
Aug 16, 2015

Vindy.com: Petition decision & tyranny

Vindy.com: Petition decision & tyranny

Once again, political tyranny rears its ugly head as Ohio Secretary Of State Jon Husted maintains that as chief executive over elections, he is using his “unfettered authority’’ to make thousands of signatures of active voters invalid in ruling that referendums on fracking would circumvent state law.

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Aug 16, 2015

Anti-frackers hope to make Youngstown’s November ballot

Anti-frackers hope to make Youngstown’s November ballot

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – In Athens, Fulton and Medina Counties Ohio’s Secretary of State, Jon Husted, declared anti-fracking ballot initiatives will not be put before voters on the November ballot, even though there were enough signatures to place them on the ballot.

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Aug 15, 2015

Medina County can’t vote to ban fracking

Medina County can’t vote to ban fracking

MEDINA, Ohio – The fight isn’t over for Medina County homeowners opposed to the Nexus pipeline and pushing for a ban on fracking in the county.

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Aug 14, 2015

Ohio groups unhappy with Husted decision on charter votes

Ohio groups unhappy with Husted decision on charter votes

COLUMBUS, OH: The Ohio Secretary of State, Jon Husted, declared that the citizens of Medina, Fulton, and Athens Counties may not vote on their own county charter initiatives, despite meeting requirements to place those initiatives on the November ballot.

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Aug 14, 2015

Groups to seek Ohio constitutional change on community rights

Groups to seek Ohio constitutional change on community rights

Grass-roots groups in Medina and two other counties intend to keep fighting Ohio’s gas-and-oil industry, after Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted invalidated ballot proposals in those counties.

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Aug 14, 2015

Ohio counties can’t vote to ban fracking, Husted rules

Ohio counties can’t vote to ban fracking, Husted rules

Residents of three counties won’t be voting this November on whether to allow fracking, based on a ruling Thursday by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted.

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Aug 14, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Denies Ohio Citizens their Constitutional Right to Vote

Press Release: Ohio Secretary of State Denies Ohio Citizens their Constitutional Right to Vote

COLUMBUS, OH: The Ohio Secretary of State, Jon Husted, declared that the citizens of Medina, Fulton, and Athens Counties may not vote on their own county charter initiatives, despite meeting requirements to place those initiatives on the November ballot.

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Aug 14, 2015

Press Release: People of Spokane to Vote on Worker Bill of Rights

Press Release: People of Spokane to Vote on Worker Bill of Rights

SPOKANE, WASHINGTON: Judge Salvatore Cozza from the Spokane County Superior denied a preliminary injunction brought by the Mayor of Spokane to block the vote of a Worker Bill of Rights initiative, which is on the November ballot.

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Aug 13, 2015

Secretary of State sides with Athens County charter protest, rejects proposal for November ballot

Secretary of State sides with Athens County charter protest, rejects proposal for November ballot

Community bill of rights in charter proposal would have banned some fracking-related activities

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Aug 13, 2015

Meigs County group sues commissioners on charter initiative

Meigs County group sues commissioners on charter initiative

MEIGS COUNTY, OH: Frustrated by the efforts of the Meigs County Commissioners to keep residents’ community rights county charter initiative off the November ballot, the Meigs County Home Rule Committee (MCHRC) has sued the Commissioners to force the measure on to the ballot. On July 20, they filed a lawsuit in the Fourth District Court of Appeals in Chillicothe, claiming the Commissioners have illegally refused to take action on the measure in order to block a vote by the people.

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Aug 12, 2015

August Update: Chomsky, Hedges, Unions Endorse Worker Bill of Rights

August Update: Chomsky, Hedges, Unions Endorse Worker Bill of Rights

Learn the latest news on Spokane, WA’s, Worker Bill of Rights, read Community Rights Paper #5 on Citizens United, and join us for the launching of the Ohio Community Rights Workshop.

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Aug 12, 2015

Media Statement: Meigs County Commissioners Resort to Chicanery to Keep County Charter Initiative off the Ballot

Media Statement: Meigs County Commissioners Resort to Chicanery to Keep County Charter Initiative off the Ballot

MEIGS COUNTY, OH: Frustrated by the efforts of the Meigs County Commissioners to keep residents’ community rights county charter initiative off the November ballot, the Meigs County Home Rule Committee (MCHRC) has sued the Commissioners to force the measure on to the ballot.

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Aug 12, 2015

Warren City

Warren City

The Community Rights action in Warren City, Warren County, Pennsylvania has been a dramatic chapter in rights-based organizing. Facing tremendous political opposition from local officials and the gas industry, the charter amendment was soundly defeated, garnering 38% of the vote.

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Aug 12, 2015

State College

State College

On November 8, 2011, the residents of State College voted overwhelmingly—72%—to amend their Home Rule Charter to include a Community Bill of Rights.

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Aug 12, 2015

Peters Township Overview

Peters Township Overview

On November 23, 2010 Ellen Mavrich contacted CELDF asking for advice about adopting a community rights ordinance similar to the one enacted by Pittsburgh City Council, in consultation with CELDF, on November 16th. This is their story.

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Aug 12, 2015

Inlander: Envision Spokane fires back against mayor’s legal challenge

Inlander: Envision Spokane fires back against mayor’s legal challenge

CELDF assists Envision Spokane in asking a judge to dismiss efforts to keep the people’s Worker Bill of Rights off the ballot. Spokane, WA’s, mayor filed the lawsuit.

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Aug 12, 2015

Allegheny Defense Project: Rural PA Township in the Allegheny National Forest refuses to be bullied by Houston, Texas based oil and gas company Seneca Resources Corporation.

Allegheny Defense Project: Rural PA Township in the Allegheny National Forest refuses to be bullied by Houston, Texas based oil and gas company Seneca Resources Corporation.

Highland Township, PA, supervisors voted last night to defend the people’s Community Bill of Rights banning frack wastewater injection wells. Seneca Resources Corporation claims it has a corporate “right” to inject wastewater in the township, and does not recognize the community’s right to protect their clean water.

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Aug 11, 2015

Press Release: Highland Township Supervisors Vote to Defend Community Bill of Rights Banning Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

Press Release: Highland Township Supervisors Vote to Defend Community Bill of Rights Banning Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

This week, Highland Township, PA, Supervisors, with overwhelming community support, voted unanimously to defend their Community Bill of Rights banning frack wastewater injection wells rather than surrender their community’s rights. The vote was taken after Seneca Resources (Seneca) made good on a two year old threat to sue the Township to overturn the ordinance.

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Aug 11, 2015

Highland Township

Highland Township

Highland Township in Elk County, PA, adopted a Community Bill of Rights Ordinance in January 2013, codifying the community’s rights to clean air, water, the rights of nature, and to local self-governance – and banning fracking wastewater injection wells as a violation of those rights.

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Aug 11, 2015

Community Organizing in Pennsylvania

Community Organizing in Pennsylvania

My phone rings, and a very worried women on the other end tells me that she is outraged that a large energy corporation has applied for permits to drill for natural gas in her Township. She says she and her neighbors don’t want their community transformed the way others have been, from a livable, appealing and safe environment into a poisoned moonscape.

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Aug 11, 2015

Press Release: Ecosystem, Community Group, and Municipal Authority File for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Community from Injection Well

Press Release: Ecosystem, Community Group, and Municipal Authority File for Intervention in Lawsuit to Defend Community from Injection Well

HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP, PA: Today, an ecosystem in the United States filed a motion to intervene in a federal lawsuit to defend its own rights to exist and flourish.

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Aug 9, 2015

Ohio Secretary of State to decide on charter protest this week

Ohio Secretary of State to decide on charter protest this week

The Ohio Secretary of State’s Office is expected to make a decision by this Thursday on whether a proposed charter government for Athens County will go on the November ballot.

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Aug 6, 2015

POST [blog=”CELDF Editorial” | NewsCat=”News,Success Story”]

POST [blog=”CELDF Editorial” | NewsCat=”News,Success Story”]

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Aug 5, 2015

The Spokesman-Review: People, not city, should vote on workers’ bill of rights

The Spokesman-Review: People, not city, should vote on workers’ bill of rights

As the City of Spokane sues its own citizens in an attempt to keep a Worker Bill of Rights off the ballot, this opinion piece points out the hypocrisy and the anti-democratic tactics of City Hall.

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Aug 3, 2015

Inlander: City of Spokane wants Worker Bill of Rights initiative off ballot, files suit

Inlander: City of Spokane wants Worker Bill of Rights initiative off ballot, files suit

The city of Spokane attempts to keep the people of Spokane from voting on their own Worker Bill of Rights, filing a lawsuit to block the duly qualified initiative from the November ballot.

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Aug 3, 2015

Envision Worker Rights Media Statement: City Files Legal Challenge to Block the Democratic Rights of Voters

Envision Worker Rights Media Statement: City Files Legal Challenge to Block the Democratic Rights of Voters

Despite the constitutional right of Spokane, WA, citizens to vote on their own Worker Bill of Rights, the City of Spokane files suit in an attempt to block the qualified initiative from the ballot.

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Jul 25, 2015

The Spokesman-Review: Workers Bill of Rights proposal qualifies for Spokane ballot

The Spokesman-Review: Workers Bill of Rights proposal qualifies for Spokane ballot

Spokane, WA, residents successfully place a Worker Bill of Rights initiative on the November ballot. The city council is working to place advisory questions on the ballot as well, to deter voters from supporting the measure.

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Jul 24, 2015

The Southern Illinoisan: Anti-fracking group drafting a community bill of rights

The Southern Illinoisan: Anti-fracking group drafting a community bill of rights

Jackson County, IL, residents launch a campaign to advance a Community Bill of Rights banning fracking as a violation of their rights to clean air and water.

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Jul 20, 2015

The Rights of Nature & Self-Governance – San Andres Archipelago, Colombia

The Rights of Nature & Self-Governance – San Andres Archipelago, Colombia

The Raizal people of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina off the coast of Colombia work with CELDF to recognize the Rights of Nature and to achieve their right to self-determination. CELDF travels to the Archipelago this month. Learn more here.

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Jul 20, 2015

The World: Your View: Kudos from the other end of the LNG pipe

The World: Your View: Kudos from the other end of the LNG pipe

The people of Colorado express esprit de corps with and appreciation of the people of Oregon as both states advance community rights to stop fracking and its infrastructure and make real the promise of democratic self-governance.

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Jul 14, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Funds CELDF’s Work to Advance Rights to Local, Democratic Self-Governance and Rights of Nature

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Funds CELDF’s Work to Advance Rights to Local, Democratic Self-Governance and Rights of Nature

CELDF receives support from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

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Jul 4, 2015

On Community Civil Disobedience in the Name of Sustainability

On Community Civil Disobedience in the Name of Sustainability

Our existing system of law is aimed at constant growth, development, and extraction – and conventional environmental advocacy works around the edges of this system, rather than takes it on directly.

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Jul 3, 2015

Foster’s Daily Democrat: Reclaiming community rights is nothing new

Foster’s Daily Democrat: Reclaiming community rights is nothing new

A New Hampshire Community Rights Network Board member traces Community Rights back to colonial New England, where residents reclaimed those rights from the British Crown in the American Revolution – and where Community Rights are being reclaimed again today.

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Jun 24, 2015

Common Sense: A Community Rights Organizing “Primer” from CELDF

Common Sense: A Community Rights Organizing “Primer” from CELDF

Trying to protect your community from any number of threats? Check out Common Sense, CELDF’s community rights organizing primer.

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Jun 14, 2015

The New York Times: Stop Revering Magna Carta

The New York Times: Stop Revering Magna Carta

Some folks are celebrating 800 years of Magna Charta as if it were a sacred document. Others…not so much. Why? Read more in this New York Times opinion piece.

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Jun 13, 2015

Ohio Community Rights Network: Join with OHCRN to grow the Community Rights Movement today!

Ohio Community Rights Network: Join with OHCRN to grow the Community Rights Movement today!

A video on the work of OHCRN in growing Community Rights to help protect all Ohioans from harmful activities threatening clean air, pure water, and the right to democratic, local self-governance.

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Jun 13, 2015

Ohio Community Rights Network: Join with OHCRN to grow the Community Rights Movement today!

Ohio Community Rights Network: Join with OHCRN to grow the Community Rights Movement today!

A video on the work of OHCRN in growing Community Rights to help protect all Ohioans from harmful activities threatening clean air, pure water, and the right to democratic, local self-governance.

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Jun 8, 2015

Geddry: Wall dares invoke the constitution

Geddry: Wall dares invoke the constitution

Recognizing sustainability is illegal under our current structure of law, blogger Magix of Coos County urges the Community Bill of Rights to challenge the law and protect their County from an LNG export terminal.

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Jun 5, 2015

Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland – Building a Movement for Rights

Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland – Building a Movement for Rights

CELDF’s Mari Margil shares about the growth of the Community Rights Movement with our allies in Ireland – a movement to challenge and change our structure of law and governance such that the rights of communities and nature are elevated above corporate claimed “rights” to frack, mine, privatize water, etc. See page 2.

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May 12, 2015

Dissident Voice: The Future is in the Past: Economics 101 for Spokane

Dissident Voice: The Future is in the Past: Economics 101 for Spokane

An in-depth look at Spokane, WA, its economy, and what sustainable and just would mean to the almost 40,000 people living in poverty. This includes Envision Spokane’s Worker Bill of Rights, aimed for the November 2015 ballot.

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May 12, 2015

Dissident Voice: The Future is in the Past: Economics 101 for Spokane

Dissident Voice: The Future is in the Past: Economics 101 for Spokane

An in-depth look at Spokane, WA, its economy, and what sustainable and just would mean to the almost 40,000 people living in poverty. This includes Envision Spokane’s Worker Bill of Rights, aimed for the November 2015 ballot.

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May 10, 2015

We the People, We Decide – Columbia County Sustainable Action for Green Community (CCSAGE)

We the People, We Decide – Columbia County Sustainable Action for Green Community (CCSAGE)

Check out CCSAGE’s video: Columbia County, OR, residents partner with CELDF to advance Community Rights to stop fossil fuel transportation threatening their communities.

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May 1, 2015

PACRN Statement: Conestoga Township, PA, Resident Unjustly Arrested for Speaking Truth at a Public Meeting

PACRN Statement: Conestoga Township, PA, Resident Unjustly Arrested for Speaking Truth at a Public Meeting

The Pennsylvania Community Rights Network stands by Conestoga Township, PA, resident Kim Kann, who was arrested for speaking truth at a public meeting this week. Kann and other residents are tirelessly pursuing community rights to protect themselves from LNG pipelines, despite local government officials’ hostility.

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May 1, 2015

PACRN Statement: Conestoga Township, PA, Resident Unjustly Arrested for Speaking Truth at a Public Meeting

PACRN Statement: Conestoga Township, PA, Resident Unjustly Arrested for Speaking Truth at a Public Meeting

The Pennsylvania Community Rights Network stands by Conestoga Township, PA, resident Kim Kann, who was arrested for speaking truth at a public meeting this week. Kann and other residents are tirelessly pursuing community rights to protect themselves from LNG pipelines, despite local government officials’ hostility.

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Apr 27, 2015

Truthout: The Carcinogenic Murder of Audrey Moore

Truthout: The Carcinogenic Murder of Audrey Moore

Author Evaggelos Vallianatos pays tribute to Audrey Moore of Josephine County, OR – a community rights advocate who recently died from cancer caused by the poisons she was unwavering in trying to stop. Audrey’s work lives on in those around her, who are steadfast in advancing the right of all living things to be free from chemical trespass.

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Apr 25, 2015

Foster’s Daily Democrat: CELDF can help communities

Foster’s Daily Democrat: CELDF can help communities

In a letter-to-the-editor, New Hampshire resident and New Hampshire Community Rights Network member Pamela Martin recognizes CELDF’s work to support communities in protecting their rights over corporate claimed “rights” and government interests.

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Apr 23, 2015

Plunderblund: Lethal Injection: One County’s Fight Against Frack Waste Wells And The Need For A Statewide Effort

Plunderblund: Lethal Injection: One County’s Fight Against Frack Waste Wells And The Need For A Statewide Effort

As Athens County, OH, residents are subjected to increasing quantities of fracking wastewater imported into their communities, they are finding no remedy in their state government. It’s time for residents to stand together to protect their health, safety, and welfare.

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Apr 20, 2015

Tribute to Audrey Moore

Tribute to Audrey Moore

It’s with a heavy heart that we are sharing the news of the recent passing of Audrey Moore. Over the last two years, Audrey has been a truly formidable force and trailblazer for community rights in Oregon.

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Apr 18, 2015

Truthout: Colorado Communities Battle Energy Industry to Build Community Rights

Truthout: Colorado Communities Battle Energy Industry to Build Community Rights

As the oil and gas industry bears down on local Colorado municipal representatives to open their communities to fracking, those who refuse to cave are part of building a community rights movement that is rebuilding our structure of law and governance.

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