
We help communities create & defend their rights.

We assist communities to develop first-in-the-nation, groundbreaking laws for worker rights, houseless rights, democratic rights, and the Rights of Nature. We also provide free and low-cost legal services, grassroots organizing, and education support, to communities and governments facing injustice. Contact us now.


essays, poetry, blogs, music, and more by CELDF staff

While people around the world celebrate the planet we’re collectively killing and simultaneously trying to save, CELDF is looking forward and back, contemplating where we’ve been and where, if anywhere, we’re going. Over the upcoming weeks, we’ll share our thoughts, analysis, creativity and retrospectives. Stay in touch and share your thoughts with us…we really are all in this one together.

News from the Grassroots

Fast Facts

Our Fast Facts are quick introductions to big ideas and concepts tackled by the Community Rights Movement! Check out our Fast Facts and find resources to more information to further your knowledge on the topics! Watch them all here

Rights of Nature

Community Rights

Box of Allowable Activism

[The Community Rights and Rights of Nature movement] is the beginning of a social movement that is greater than just the oil and gas industry, it is a potential game changer for all of corporate America.

Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico