
Jun 14, 2019

Ecologist: Ohio state government attacks Rights of Nature

Ecologist: Ohio state government attacks Rights of Nature

CELDF’s community organizer Tish O’Dell on what it takes to protect Lake Erie and Rights of Nature as the state of Ohio attacks both.

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Jun 7, 2019

E&E News:  Ohio pushes court to sink legal rights for Lake Erie

E&E News: Ohio pushes court to sink legal rights for Lake Erie

As Ohioans make strides to advance Rights of Nature, the people’s own state government fights to stop them.

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Jun 7, 2019

The Indiana Gazette: Grant Township took proper stance

The Indiana Gazette: Grant Township took proper stance

Grant Township, PA, resident speaks out on criticism aimed at Township’s efforts to protect the community from a toxic fracking wastewater injection well.

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Jun 6, 2019

Media Release: Tacoma, WA, Group Files First Amendment SCOTUS Petition to Protect Local Ballot Access

Media Release: Tacoma, WA, Group Files First Amendment SCOTUS Petition to Protect Local Ballot Access

With CELDF-supported attorneys, Tacoma, WA, residents filed a 1st Amendment petition with the Supreme Court challenging continued denial of ballot access for qualified citizen initiatives.

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Jun 5, 2019

Common Dreams, Inc. : How to Arm Nature Against Corporate Profiteers

Common Dreams, Inc. : How to Arm Nature Against Corporate Profiteers

Jim Hightower, national radio commentator, author, and public speaker, points to the Rights of Nature movement as a grassroots effort to protect the biosphere and challenge corporate rule.

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Jun 3, 2019

Resistance Radio Interview with CELDF’s Ben Price

Resistance Radio Interview with CELDF’s Ben Price

Derrick Jensen interviews CELDF’s Ben Price on his newly published book, How Wealth Rules the World.

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May 30, 2019

How Wealth Rules the world

How Wealth Rules the world

CELDFs national organizing director, Ben Price, reveals that our constitution and legal system were intentionally designed to give more rights to the wealthy propertied class than the rest of us.

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May 28, 2019

Press Release: Multi-Prong Attack by State of Ohio Against Rights of Nature

Press Release: Multi-Prong Attack by State of Ohio Against Rights of Nature

Ohio Attorney General files complaint to overturn Lake Erie Bill of Rights on behalf of industry, arguing there is a right to pollute.

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May 24, 2019

Blog: A Right to Survive is Born in Denver

Blog: A Right to Survive is Born in Denver

Wealthy interests seeking to crush human rights in Denver, Colorado, out raised local supporters of the Denver “Right to Survive” initiative 23:1. This is the story of a fight for human rights that cannot be trampled by corporate hegemony.

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May 23, 2019

Salud America: Toledo Mom Fights for Clean Drinking Water for Her Own, All Children

Salud America: Toledo Mom Fights for Clean Drinking Water for Her Own, All Children

The story of one Toledo mom and her taking action to protect her children, her community, and the Great Lake Erie through Community Rights and Rights of Nature.

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May 21, 2019

Press Release: How Wealth Rules the World – and What Communities Are Doing About It

Press Release: How Wealth Rules the World – and What Communities Are Doing About It

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May 20, 2019

KGNU: Who Paid to Defeat Initiative 300?

KGNU: Who Paid to Defeat Initiative 300?

An interview with CELDF’s Ben Price on Denver’s Right to Survive ordinance, and the $2.3 million spent by industries to defeat it.

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May 9, 2019

Media Statement: The First State in U.S. History Has Mentioned Legal Rights of Nature

Media Statement: The First State in U.S. History Has Mentioned Legal Rights of Nature

Today, the Ohio House adopts provisions to block communities and local governments from enforcing recognized legal rights for ecosystems.

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May 8, 2019

Media Statement: A Human Right to Survive is Born in Denver

Media Statement: A Human Right to Survive is Born in Denver

“This idea of a real human right to survive in the 21st century … was born – through the determination and commitment of the people who live [in Denver].”

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May 8, 2019

Media Release:  Judge Denies Toledoans and Lake Erie Access to Court

Media Release: Judge Denies Toledoans and Lake Erie Access to Court

As a judge denies Toledoans and Lake Erie intervention to defend the Lake Erie Bill of Rights against an agribusiness lawsuit to overturn it, community members file an appeal.

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May 7, 2019

Truthout: UN Report Says Indigenous Sovereignty Could Save the Planet

Truthout: UN Report Says Indigenous Sovereignty Could Save the Planet

It’s time to recognize the rights of ecosystems and the authority of communities to stop harmful projects. “[T]he best defenders of nature and biodiversity are the communities themselves.”

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May 6, 2019

DC Media Group: Biodiversity in Collapse: How to Save 1 Million Species from Extinction

DC Media Group: Biodiversity in Collapse: How to Save 1 Million Species from Extinction

“[It’s time to] enact laws that recognize the inalienable rights of ecosystems to exist, flourish and naturally evolve, and the authority of the community to protect [it]”

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Apr 29, 2019

Standard Speaker: Supervisors want to hear from nonprofit about well issue

Standard Speaker: Supervisors want to hear from nonprofit about well issue

Community members in North Union Township, Pennsylvania, engage with CELDF and its partner Network to discuss using Community Rights to protect their water from being siphoned off.

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Apr 27, 2019

ANI News: Ecuador native community defeats government in court, gets oil exploration banned

ANI News: Ecuador native community defeats government in court, gets oil exploration banned

Oil corporations were forced to back off native lands in Ecuador. A court decision held that their actions were “inadequate and violated the ‘community’s right to self-determination.'”

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Apr 24, 2019

National Geographic: A Voice for Nature

National Geographic: A Voice for Nature

More than just recognizing legal rights, the growing Rights of Nature movement is a paradigm shift in the relationship between human beings and nature.

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Apr 22, 2019

The Blade: Watch: Lake Erie activist addresses the United Nations

The Blade: Watch: Lake Erie activist addresses the United Nations

Community Rights leader Markie Miller, from Toledo, Ohio, speaks to the UN General Assembly. She was invited to talk about the Lake Erie Bill of Rights, an historic law adopted by Toledoans in February.

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Apr 22, 2019

Environmental News Service: Earth Day 2019 Marked By Climate Concerns

Environmental News Service: Earth Day 2019 Marked By Climate Concerns

Earth Day celebrations span the globe, highlighting Earth’s beauty and the threat of climate change devastation. Rights of Nature is a growing movement to stop climate change and other harms.

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Apr 16, 2019

Media Statement: Crowdfunding to Defend Lake Erie

Media Statement: Crowdfunding to Defend Lake Erie

The oil and gas industry tried to quash the Lake Erie Bill of Rights at the ballot. The agriculture industry is trying to quash it in court. CELDF is crowdfunding as we represent Lake Erie and Toledo community members to protect the Lake’s rights.

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Apr 14, 2019

The Blade: BP wasted money fighting LEBOR

The Blade: BP wasted money fighting LEBOR

The Editorial Board of the Toledo Blade calls out the irony of Houston-based BP Corporation funding the anti-Lake Erie Bill of Rights campaign, which attacked the citizen initiative as led by “outside influencers.”

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Apr 6, 2019

Toledoans for Safe Water: Campaign Finance Report Sheds Light on Corrupt Corporate Influence Against the Lake Erie Bill of Rights

Toledoans for Safe Water: Campaign Finance Report Sheds Light on Corrupt Corporate Influence Against the Lake Erie Bill of Rights

BP Corporation was the sole monetary donor behind the campaign to quash the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR). The measure won with 61% of the vote.

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Apr 3, 2019

The Blade: United Nations invites Lake Erie activists to speak about bill of rights

The Blade: United Nations invites Lake Erie activists to speak about bill of rights

Community members from Toledo, Ohio, are invited to the United Nations this month to speak about the Lake Erie Bill of Rights adopted by citizens in February.

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Apr 2, 2019

Media Release: Not an April Fools Joke in Grant Township

Media Release: Not an April Fools Joke in Grant Township

GRANT TOWNSHIP, INDIANA COUNTY, PA: On April 1, federal Judge Susan Paradise Baxter issued an order that was not a joke: Grant Township (pop. 741), Baxter declared, owes Pennsylvania General Energy (PGE) over $100,000 in attorney’s fees and costs.

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Mar 25, 2019

Fosters.com: State reps block local rights effort

Fosters.com: State reps block local rights effort

The people of New Hampshire have the right to govern themselves and protect their communities from corporate harm – yet the state legislature blocks them from securing that right in the state constitution.

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Mar 25, 2019

Media Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Hijacked by Party Politics

Media Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Hijacked by Party Politics

The New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment, CACR8, went before the state House of Representatives last week. It was blocked from advancing to a vote by New Hampshire citizens.

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Mar 19, 2019

Media Release: Lake Erie and Local Residents File Court Motions to Defend Rights of Lake

Media Release: Lake Erie and Local Residents File Court Motions to Defend Rights of Lake

Lake Erie files a motion to intervene in a lawsuit filed by industry to overturn the Lake Erie Bill of Rights.

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Mar 19, 2019

Cleveland.com: Lake Erie – yes, the body of water – asks to be let into lawsuit over bill of rights

Cleveland.com: Lake Erie – yes, the body of water – asks to be let into lawsuit over bill of rights

The Great Lake Erie files to intervene in a lawsuit brought by the agricultural industry to overturn Toledo, Ohio’s, Lake Erie Bill of Rights.

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Mar 13, 2019

Media Release: First Right to Climate Law Adopted in New Hampshire

Media Release: First Right to Climate Law Adopted in New Hampshire

Yesterday, Exeter, New Hampshire, residents adopted their Right to a Healthy Climate Ordinance at Town Meeting. This is the first right-based climate law in the state.

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Mar 10, 2019

The London Free Press: What an Ohio city’s bold move to protect Lake Erie tells us

The London Free Press: What an Ohio city’s bold move to protect Lake Erie tells us

“What we really need to do is look at the (lake) as a whole, as an ecosystem that has inherent rights, that transcends the political parties of the day.”

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Mar 1, 2019

Smithsonian Magazine: Toledo, Ohio, Just Granted Lake Erie the Same Legal Rights as People

Smithsonian Magazine: Toledo, Ohio, Just Granted Lake Erie the Same Legal Rights as People

“We’ve been using the same laws for decades to try and protect Lake Erie. They’re clearly not working.” Thus, Toledo, Ohio, community members recognized the rights of Lake Erie via the ballot.

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Feb 28, 2019

The Telegraph: US lake wins its own ‘human rights’ in landmark ruling

The Telegraph: US lake wins its own ‘human rights’ in landmark ruling

Lake Erie joins growing numbers of ecosystems around the world where people and governments are recognizing their rights to exist, flourish, and evolve.

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Feb 28, 2019

The Hill: Ohio city votes to give Lake Erie same legal rights as a person

The Hill: Ohio city votes to give Lake Erie same legal rights as a person

Lake Erie’s legal rights are now acknowledged following Toledo, Ohio’s, special election on Tuesday.

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Feb 27, 2019

The Progressive: Toledo Residents Vote to Recognize Personhood for Lake Erie

The Progressive: Toledo Residents Vote to Recognize Personhood for Lake Erie

Lake Erie now has legally-enforceable rights, with the overwhelming majority of Toledo, Ohio, residents voting in support of their Lake Erie Bill of Rights citizen initiative.

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Feb 27, 2019

Vox: Lake Erie just won the same legal rights as people

Vox: Lake Erie just won the same legal rights as people

A groundbreaking election in Toledo, Ohio, puts this midwestern city on the map – voters recognized the rights of Lake Erie and can take legal action to protect it.

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Feb 26, 2019

Vox: Ohio voters are about to decide if Lake Erie has legal rights

Vox: Ohio voters are about to decide if Lake Erie has legal rights

Today, Toledo, Ohio, residents are voting on recognizing the rights of Lake Erie to exist and flourish – the next step in a changing landscape where the rights of ecosystems are expanding globally.

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Feb 25, 2019

Mother Jones: Holy, Toledo! This Ohio City Is Voting to Give Legal Rights to a Lake

Mother Jones: Holy, Toledo! This Ohio City Is Voting to Give Legal Rights to a Lake

After decades of failed regulations to “protect” Lake Erie and several years of record-breaking algae blooms, Toledo, Ohio, residents prepare to vote on the Lake Erie Bill of Rights.

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Feb 21, 2019

CNN: An Ohio city will vote on whether Lake Erie has the same rights as a person

CNN: An Ohio city will vote on whether Lake Erie has the same rights as a person

Government representatives, acting on behalf of industry, have failed to protect Lake Erie. Toledo, Ohio, residents advance a Lake Erie Bill of Rights ballot measure to protect the Lake, their water, and their community. They vote next Tuesday.

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Feb 19, 2019

The Guardian: Fighting pollution: Toledo residents want personhood status for Lake Erie

The Guardian: Fighting pollution: Toledo residents want personhood status for Lake Erie

While elected officials do nothing substantive to protect Lake Erie, Toledo residents follow in the footsteps of indigenous and other communities, voting next week on a groundbreaking citizen initiative to recognize the rights of the Great Lake.

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