waste.

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Oct 4, 2016

Common Dreams: Fracking Industry’s New Plan? Prosecute Those Who Push Drilling Bans

Common Dreams: Fracking Industry’s New Plan? Prosecute Those Who Push Drilling Bans

As communities seek to protect themselves from toxic drilling, Pennsylvania industry group mulls statute to deter such ordinances.

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Oct 3, 2016

Allied News: Shale waste insights

Allied News: Shale waste insights

Residents in Wilmington, PA, gathered to hear a panel discussion on fracking threats. Panelists included Grant Township Supervisor Stacy Long, describing tactics used by the gas industry to intimidate residents into accepting an injection well. Residents refuse to submit and are fighting back.

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Sep 30, 2016

The Register-Guard: Retired Eugene attorney sues Lane County over controversial initiatives

The Register-Guard: Retired Eugene attorney sues Lane County over controversial initiatives

Lane County, OR, residents advancing Community Rights initiatives banning aerial pesticide spraying and GMOs face further efforts to block their measures from the ballot.

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Sep 26, 2016

The Post: Athens County anti-fracking charter determined ‘invalid’ by Ohio Supreme Court

The Post: Athens County anti-fracking charter determined ‘invalid’ by Ohio Supreme Court

Athens County, OH, residents’ frustration grows as the corporate state refuses to recognize their authority to vote on their own county charter measures. Residents face threats to their water, air, and soil from fracking wastewater injection wells, and were using charters to ban them.

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Sep 21, 2016

The Bradford Era: Appeal filed in Seneca versus Highland Township case

The Bradford Era: Appeal filed in Seneca versus Highland Township case

A U.S. District Magistrate Judge refused to allow community or ecosystem intervention in the Highland Township, PA, case, where communities are fighting to stop a frack wastewater injection well. CELDF files an appeal on their behalf to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

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Sep 18, 2016

Press Release: Ho-Chunk Nation General Council Approves Rights of Nature Constitutional Amendment

Press Release: Ho-Chunk Nation General Council Approves Rights of Nature Constitutional Amendment

The General Council of the Ho-Chunk Nation votes overwhelmingly to amend their tribal constitution to enshrine the Rights of Nature – the first tribal nation in the United States to take this critical step. A vote of the full membership will follow.

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Sep 16, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Ohio Supreme Court derails efforts to put anti-fracking measures on ballots

Akron Beacon Journal: Ohio Supreme Court derails efforts to put anti-fracking measures on ballots

Athens, Meigs, and Portage County, OH, residents decry the Ohio Supreme Court’s decision blocking their county charter initiatives from the ballot. Residents face fracking harms and government officials intent on blocking them from protecting themselves.

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Sep 15, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule case headed to court

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule case headed to court

Highland Township, PA, residents put the pressure on their supervisors. The local electeds voted yesterday to try to stop the people’s Home Rule charter initiative in the Common Pleas Court. The charter includes a ban on fracking wastewater injection wells.

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Sep 15, 2016

Energy Wire: Ohio Supreme Court keeps anti-fracking measures off ballot

Energy Wire: Ohio Supreme Court keeps anti-fracking measures off ballot

While the Ohio Supreme Court blocks the right to initiative in three counties, one judge dissents, calling the court’s action “a usurpation of power from the people that we should not indulge.” Residents declare their commitment to protect their communities’ land, air, and water from fracking.

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Sep 15, 2016

The Athens News: Supreme Court flushes county charters yet again

The Athens News: Supreme Court flushes county charters yet again

Residents in three Ohio counties find no justice in the courts as the state and oil/gas industry succeed in blocking their County Charter initiatives from the ballot this fall.

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Sep 14, 2016

Columbus Free Press: Ohio residents stand with Standing Rock, protest Nexus pipeline

Columbus Free Press: Ohio residents stand with Standing Rock, protest Nexus pipeline

OHCRN members from across Ohio staged street theater and spoke out in support of the Standing Rock Sioux in front of the state house. Residents are fighting fracking, pipelines, and other infrastructure, to protect air, land, and water, as the corporate state tries to block them.

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Sep 14, 2016 Why we must amend the NH Constitution Why we must amend the NH Constitution

We live under a corporate state, and in New Hampshire, residents urge their legislature to help lead systemic change by supporting the New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment: Let Granite Staters vote on their amendment.

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Sep 13, 2016

The Athens Messenger: Supreme Court says no to Athens County charter proposal

The Athens Messenger: Supreme Court says no to Athens County charter proposal

The Ohio Supreme Court refuses to place Athens, Meigs, and Portage Counties’ rights-based Charters on the November ballot. County residents are working to protect their communities from fracking and its infrastructure through their right to local community self-government.

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Sep 13, 2016

Press Release: Right to Initiative Rendered Dead by Ohio Supreme Court

Press Release: Right to Initiative Rendered Dead by Ohio Supreme Court

The Ohio Supreme Court finds on behalf of the oil and gas industry and the colluding state government. The people’s duly qualified rights-based county charter measures are again blocked from the ballot. One Justice dissents, defending the right to local self-government.

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Sep 13, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Home Rule Charter moves forward, for now, after ruling

The Bradford Era: Highland Home Rule Charter moves forward, for now, after ruling

Highland Township, PA’s, residents move a step closer to voting on their own Home Rule Charter proposal in November. Their solicitors are trying to block the measure. Residents are fighting a frack waste injection well, using their right to local community self-government.

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Sep 13, 2016

Courier Express: Highland Township home rule question voted to ballot

Courier Express: Highland Township home rule question voted to ballot

The Elk County, PA, Board of Elections is advised to place the people’s proposed Home Rule Charter measure on the November ballot. Residents face a frack wastewater injection well, which would be banned if the Charter is adopted.

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Sep 13, 2016 Leaders oppose sixth attempt to pass Youngstown ‘Community Bill of Rights’ Leaders oppose sixth attempt to pass Youngstown ‘Community Bill of Rights’

Youngstown, OH, residents advance their Community Rights Charter Amendment banning fracking, determined to safeguard their community’s health, safety, and welfare. Local government and industry allies stand firm in fighting the amendment and placing profits before people.

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Sep 13, 2016

Energy Wire: ‘Rights of nature’ heads back to federal court

Energy Wire: ‘Rights of nature’ heads back to federal court

Highland Township, PA, residents work with CELDF to push for the recognition of the Rights of Nature in the 3rd Circuit Court.

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Sep 12, 2016 Home Rule Charter Heads to Ballot Home Rule Charter Heads to Ballot

Board of Elections sides with residents as Highland Township, PA, supervisors try to keep the people’s Home Rule Charter initiative off the ballot. Residents are fighting a frack wastewater injection well through their right to local community self-government.

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Sep 9, 2016

The Bradford Era: Challenge issued to Highland Township Home Rule

The Bradford Era: Challenge issued to Highland Township Home Rule

After rescinding an ordinance banning frack wastewater injection wells, Highland Township, PA, supervisors and solicitor further betray residents fighting to protect themselves: they attempt to remove the people’s rights-based Home Rule charter from the November ballot.

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Sep 6, 2016

The Baffler: Who Speaks for the Trees?

The Baffler: Who Speaks for the Trees?

Recognizing Rights of Nature is part of the growing discourse on the rights of ecosystems to exist and thrive, based on their own intrinsic value. Under a legal system where property rules, it is a game changer, used by communities like Grant Township, PA, to protect themselves from corporate harms.

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Sep 6, 2016

Truthout: Corporate Suppression of Direct Democracy Fuels Fight for Community Rights

Truthout: Corporate Suppression of Direct Democracy Fuels Fight for Community Rights

Across the U.S., corporations and government officials are working to block We the People from exercising our right to direct democracy. As their efforts increase, so do ours, making possible the beginning of the Community Rights Movement, and the end of the corporate state.

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Sep 1, 2016 County Calls a Temporary Halt to Controversial Changes to Petition Process County Calls a Temporary Halt to Controversial Changes to Petition Process

Lane County, OR, residents succeed in pressuring County Commissioners to drop a proposed ordinance that would have allowed Commissioners to block proposed ballot initiatives.

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Sep 1, 2016

The Athens News: Ohio Supreme Court receives arguments over charter proposal

The Athens News: Ohio Supreme Court receives arguments over charter proposal

Three Ohio counties submit their case to the Ohio Supreme Court: the right to local community self-government is protected in federal and state constitutions, and their rights-based Charter initiatives should be placed on the November ballot for a vote by the people.

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Sep 1, 2016

The Athens Messenger: Charter supporters ask Ohio Supreme Court to change its prior ruling

The Athens Messenger: Charter supporters ask Ohio Supreme Court to change its prior ruling

Athens, Meigs, and Portage County, OH, residents make their case for their constitutional right to vote on qualified County Charter initiatives this fall. The measures include bans on fracking activities. County Boards of Elections and Secretary of State Husted are blocking the measures.

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Aug 31, 2016

The Register-Guard: Lane County commissioners reverse course, put off discussion of ordinance that could have allowed veto of ballot initiatives

The Register-Guard: Lane County commissioners reverse course, put off discussion of ordinance that could have allowed veto of ballot initiatives

Lane County, OR, commissioners withdraw their support for an ordinance that would have allowed them to pre-emptively veto some local ballot initiatives. Lane County residents are advancing three Community Rights measures, one banning aerial pesticide spraying.

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Aug 30, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township commission OKs putting charter on ballot

The Bradford Era: Highland Township commission OKs putting charter on ballot

The Highland Township, PA, Home Rule Study Commission votes to advance a rights-based charter for the November ballot. The charter includes a frack wastewater injection well ban, similar to a Community Bill of Rights banning injection wells that was rescinded by supervisors.

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Aug 27, 2016

The Register-Guard: Lane County process for approving local ballot initiatives draws two threats of lawsuits

The Register-Guard: Lane County process for approving local ballot initiatives draws two threats of lawsuits

Increasingly contentious and obscure means to keep Lane County, OR, Community Bills of Rights ordinances off the ballot are being used by opponents. Lane residents are fighting to protect themselves from aerial pesticide spraying.

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Aug 20, 2016

Desmog Blog: Ohio Residents Clash With State and County Government in Fight to Ban Fracking via the Ballot

Desmog Blog: Ohio Residents Clash With State and County Government in Fight to Ban Fracking via the Ballot

The right to local democratic self-governance becomes a political debate as Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, county boards of elections, and the oil and gas industry block citizen initiatives banning fracking. Ohio residents refuse to surrender their fight for their rights or their communities.

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Aug 19, 2016

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Sides with Oil/Gas Industry Again Over Community Rights

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Sides with Oil/Gas Industry Again Over Community Rights

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted demonstrates his loyalty to the oil and gas industry by trying to block citizen initiatives. The initiatives propose county charters that ban fracking activities. Residents are fighting back, appealing Husted’s decision to the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Aug 19, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents want to recreate controversial ‘bill of rights’

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents want to recreate controversial ‘bill of rights’

Highland Township, PA, residents turn to themselves to protect against unwanted fracking wastewater. Township Supervisors rescinded a Community Bill of Rights banning an injection well. Residents now consider home rule to ban the harmful waste.

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Aug 18, 2016

Record Courier: LTE: Husted in conflict on county charter issue

Record Courier: LTE: Husted in conflict on county charter issue

A Portage County resident applauds the advancing a county charter proposal that would ban frack injection wells, and calls out Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted as he tries to quash the right to initiative for a second year. We the People, she promises, are going to continue fighting.

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Aug 16, 2016

The Bradford Era: Case closed: Seneca Resources can move forward with Highland Twp. injection well

The Bradford Era: Case closed: Seneca Resources can move forward with Highland Twp. injection well

Highland Township, PA, supervisors folded to Seneca Resources, rescinding the people’s Community Bill of Rights ordinance protecting them from Seneca’s proposed wastewater injection well. Residents have not. They are continuing their legal fight and looking to Home Rule.

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Aug 15, 2016

Press Release: Democracy Ruled Dead in Highland Township

Press Release: Democracy Ruled Dead in Highland Township

Highland Township Supervisors overturn their rights-based fracking wastewater injection well ban. They file a consent decree to allow an injection well, and receive approval by a federal judge. Residents vow to fight back and protect their community.

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Aug 11, 2016

Press Release: Grant Township Wins Key Motions in Fight for Civil and Environmental Rights

Press Release: Grant Township Wins Key Motions in Fight for Civil and Environmental Rights

Grant Township, PA, residents and the Little Mahoning Watershed secure wins in motions filed recently by CELDF. Residents are fighting for their rights against PGE as the company tries to force a frack wastewater injection well in the Township.

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Aug 10, 2016

The Gazette: Backers of Medina County charter suing Secretary of State Husted

The Gazette: Backers of Medina County charter suing Secretary of State Husted

Medina County, OH, residents take the Ohio Secretary of State and their Board of Elections to court. Government officials are attempting to block residents from placing their qualified county charter initiative banning fracking on the November ballot.

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Aug 9, 2016

Press Release: Secretary of State & Medina County Block Community’s Right to Vote

Press Release: Secretary of State & Medina County Block Community’s Right to Vote

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted blocks Medina County residents from voting on their own County Charter initiative. Residents are filing with the Ohio Supreme Court to have their measure placed on the November ballot.

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Aug 8, 2016

Law and Disorder Radio: Civil Disobedience Ordinance and Home Rule In Grant Township, PA

Law and Disorder Radio: Civil Disobedience Ordinance and Home Rule In Grant Township, PA

CELDF’s Chad Nicholson and Grant Township resident Stacy Long are interviewed on Law and Disorder radio. Grant residents adopted an ordinance legalizing civil disobedience to protect themselves from an injection well.

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