
Sep 2, 2015

Stow Sentry: Backers of fracking-related ballot issues protest at Columbus event featuring Jon Husted

Stow Sentry: Backers of fracking-related ballot issues protest at Columbus event featuring Jon Husted

Residents from across Ohio protest outside a luncheon where Ohio Secretary of State Husted is speaking today. Mr. Husted is attempting to block Home Rule county charter initiatives in Athens, Medina, and Fulton Counties from being on the November ballot.

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Sep 2, 2015

Cleveland Scene: Medina County Citizens Protesting Jon Husted’s Petition Review Process

Cleveland Scene: Medina County Citizens Protesting Jon Husted’s Petition Review Process

Citizens from Medina, Fulton and Athens counties in Ohio are gathering in Columbus today to protest Secretary of State Jon Husted’s ruling that those counties’ citizens may not vote on their own county charter initiatives, despite meeting requirements to place those initiatives on the November ballot.

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Sep 1, 2015

The Republic: Fracking foes in 3 Ohio counties say elections chief exceeded authority to block ballot issues

The Republic: Fracking foes in 3 Ohio counties say elections chief exceeded authority to block ballot issues

Three Ohio counties argue in their filing to the Ohio Supreme Court that the Secretary of State overstepped his authority in removing their county charter initiatives from the ballot.

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Aug 31, 2015

What’s in a Community Bill of Rights (CBOR)?

What’s in a Community Bill of Rights (CBOR)?

Community Bills of Rights (CBOR) come in a variety of forms, including municipal or county ordinances, home rule charters, charter amendments, state legislation, and state constitutional amendments. The community decides which form to use, depending largely upon the types of local government and the tools for exercising local government allowed by your state constitution.

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Aug 31, 2015

Initiating a Rights-Based Campaign

Initiating a Rights-Based Campaign

The Three G’s of Organizing

Wondering how to get started on the road to local self-government in your community? You’ll need:

A Goal,
A Group,
and Get out of “The Box” by asserting your Right to Local Self-Government

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Aug 31, 2015

Is it Really ILLEGAL to Think Outside the Box?

Is it Really ILLEGAL to Think Outside the Box?

What is it that keeps us from getting what we want in our communities? Why can’t we say, “No!” to harmful activities? The short answer is: THE LAW. A handful of legal doctrines make it illegal for communities to govern on important issues like fracking, factory farms, large-scale energy infrastructure projects and commercial water extraction.

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Aug 31, 2015

The System is Fixed and We Need to Break It

The System is Fixed and We Need to Break It

The system is broken! At CELDF we hear this all the time from communities asking for our help. Yet, to our eyes, the system is actually working just fine for those who created it; it’s been fixed to work on behalf of corporations that are protected by our state and federal governments.

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Aug 31, 2015

All is not Well in Grant Township

All is not Well in Grant Township

The true story of one community’s struggle to save their heritage watershed. And the corporations actively trying to destroy it.

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Aug 31, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Citizens Protest Against Secretary of State for denying their Constitutional Right to Vote

Press Release: Ohio Citizens Protest Against Secretary of State for denying their Constitutional Right to Vote

Ohio residents will demonstrate in downtown Columbus on Wednesday, against Ohio Secretary of State’s recent decision to remove three Home Rule county charter initiatives from the November ballot.

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Aug 31, 2015

Press Release: National Community Rights Network Endorses  NH  Town ’ s  Community Bill of Rights Ordinance

Press Release: National Community Rights Network Endorses NH Town ’ s Community Bill of Rights Ordinance

The National Community Rights Network backs Barrington, NH’s Community Bill of Rights Ordinance banning resource extraction as a violation of residents’ rights to clean air, water, and scenic preservation. Residents are bringing the measure forward for a vote at Town Meeting in March 2016.

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Aug 31, 2015

Tamaqua Borough, Pennsylvania

Tamaqua Borough, Pennsylvania

The story of one Pennsylvania community gaining community rights.

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Aug 31, 2015

Corporations and Natural Rights By Charles A. Beard

Corporations and Natural Rights By Charles A. Beard

Chapter I, from “Jefferson, Corporations and the Constitution” originally published in The Virginia Quarterly Review, 1936

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Aug 30, 2015

Tom Paine on Corporate Charters

Tom Paine on Corporate Charters

I answer not to falsehood or abuse, but proceed to the defects of the English Government. I begin with charters and corporations.

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Aug 30, 2015

Press Release: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Recognizes Community Authority to Ban Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

Press Release: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Recognizes Community Authority to Ban Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

MERCERSBURG, PA: On August 12, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) took an unprecedented step, for the first time suspending the issuance of a state frack wastewater injection well permit on the basis of a local ordinance banning injection wells.

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Aug 28, 2015

The Putney Debates

The Putney Debates

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Aug 28, 2015



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Aug 28, 2015

Cyclopedic Law Dictionary

Cyclopedic Law Dictionary

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Aug 28, 2015

Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

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Aug 28, 2015

Toxic Sludge is Good For You

Toxic Sludge is Good For You

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Aug 28, 2015

The Strings that Control the Public Mind

The Strings that Control the Public Mind

How Public Relations Sold Sewage Disposal as Agricultural Recycling

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Aug 27, 2015

Capital Press: Why initiatives should remain a power tool for citizens

Capital Press: Why initiatives should remain a power tool for citizens

The Oregon Secretary of State refuses to certify a duly qualified state constitutional amendment that would secure the right to democratic local self-government. This writer points out the dangerous precedent established by such action if allowed to stand.

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Aug 27, 2015

The Inlander: Worker Bill of Rights will be on ballot as city declines to appeal judge’s ruling

The Inlander: Worker Bill of Rights will be on ballot as city declines to appeal judge’s ruling

The Worker Bill of Rights is the fourth initiative from Envision Spokane, now operating under Envision Worker Rights, to qualify for the ballot. It would grant new protections and rights to workers in Spokane, a prospect that has the business community worried.

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Aug 27, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Government Officials Again Deny Citizens the Right to Vote on Fracking

Press Release: Ohio Government Officials Again Deny Citizens the Right to Vote on Fracking

YOUNGSTOWN, OH: A week following Ohio Secretary of State John Husted’s ruling which stripped residents in three counties of their right to vote on Home Rule Charter initiatives, the Mahoning County Board of Elections voted to do the same to Youngstown residents. The Board refused to place a proposed Charter Amendment on the November ballot, even though all requirements for qualifying the amendment to the ballot were met, and the Board’s own attorney advised placing the amendment onto the ballot.

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Aug 27, 2015

Vindy.com: Mahoning elections board votes to keep Youngstown anti-fracking proposal off ballot

Vindy.com: Mahoning elections board votes to keep Youngstown anti-fracking proposal off ballot

With the Mahoning County Board of Elections unanimously voting to keep a Youngstown anti-fracking charter amendment proposal off the Nov. 3 ballot, backers of the initiative are unsure of their next step.

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Aug 26, 2015

Read the Dirt: Hundreds of Communities Are Building Legal Blockades to Fight Big Carbon

Read the Dirt: Hundreds of Communities Are Building Legal Blockades to Fight Big Carbon

Communities across the country – threatened by harmful carbon extraction – are leveraging community rights and lessons from indigenous peoples to use rights-based legal strategies, working to overcome unjust western legal doctrines.

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Aug 26, 2015

The Spokesman-Review: Recognize workers’ rights

The Spokesman-Review: Recognize workers’ rights

While The Spokesman-Review got it right that all qualifying citizens’ initiatives should make it onto the ballot, the editorial board continues to get it wrong on corporate rights.

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Aug 25, 2015

The Bradford Era: New defendants want in on Highland Township injection well lawsuit

The Bradford Era: New defendants want in on Highland Township injection well lawsuit

A natural gas driller suing Highland Township in federal court claims attempts by outside parties to intervene in the case, one involving a municipal ban on wastewater injection wells, are both “befuddled” and baseless, asking the court to refuse their inclusion, in a statement filed on Monday.

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Aug 24, 2015

The Vindicator: Youngstown council puts anti-fracking amendment on November ballot

The Vindicator: Youngstown council puts anti-fracking amendment on November ballot

YOUNGSTOWN ­— City council voted today to put an anti-fracking charter amendment proposal on the Nov. 3 ballot, and the Mahoning County Board of Elections could do the same as early as Wednesday.

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Aug 24, 2015

EcoWatch: Corporate Rights Trump Democracy in Ohio Fracking Fight

EcoWatch: Corporate Rights Trump Democracy in Ohio Fracking Fight

People who oppose having their communities transformed into corporate resource colonies are familiar with the Halliburton Loophole, a secretly drafted edict that places the oil and gas industries above the law, exempting them and no one else from obeying the clean water act, the clean air act, the safe water drinking act, and others. Now, Ohio Sec. of State Jon Husted has unilaterally placed those same corporations above the Ohio State Constitution.

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Aug 24, 2015

Ohio SOS in hot water over dismissing unconventional oil & gas ballot proposals

Ohio SOS in hot water over dismissing unconventional oil & gas ballot proposals

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has been sued by 10 residents of Fulton, Medina and Athens counties after he invalidated hydraulic fracturing ballot proposals.

The group is challenging Husted’s decision to remove a series of ballot questions that contain bans on fracking-related oil and gas drilling projects, such as wastewater injection wells used during the fracturing process.

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Aug 24, 2015

Pagosa Daily Post: Coloradans for Community Rights Submits State Ballot Initiative

Pagosa Daily Post: Coloradans for Community Rights Submits State Ballot Initiative

Coloradans advance their campaign for a statewide community rights state constitutional amendment for the 2016 ballot. Residents across the state refuse to remain resource colonies for corporate profits, and are working to codify their right to local self-government.

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Aug 23, 2015

Vindy.com: Youngstown council to vote Monday to put an anti-fracking charter amendment proposal on ballot

Vindy.com: Youngstown council to vote Monday to put an anti-fracking charter amendment proposal on ballot

City council will vote Monday to put an anti-fracking charter amendment proposal on the Nov. 3 ballot, and it appears the Mahoning County Board of Elections will do the same in a couple of weeks.

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Aug 22, 2015

The Colorado Statesman: Activists tweak message, timing in latest anti-fracking ballot fight

The Colorado Statesman: Activists tweak message, timing in latest anti-fracking ballot fight

Activists will take another crack at passing the Colorado Community Rights Amendment, a proposed ballot initiative designed to give localities a veto over corporate activity, starting with the oil and gas industry.

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Aug 21, 2015

E&E Reporter: Fracking foes ask Ohio Supreme Court to reinstate ballot drives

E&E Reporter: Fracking foes ask Ohio Supreme Court to reinstate ballot drives

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted blocked the initiatives in Athens, Fulton and Medina counties on Nov. 13, 2014, saying local governments cannot get around state law that allows fracking. He acted under a section of Ohio law that allows the secretary of state to respond to election complaints (EnergyWire, Aug. 17).

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Aug 21, 2015

NGI’s Shale Daily: Ohio Organizers Sue Secretary of State For Invalidating Anti-Fracking Petitions

NGI’s Shale Daily: Ohio Organizers Sue Secretary of State For Invalidating Anti-Fracking Petitions

The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) has filed a lawsuit against Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted for his recent decision to invalidate petitions in three counties across the state that sought to ban oil and gas development.

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Aug 21, 2015

Judge sets path for voters to decide renewable energy ordinance

Judge sets path for voters to decide renewable energy ordinance

The second of two legal challenges filed in opposition to a proposed “community Bill of Rights” relating to energy production and consumption in Columbia County was resolved Friday, Aug. 14.

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Aug 21, 2015

Press Release: Fracking Fight Heats Up in Ohio

Press Release: Fracking Fight Heats Up in Ohio

COLUMBUS, OH: With the oil and gas industry already reveling in a recent Ohio Supreme Court decision stripping local control on fracking and other extraction activities away from communities, the Secretary of State has now handed the industry another victory, opening the door for fracking infrastructure projects to spread even faster across Ohio.

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Aug 21, 2015

Fracking Fight Heats Up In Ohio

Fracking Fight Heats Up In Ohio

With the oil and gas industry already reveling in a recent Ohio Supreme Court decision stripping local control on fracking and other extraction activities away from communities, the Secretary of State has now handed the industry another victory, opening the door for fracking infrastructure projects to spread even faster across Ohio.

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Aug 21, 2015

Lawsuit filed against Jon Husted over Medina County charter ballot issue

Lawsuit filed against Jon Husted over Medina County charter ballot issue

A Medina County environmental organization Wednesday sued Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted after he threw out a fall ballot issue last week that would have placed restrictions on oil and gas projects within county lines.

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Aug 21, 2015

Union Leader: Northern Pass project remains a lightning rod

Union Leader: Northern Pass project remains a lightning rod

Opposition to Northern Pass – a 180-mile proposed route through NH of high transmission wires and steel towers reaching 140 feet in height – remains strong. CELDF partner, the New Hampshire Community Rights Network, stands strong to protect residents’ right to decide whether or not Northern Pass sites here.

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Aug 20, 2015

Local groups sue Husted over invalidating Nov. 3 charter initiatives in Medina, Fulton and Athens counties

Local groups sue Husted over invalidating Nov. 3 charter initiatives in Medina, Fulton and Athens counties

Residents of Medina, Fulton and Athens counties filed a lawsuit against Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted this week for blocking local votes on county charter initiatives to stop natural gas pipelines and injection wells.

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Aug 20, 2015

Supreme Court to rule on anti-fracking measures

Supreme Court to rule on anti-fracking measures

Representatives of committees in Athens County and two other Ohio counties seeking passage of anti-fracking county charters are asking the Ohio Supreme Court to order Secretary of State Jon Husted to dismiss protests against the measures and allow them to make the Nov. 3 general election ballots in the three counties.

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Aug 20, 2015

The Olympian: Fracking foes sue Ohio elections chief over ballot ruling

The Olympian: Fracking foes sue Ohio elections chief over ballot ruling

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Residents in three Ohio counties contend in a lawsuit that Secretary of State Jon Husted violated their rights when he invalidated ballot proposals they offered that would have restricted development projects related to the gas-drilling technique known as fracking.

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Aug 19, 2015

Meigs County Home Rule Committee

Meigs County Home Rule Committee

A state constitution is the governing document of a U.S. state, like as the United States Constitution is the governing document of the United States. Then, a county charter can rightly be compared to a constitution at the local level. It spells out the powers, duties and structures of government and the rights of county citizens.

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Aug 19, 2015

The Leap: In Colorado, A Revolutionary New Coalition Stands for Community Rights

The Leap: In Colorado, A Revolutionary New Coalition Stands for Community Rights

In Colorado, local governments cannot raise the minimum wage, pass rent control laws, or ban fracking. A system of state “preemption”—a favorite tool of the fossil fuel industry—stands in their way.

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Aug 18, 2015

A New Movement for Community Self-Determination

A New Movement for Community Self-Determination

Blogger David Bollier sees Community Rights Networks as an antidote to corporations forcing themselves into communities and causing harm.

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Aug 17, 2015

Denver Business Journal: Proposed Colorado amendment would give locals more say on fracking, wages (Video)

Denver Business Journal: Proposed Colorado amendment would give locals more say on fracking, wages (Video)

Community activists submitted the wording Monday for a proposed Colorado constitutional amendment that would allow local governments more power over oil and gas regulations and over the setting of a minimum wage.

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Aug 17, 2015

Husted nixes charter proposal

Husted nixes charter proposal

Fulton County residents will not vote on a charter government Nov. 3 because the submitted proposal flies in the face of state law, according to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted.

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Aug 17, 2015

EnergyWire: Ohio secretary of state tosses anti-fracking elections in 3 counties

EnergyWire: Ohio secretary of state tosses anti-fracking elections in 3 counties

Ohio blocked three counties from holding elections that could ban oil and gas or pipeline development, but organizers said they may go to court to get the proposals back on the ballot, and at least one local election could still go forward.

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Aug 16, 2015

Ohio Secretary of State says: No vote on local charter

Ohio Secretary of State says: No vote on local charter

The Athens County Bill of Rights Committee, along with similar committees in Medina and Fulton counties, plans to appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court after Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted rejected the groups’ anti-fracking charter government proposals for the ballot this November.

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