
Jul 27, 2016

The Register Guard: County commissioners get an earful on ordinance that could limit ballot initiatives

The Register Guard: County commissioners get an earful on ordinance that could limit ballot initiatives

Lane County, OR, residents turn out in high numbers to their County Commissioners meeting, stating clearly their indignation at the Commissioners’ consideration of a law removing direct democracy from the hands of the people.

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Jul 27, 2016

The Bradford Era:  Highland Township Home Rule group hears from supervisor

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group hears from supervisor

Highland Township, PA, residents begin drafting a Home Rule Charter. They consult with Grant Township, where last November residents overwhelmingly adopted a new, rights-based charter that included a ban on frack wastewater injection wells.

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Jul 27, 2016

The Athens News: Charter petition protest skips local court, will go to Ohio Sec. of State

The Athens News: Charter petition protest skips local court, will go to Ohio Sec. of State

Athens County, OH, residents protest the Board of Elections attempt to keep their rights-based County Charter initiative off the November ballot.

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Jul 26, 2016

KEZI News: Lane County Residents Outraged by Proposed Change to Initiative System

KEZI News: Lane County Residents Outraged by Proposed Change to Initiative System

Lane County, OR, residents make clear their displeasure with the County Commissioners, who are considering a measure to restrict the people’s access to direct democracy.

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Jul 26, 2016

WOUB Digital: Athens Charter Group Protests Election Board Decision

WOUB Digital: Athens Charter Group Protests Election Board Decision

Residents of Athens County submit their protest against the County Board of Elections’ refusal to place their duly qualified County Charter on the November ballot.

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Jul 26, 2016

Blog: 2016 – The Year Democracy Died?

Blog: 2016 – The Year Democracy Died?

While we may expect to see powerbrokers in both major political parties drown out grassroots voices, it’s happening at the local level as well. Local government officials and the judiciary act as corporate allies, killing the right to initiative across the U.S.

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Jul 25, 2016

In These Times: Colorado Community Rights Amendment Builds Largest Campaign to Date, But Falls Short of 2016 Ballot

In These Times: Colorado Community Rights Amendment Builds Largest Campaign to Date, But Falls Short of 2016 Ballot

Coloradans advancing the Colorado Community Rights Amendment set sites on 2018 for the state ballot, and commit to building Community Rights at the local, state, and national levels.

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Jul 25, 2016

Press Release: Athens County Residents Fight for Right to Initiative

Press Release: Athens County Residents Fight for Right to Initiative

Athens County, OH, residents worked with CELDF to file a protest today against their Board of Elections. The Board blocked their qualified County Charter initiative banning fracking wastewater injection wells from the November ballot.

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Jul 24, 2016

Blog: U.S. Mayors Embrace Community Rights, Condemn Legalization of Corporate Violence

Blog: U.S. Mayors Embrace Community Rights, Condemn Legalization of Corporate Violence

More than thirty U.S. mayors from fourteen states call on state legislatures to recognize the right of localities to protect the health, safety, and welfare of their communities from fracking – a right CELDF has been working with communities to advance since 2010.

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Jul 21, 2016

Eugene Weekly: Meddling with the People’s Rights

Eugene Weekly: Meddling with the People’s Rights

Local elected officials in Lane County, OR, attempt to pander to corporate interests and work to block the right to citizen initiative. Lane residents are advancing three rights-based measures to protect their County from GMOs and toxic aerial spraying.

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Jul 18, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Letter to the Editor – Give power to local residents

Akron Beacon Journal: Letter to the Editor – Give power to local residents

Says Portage County, OH, resident: The people who live in a community should make the governing decisions impacting that community. Portage County residents are advancing a County Charter recognizing that right, and protecting against fracking activities.

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Jul 18, 2016

ThisWeek Community News: Anti-fracking group coming to town

ThisWeek Community News: Anti-fracking group coming to town

The Ohio Community Rights Network comes to Johnstown, OH. Member of the Network will share with residents rights-based strategies to protect communities – including their rights to local self-government, clean air and water, and banning fracking as a violation of rights.

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Jul 17, 2016

The Athens News: Anti-fracking group leaning toward appeal of local Board of Elections rejection of petitions

The Athens News: Anti-fracking group leaning toward appeal of local Board of Elections rejection of petitions

Athens County, OH, residents face oil and gas industry allies blocking their rights-based County Charter measure from the November ballot, despite meeting initiative requirements. Supporters will challenge the decision, asserting their right to citizen initiative.

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Jul 17, 2016

The Athens Messenger: Charter group claims election board member has conflict of interests

The Athens Messenger: Charter group claims election board member has conflict of interests

Ohio Gas Association President JImmy Stewart sees no conflict of interest in his appointment to the Meigs County Board of Elections, as he leads the charge to block a rights-based County Charter measure banning fracking. Residents disagree; consider next steps.

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Jul 15, 2016

OHCRN Statement: County Boards of Elections Attempt to Stifle Democracy:  Meigs, Athens and Medina Counties

OHCRN Statement: County Boards of Elections Attempt to Stifle Democracy: Meigs, Athens and Medina Counties

Efforts in Ohio by local Boards of Elections to block rights-based County Charter initiatives banning fracking fail to disempower We the People.

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Jul 15, 2016

Ecowatch: Fracking Fight Continues in Colorado

Ecowatch: Fracking Fight Continues in Colorado

Coloradans advance a rights-based state constitutional amendment, empowering communities to strengthen protections set at the state and federal level for fracking – including banning it. In response, the oil and gas industry funnels over $6 million to defeat it.

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Jul 14, 2016

LDF makes historic grant announcement and welcomes Terry Tamminen as global CEO

LDF makes historic grant announcement and welcomes Terry Tamminen as global CEO

Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation for your support of CELDF’s work! LDF is helping us empower communities and build Rights of Nature legal frameworks.

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Jul 14, 2016

The Athens Messenger: Charter committee weighs options for challenging election board decision

The Athens Messenger: Charter committee weighs options for challenging election board decision

Athens County, OH, residents intend to challenge the Board of Elections vote to keep their County Charter initiative off the November ballot. Residents are advancing the right to local self-government, including banning fracking activities, to protect themselves from harm.

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Jul 13, 2016

The New York Times: In New Zealand, Lands and Rivers Can Be People (Legally Speaking)

The New York Times: In New Zealand, Lands and Rivers Can Be People (Legally Speaking)

What once was a national park in New Zealand is now recognized as having personhood. A river is expected to receive the same status. Both are part of an agreement with Maori groups, and reflect the growing recognition of the rights of nature.

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Jul 10, 2016

The Athens Messenger: The only ‘fringe’ elements are those advocating fracking

The Athens Messenger: The only ‘fringe’ elements are those advocating fracking

An Athens County, OH, resident calls out an oil & gas industry representative who attempted to belittle Community Rights supporters as they spoke out against fracking harms.

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Jul 10, 2016

The Register-Guard: Initiative review: Con — Ballot initiative process protected by constitutions

The Register-Guard: Initiative review: Con — Ballot initiative process protected by constitutions

Lane County Commissioners jump to do bidding of corporate forestry and attempt to strip Lane residents of their right to initiative. Residents are advancing Community Rights to protect themselves from toxic aerial spraying.

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Jul 10, 2016

The Athens Messenger: Election board says proposed Athens County charter not valid

The Athens Messenger: Election board says proposed Athens County charter not valid

The Athens County, OH, Board of Elections exerts power of residents, refusing to certify their Community Rights Charter initiative banning fracking – despite having the required number of signatures.

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Jul 10, 2016

The Record Courier: Charter forces push ballot bid

The Record Courier: Charter forces push ballot bid

Portage County, OH, residents have found no remedy in their local or state government as they are inundated with frack wastewater injection wells. They are advancing a Community Rights Charter initiative for the November ballot to ban the wells.

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Jul 9, 2016

The Post: Government should protect rights, safety and happiness

The Post: Government should protect rights, safety and happiness

In Medina County, OH, residents insist on their right to alter their government when their representatives refuse to protect them from harm. Medina County residents are advancing a rights-based County Charter initiative banning fracking activities as a violation of rights.

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Jul 9, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township to draft Home Rule Charter

The Bradford Era: Highland Township to draft Home Rule Charter

Highland Township, PA’s, government study commission issues its report: their existing governing structure allows a few people to make decisions that belong to the many. It’s time for a Home Rule form of government, allowing the community to make the governing decisions.

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Jul 7, 2016

The Record-Courier: KEC board backs county charter bid

The Record-Courier: KEC board backs county charter bid

The Kent Environmental Council endorses the Portage Community Rights Group’s rights-based county charter initiative. The county charter would ban frack wastewater injection wells as a violation of the right to clean water.

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Jul 7, 2016

Tacoma Weekly: ‘Water warriors’ plan to continue fight after initiatives blocked

Tacoma Weekly: ‘Water warriors’ plan to continue fight after initiatives blocked

Tacoma local government allies with big business interests, using the courts to block Tacomans from voting to protect their water. Undaunted, Tacomans prepare for a statewide initiative, and plan to run Community Rights candidates for local office.

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Jul 4, 2016

KOMO News: Group fighting for a say in the future of Tacoma’s water

KOMO News: Group fighting for a say in the future of Tacoma’s water

Tacoma, WA, residents determine next move as a county judge denies their right to protect their local water through initiative.

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Jul 1, 2016

The Athens Messenger: Petitions submitted for second attempt to place anti-fracking law on county ballot

The Athens Messenger: Petitions submitted for second attempt to place anti-fracking law on county ballot

Athens County, OH, residents submit signatures to place a Community Rights county charter on the November ballot that would maintain the current governing structure while banning fracking as a violation of rights.

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Jun 30, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Medina County group files 6,578 signatures seeking November vote on community bill of rights

Akron Beacon Journal: Medina County group files 6,578 signatures seeking November vote on community bill of rights

In Medina County, OH, residents gather over 6,500 signatures, qualifying for the November ballot a Community Rights County Charter banning fracking activities. They join six other Ohio cities and counties advancing similar measures.

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Jun 30, 2016

Press Release: Ohioans Determined to Stop Fracking through Asserting Rights

Press Release: Ohioans Determined to Stop Fracking through Asserting Rights

Last summer, the corporate state led efforts to keep Ohioans from voting on fracking bans. Ohio communities are back in action, refusing to be deterred, and committed to protecting their communities. Five ballot measures are submitted this week for November.

Read More | Community Wires, Press Releases & Blogs, Success Story

Jun 28, 2016

The Vindicator: An anti-fracking charter-amendment proposal could be in front of Youngstown voters for a sixth time

The Vindicator: An anti-fracking charter-amendment proposal could be in front of Youngstown voters for a sixth time

Youngstown, OH, residents show their grit and commitment as they advance their Community Bill of Rights banning fracking to the ballot for a vote by the people.

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Jun 27, 2016

WKBN 27: Frackfree group to put fracking ban on Youngstown ballot again

WKBN 27: Frackfree group to put fracking ban on Youngstown ballot again

Youngstown, OH, residents assert their right to initiative as they advance a rights-based initiative to ban fracking as a violation of their right to clean water and a healthy environment. Residents gathered double the required number of signatures.

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Jun 27, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Youngstown group to submit community bill of rights petitions

Akron Beacon Journal: Youngstown group to submit community bill of rights petitions

Determined to protect their community and safeguard their water from fracking, Youngstown, OH, residents submit well-over the required number of signatures for a Community Bill of Rights fracking ban initiative. Voters will cast their ballots in November.

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Jun 24, 2016

Gotham Gazette: Required in Some Cases, Home Rule Sheds Light on City-State Power Dynamic

Gotham Gazette: Required in Some Cases, Home Rule Sheds Light on City-State Power Dynamic

When municipal interests and Home Rule powers come into conflict with state preemption, communities are losing. It will take community rights and a people’s movement to change it.

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Jun 24, 2016

The Pierce Progressive: Whose Water is It?

The Pierce Progressive: Whose Water is It?

Local government and corporate interests in Tacoma, WA, collude to stop the City’s residents from their democratic right to initiative. Residents are advancing a rights-based measure to let the people decide when large corporate water uses are allowed.

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Jun 24, 2016

The Business Journal: Group to Place Anti-Fracking Amendment on Ballot

The Business Journal: Group to Place Anti-Fracking Amendment on Ballot

Youngstown, OH, residents turn in signatures to place their charter amendment on the ballot in November. The measure establishes the rights of residents to clean air and water, the right to local community self-government, and bans fracking as a violation of those rights.

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Jun 24, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group discusses progress made

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group discusses progress made

Highland Township, PA, residents review their governing code, finding it insufficient to meet the needs of the community because it places corporate “rights” over community rights. They are drafting a Home Rule charter that elevates communities over corporations.

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Jun 23, 2016

The Crescent-News:  OEPA hosts meeting on proposed Defiance compressor station

The Crescent-News: OEPA hosts meeting on proposed Defiance compressor station

Several communities in three counties face Rover pipelines and a compressor station north of Defiance, OH. Residents gathered at a OEPA hearing to make clear they are unwilling to accept harm, and urged their communities to assert their rights to protect themselves.

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Jun 21, 2016

Agua Para Tod@s: Cientos de comunidades en EEUU están construyendo escudos legales frente a las empresas de energéticos

Agua Para Tod@s: Cientos de comunidades en EEUU están construyendo escudos legales frente a las empresas de energéticos

Simon Davis-Cohen’s article on communities in the U.S. learning from indigenous peoples and leveraging community rights to overcome unjust western legal doctrines, is reprinted here in Agua Para Tod@s.

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Jun 10, 2016

Press Release: Spokane Initiative to Ban Coal, Oil Trains as Threat to Climate and Public Safety

Press Release: Spokane Initiative to Ban Coal, Oil Trains as Threat to Climate and Public Safety

Coal and oil trains passing through Spokane, WA, spark physician Gunnar Holmquist to take action, filing a CELDF-drafted Community Bill of Rights charter amendment banning the shipments as a violation of the right to a healthy climate and public safety.

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Jun 9, 2016

KPLU 88.5: Grassroots Group Decries Port Of Tacoma’s Move To Block Ballot Measures Over Industrial Water Use

KPLU 88.5: Grassroots Group Decries Port Of Tacoma’s Move To Block Ballot Measures Over Industrial Water Use

The corporate state in Tacoma, WA, attempts “…to use the court as a weapon to strangle democracy in Tacoma.” Residents are advancing their right to initiative as they fight to protect their water from large commercial uses.

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Jun 9, 2016

Community Rights Paper #13: Breaking the Planet

Community Rights Paper #13: Breaking the Planet

Breaking the Planet takes an unflinching look at climate change, the legal and governing structures accelerating our own destruction, and the radical action necessary to cease the sweeping and violent damage being done to the planet, and us.

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Jun 7, 2016

Tacoma Daily Index:  Port of Tacoma files suit to keep water initiatives off ballot

Tacoma Daily Index: Port of Tacoma files suit to keep water initiatives off ballot

Tacoma, WA, residents fight to protect their water while their own local electeds stand against them. Local government and business interests are suing to block a rights-based ballot initiative from a vote by the people. The measure would protect Tacoma water.

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Jun 5, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Portage County group seeking signatures on petition calling for community bill of rights vote

Akron Beacon Journal: Portage County group seeking signatures on petition calling for community bill of rights vote

Portage County, OH, residents gather signatures to place a Community Rights County Charter on the November ballot to ban fracking activities. Residents are advancing rights to protect themselves from the oil and gas industry.

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Jun 4, 2016

Truthout: Climate Justice From the Ground Up: Six Ballot Initiatives to Watch in 2016

Truthout: Climate Justice From the Ground Up: Six Ballot Initiatives to Watch in 2016

Local communities are using their inalienable right to govern the places where they live to take action against climate change. Truthout highlights them here, including CELDF partners in Columbus, OH; Grant Township, PA; and Colorado.

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Jun 1, 2016

The Citizen: Let’s move forward in solidarity to fight for community

The Citizen: Let’s move forward in solidarity to fight for community

Residents in New Hampshire are relieved as Northeast Energy Direct withdraws its pipeline plans. But one resident says there is no win here – simply a respite until the next threat – and urges Granite Staters to continue working for Community Rights.

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Jun 1, 2016

The Register-Guard: Stop aerial herbicide spraying in Lane County

The Register-Guard: Stop aerial herbicide spraying in Lane County

Herbicides are found in Lane County, OR, residents from aerial pesticide spraying. Finding their state government protecting the corporate sprayers rather than the people, Oregon residents advance a Community Bill of Rights banning the spraying.

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May 25, 2016

Community Rights Lane County Street Theater

Community Rights Lane County Street Theater

As Lane County, OR, voters advance Community Rights, efforts are underway to block them. Community Rights Lane County uses street theater to help fight for the people’s democratic rights.

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May 25, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule Charter group holds first meeting

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule Charter group holds first meeting

Highland Township, PA’s Home Rule Study Commission was voted in last month. Last night, they held their first meeting to begin consideration of becoming a Home Rule township, retaining CELDF as legal counsel.

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