
Dec 19, 2013

Pennsylvania’s Act 13 – Fracking

Pennsylvania’s Act 13 – Fracking

On December 19, 2013, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court found much of Act 13 unconstitutional. CELDF issued a press statement and FAQs

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Dec 19, 2013

Press Release: Statement on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Ruling that Parts of Act 13 are Unconstitutional

Press Release: Statement on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Ruling that Parts of Act 13 are Unconstitutional

“This ruling, while welcome, does not stop fracking of Pennsylvania’s communities, nor does it recognize the right of the people of Pennsylvania to govern their own communities without state or corporate interference.” – Thomas Linzey, Esq., Executive Director

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Dec 6, 2013

CELDF partner in Rights of Nature work, Fundacion Pachamama, Shut Down by Ecuadorian Government

CELDF partner in Rights of Nature work, Fundacion Pachamama, Shut Down by Ecuadorian Government

CELDF partner, Fundacion Pachamama, was shut down this week by the Ecuadorian government. Learn more on how you can help.

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Dec 5, 2013

Local Officials Standing Up to Protect Their Communities from Fracking

Local Officials Standing Up to Protect Their Communities from Fracking

As Mora County, NM, and Lafayette, CO, face oil and gas industry challenges to their Community Bills of Rights banning fracking, we are re-posting an article from the Center for Effective Government on CELDF’s work in providing support to communities through Community Rights.

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Dec 4, 2013

East Boulder County United statement on COGA’s lawsuit against Lafayette’s Community Rights initiative

East Boulder County United statement on COGA’s lawsuit against Lafayette’s Community Rights initiative

Faced with the loss of four democratic votes against oil and gas development across the Front Range this November, the Colorado Oil and Gas Association announced yesterday that it is filing lawsuits against two more Colorado communities, Lafayette and Fort Collins.

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Nov 7, 2013

Ohio and Colorado Voters Adopt Community Bills of Rights

Ohio and Colorado Voters Adopt Community Bills of Rights

On Election Day, voters in an Ohio and a Colorado community enacted Community Bills of Rights to
secure the right to local self-government and to protect the right to clean air, pure water, and the rights
of ecosystems to exist and flourish. By a margin of 70.56%, voters in Oberlin, OH, approved their
citizen-initiated ordinance. In Lafayette, CO, where citizens petitioned to amend their city home rule
charter, the winning margin was 60.16%.

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Nov 6, 2013

Press Release: Ohio and Colorado Voters Adopt Community Bills of Rights

Press Release: Ohio and Colorado Voters Adopt Community Bills of Rights

Lafayette, CO, and Oberlin, OH, residents ban fracking as a violation of rights with strong majority wins.

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Oct 30, 2013

CELDF’s Northwest Community Rights Organizer Kai Huschke speaks on Washington’s Initiative I-517, on the ballot 11/5. Click here to listen.

CELDF’s Northwest Community Rights Organizer Kai Huschke speaks on Washington’s Initiative I-517, on the ballot 11/5. Click here to listen.

Initiative 517 is an initiative on initiatives, designed to make it easier to qualify initiatives for the ballot. I-517 would expand the time allotted to gather signatures for initiatives, as well as increase the areas where gatherers can go. It would also make it a crime to interfere, inhibit or restrict gatherers and require a public vote on any local initiative that qualifies — even if there is a legal challenge.

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Oct 30, 2013

The Piscataquis Observer: Letter to the Editor – Sangerville a leader in self-governance

The Piscataquis Observer: Letter to the Editor – Sangerville a leader in self-governance

Sangerville, ME, resident stands behind their first-in-the-nation Community Bill of Rights infrastructure ordinance, adopted by residents in September.

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Oct 24, 2013

Live Debate On I-517: The Initiative On Initiatives

Live Debate On I-517: The Initiative On Initiatives

Steve Scher talks with both sides of the initiative in a live debate: Kai Huschke, an organizer for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, and Representative Marko Liias from Washington’s 21st district.

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Oct 17, 2013

October 2013 CELDF Update

October 2013 CELDF Update

Updates from Oregon to Austraila in this month’s CELDF’s newsletter.

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Oct 8, 2013

Read the Dirt: When The State Pushes Back

Read the Dirt: When The State Pushes Back

Editor Simon Davis-Cohen interviews CELDF’s Pacific Northwest Community Organizer Kai Huschke about our structure of law and governance that functions to deny communities’ rights when they interfere with corporate “rights,” as seen today in both Washington State and Oregon.

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Sep 25, 2013

September 2013 CELDF Update

September 2013 CELDF Update

Ohio communities ban fracking, CELDF in Australia and new Democracy schools starting up.

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Sep 18, 2013

Press Release: Sangerville, ME, Adopts Community Bill of Rights Ordinance to Reject Transportation & Distribution Corridors

Press Release: Sangerville, ME, Adopts Community Bill of Rights Ordinance to Reject Transportation & Distribution Corridors

Voters in Sangerville, ME, adopt a Community Bill of Rights ordinance to protect their municipality from a private transportation corridor.

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Sep 16, 2013

Press Release: Oregon Communities Launch Statewide Network for Community Rights

Press Release: Oregon Communities Launch Statewide Network for Community Rights

On September 12th, community members from eight Oregon counties gathered in Corvallis, Oregon, to launch the Oregon Community Rights Network (ORCRN).

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Sep 12, 2013

Frack-Backers Launch Preemptive Strikes against Democracy Attempt to Kill the Initiative Process

Frack-Backers Launch Preemptive Strikes against Democracy Attempt to Kill the Initiative Process

“It’s Already Been Decided? Who Decided That?”

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Sep 2, 2013

WNTK Talk Radio 99.7 FM: ‘Live and Local’ with Ben Sarro interviewing Steve Kudlik of Grafton, NH

WNTK Talk Radio 99.7 FM: ‘Live and Local’ with Ben Sarro interviewing Steve Kudlik of Grafton, NH

Steve Cudlak of Grafton interview 9/2/13 on 99.7 on WNTK about RBO(Rights Based Ordinance/Wind Towers)

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Aug 30, 2013

The Pacific Northwest Inlander: Judgment Day

The Pacific Northwest Inlander: Judgment Day

Corporate and government interests in Spokane, WA, succeed in blocking citizens’ initiatives that would establish Community Rights.

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Aug 21, 2013

The Bradford Era: Earthquakes elicit Elk County opposition to proposed injection well

The Bradford Era: Earthquakes elicit Elk County opposition to proposed injection well

Elk County Commissioners speak out against fracking injection wells.

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Aug 10, 2013

Why a Rights-Based Ordinance in Nottingham?

Why a Rights-Based Ordinance in Nottingham?

The rights of municipal corporations and communities have been eroded over time to where we, municipality and community, have very little power over our own destiny through the established regulatory legal system.

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Aug 5, 2013

Noozhawk: Fracking and the Rights of Nature

Noozhawk: Fracking and the Rights of Nature

Community Rights and the Rights of Nature are changing our western legal paradigm, and are tools to protect Santa Barbara, CA, from fracking.

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Jul 8, 2013

July 2013 CELDF Update

July 2013 CELDF Update

Updates and news from CELDF communities across the country.

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Jul 3, 2013

Noozhawk: Protecting Santa Barbara County — Community Rights vs. Corporate Control

Noozhawk: Protecting Santa Barbara County — Community Rights vs. Corporate Control

Wayne Mellinger on Community Rights to protect Santa Barbara from fracking corporate interests.

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Jul 2, 2013

Local Lawmaking: A Call for a Community Rights Movement

Local Lawmaking: A Call for a Community Rights Movement

While on their face these issues may appear to be different – ranging from corporate agribusiness to energy extraction – the communities on the receiving end of things all have at least one thing in common: they’ve given up hope that their state or federal government will act to protect them.

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Jun 26, 2013

Piscataquis Observer: Sangerville group outlines community bill of rights to halt east-west highway

Piscataquis Observer: Sangerville group outlines community bill of rights to halt east-west highway

East Sangerville, ME, residents and selectmen partner with CELDF to use a Community Bill of Rights to stop a $2.1 billion limited access highway.

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Jun 21, 2013

Press Release: Pennsylvania Community Rights Network (PCRN) Seats Founding Board of Directors

Press Release: Pennsylvania Community Rights Network (PCRN) Seats Founding Board of Directors

Declaring that the legitimate foundation of government is the right to local self-governance, the Pennsylvania Community Rights Network reviewed bylaws and officially launched the organization on Monday in Bowmanstown, Carbon County.

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May 20, 2013

PA Community Rights Workshop – State College, PA, June 14th – 15th.

PA Community Rights Workshop – State College, PA, June 14th – 15th.

Residents are beginning to coalesce around the idea of pushing for a community-controlled sustainable energy planning process that includes enforcement teeth. CELDF has drafted ordinances that we might use to continue empowering our community to actively protect our own health, safety and welfare.

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May 19, 2013

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Network Signs the Barnstead Declaration

Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Network Signs the Barnstead Declaration

The New Hampshire Community Rights Network signs the Barnstead Declaration, stating their intention to provide education for a statewide call for legislative and constitutional changes recognizing the right to local self-government and the Rights of Nature.

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May 8, 2013

Read the Dirt: Does Food Sovereignty Exist in the United States? Food and the Community Rights Movement

Read the Dirt: Does Food Sovereignty Exist in the United States? Food and the Community Rights Movement

Trisha Mandes speaks to the deficiencies of U.S. food activism and proposes an adaptive way forward. Trisha has worked with community-based food projects in Oregon and Pennsylvania and is now pursuing a Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition and Sustainable Development at the University of Eastern Finland.

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Apr 29, 2013

Press Release: First County in U.S. Bans Oil and Gas Extraction

Press Release: First County in U.S. Bans Oil and Gas Extraction

Mora County, NM, adopts first-in-the-nation ban on oil and gas extraction, protecting residents and local ecosystems from fracking.

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Apr 11, 2013

Benton County Community Rights Coalition co-founder Clint Lindsey on TVSet to talk about Community Rights vs. GMOs

Benton County Community Rights Coalition co-founder Clint Lindsey on TVSet to talk about Community Rights vs. GMOs

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Apr 11, 2013

Benton County Community Rights Coalition co-founder Clint Lindsey on TVSet to talk about Community Rights vs. GMOs

Benton County Community Rights Coalition co-founder Clint Lindsey on TVSet to talk about Community Rights vs. GMOs

On March 3rd at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon, fifty farmers and food advocates from eight counties – Benton, Clackamas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, and Yamhill – gathered to discuss the future of farming and food systems in the Willamette Valley. The summit was co-sponsored by CELDF, Benton County Community Rights Coalition, Oregon Tilth, Oregonians for Farm and Food Rights, and Rural Organizing Project.

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Mar 28, 2013

CELDF Statement: A New Civil Rights Movement: Liberating Our Communities from Corporate Control

CELDF Statement: A New Civil Rights Movement: Liberating Our Communities from Corporate Control

A Pennsylvania Judge Holds That Corporations Are Not “Persons” Under the Pennsylvania Constitution.

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Mar 27, 2013

Fighting to Protect our Seed Heritage in Benton County: Clinton Lindsey of Willamette Valley, OR and co-founder of the Benton County Community Rights Coalition, is interviewed on Locus Focus.

Fighting to Protect our Seed Heritage in Benton County: Clinton Lindsey of Willamette Valley, OR and co-founder of the Benton County Community Rights Coalition, is interviewed on Locus Focus.

Clinton Lindsey is interviewed by Barbara Bernstein of KBOO Community Radio about Benton County Community Rights Coalition, formed to protect Willamette Valley from GMO seed and establish a right to a local, sustainable food system.

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Mar 27, 2013



On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Clinton Lindsay, a 5th-generation farmer and local food advocate from Corvallis, Oregon, who is working with the Benton County Community Rights Coalition to pass a voter referendum that will create a “Food Bill of Rights” in Benton County.

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Mar 14, 2013

Rights of Nature on the Santa Monica City Council Agenda

Rights of Nature on the Santa Monica City Council Agenda

Santa Monica City Council introduces California’s first community rights ordinance, recognizing the right to self-governance, clean air and water, sustainable food and energy systems, and the rights of nature.

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Mar 13, 2013

Highland Township Retains Law Firm to Defend Injection Well Ordinance

Highland Township Retains Law Firm to Defend Injection Well Ordinance

Highland Township, PA, Board of Supervisors vote unanimously to retain CELDF to help defend their “Community Rights Protection from Injection Wells Ordinance” against Seneca Resources.

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Feb 10, 2013

CELDF’s New Frontiers: Building a Grassroots Movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature

CELDF’s New Frontiers: Building a Grassroots Movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature

Slideshow Narrated by Thomas Linzey

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Feb 8, 2013

Rooted Lands – Tierras Arraigadas – a film about the rising up of Mora County, New Mexicans against the oil & gas industry. View the trailer here

Rooted Lands – Tierras Arraigadas – a film about the rising up of Mora County, New Mexicans against the oil & gas industry. View the trailer here

For more information on this important film and additional screenings, see RootedLands.com

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Feb 6, 2013

Tree Media, producing films such as The 11th Hour and Urban Roots, is partnering with CELDF to make a film called We The People 2.0, about our grassroots organizing and our community partners. Below is a trailer for the film.

Tree Media, producing films such as The 11th Hour and Urban Roots, is partnering with CELDF to make a film called We The People 2.0, about our grassroots organizing and our community partners. Below is a trailer for the film.

Sometimes, a film comes along that conveys a message we’ve been listening for, but haven’t yet heard. A message that shows us what we’ve had a sense of, but haven’t been able to explain – let alone offer a solution.

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Feb 6, 2013

Fracking Scare Tactics in Highland

Fracking Scare Tactics in Highland

Update on pending lawsuit in Highland Township, PA, where supervisors recently passed a Community Bill of Rights to ban fracking injection wells – excerpt from The Kane Republican

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Jan 21, 2013

Dr. Stephen Cleghorn signed the 1st Rights of Nature based legal easement on his 52 acre organic farm in late 2012. Click here to view a stirring speech he gave in 2011, passionately taking a stand to stop fracking and protect the land.

Dr. Stephen Cleghorn signed the 1st Rights of Nature based legal easement on his 52 acre organic farm in late 2012. Click here to view a stirring speech he gave in 2011, passionately taking a stand to stop fracking and protect the land.

Presentation by Dr. Stephen Cleghorn, a sociologist and an organic farmer from Jefferson County, PA, and was recorded at the Epic No Frack Event at Ithaca College.

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Jan 21, 2013

Stephen Cleghorn on Fracking the Farmland: The Resistance Begins With One Man

Stephen Cleghorn on Fracking the Farmland: The Resistance Begins With One Man

This is a really energetic presentation by Dr. Stephen Cleghorn, a sociologist and an organic farmer from Jefferson County, PA, and was recorded at the Epic No Frack Event at Ithaca College, Saturday, June 25, 2011.

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Jan 16, 2013

Beyond Personhood: Why Corporations Love the Constitution More Than You do

Beyond Personhood: Why Corporations Love the Constitution More Than You do

What do you love about the U.S. Constitution?

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Jan 14, 2013

WeArePowerShift.org: Matt Damon’s “Promised Land”: The Good, Bad, and Misrepresented

WeArePowerShift.org: Matt Damon’s “Promised Land”: The Good, Bad, and Misrepresented

Alexander Lotorto reviews Matt Damon’s movie Promised Land, in part praising its bringing attention to the issue of shale gas drilling and fracking, while critiquing its depiction of PA women and rural townspeople. Read more here.

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Jan 14, 2013

Public Herald: Just Say ‘No’ — Locals Ban Frack Waste in Pa.

Public Herald: Just Say ‘No’ — Locals Ban Frack Waste in Pa.

On January 9, 2013, in otherwise quiet Highland Township in Elk County, Pennsylvania, officials signed a community rights bill into law stopping the deposit of fracking waste within the township. Seneca Resources…had planned to inject its “production fluids” (oil and gas drilling and fracking waste) into an injection well about 2,200 feet from Crystal Springs….Injection wells have a history, both long and recent, of failing ….So, residents of Highland Township asked their municipal officials to say “No.”…Highland Township is the latest on a list of over 140 other communities that have said ‘no’ to factory farms, waste incinerators, corporate water withdrawals, and now fracking by passing rights-based ordinances….Rights-based ordinances are simple but formal, and they’ve been penned with the help of Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF).

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Dec 24, 2012

Read the Dirt: Barnstead, NH: Establishing the Community Right to Water and Self-Governance

Read the Dirt: Barnstead, NH: Establishing the Community Right to Water and Self-Governance

The Barnstead, NH, story – and how other New Hampshire communities have followed the blazing trail set by these bold and steadfast residents.

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Nov 15, 2012

CELDF’s Gail Darrell presents to the community group Thanks But No Tank in Belfast, ME on residents’ governing authority

CELDF’s Gail Darrell presents to the community group Thanks But No Tank in Belfast, ME on residents’ governing authority

Community Organizer, Gail Darrell, of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, gave a presentation on October 19, 2012 about what power citizens have and do not have to make regulations governing what corporations are permitted to do in their community.

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Nov 15, 2012

Thanks but no Tank Presentation by CELDF’s Gail Darrell

Thanks but no Tank Presentation by CELDF’s Gail Darrell

Community Organizer, Gail Darrell, of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, gave a presentation on October 19, 2012 about what power citizens have and do not have to make regulations governing what corporations are permitted to do in their community.

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