Help us reach our goal and support Grant Township!

CELDF is currently representing Grant Township in an ongoing legal battle. We have worked closely with the people of Grant to successfully prohibit a frack-waste injection well since 2014. The Township has been sued three times since then: twice in federal court by Pennsylvania General Energy Company (the corporation that wants to dump waste) and once in Commonwealth state court by the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Yes, the DEP is suing the Township for trying to protect its environment.
The trial will be in Commonwealth Court and focus on whether the DEP has failed to protect the environment in PA, as well as whether the people of Grant Township have the authority to protect their environment.

We are facing exorbitant costs as DEP and their corporate allies run up the cost of this trial. We need your support, now more than ever. We are in a David vs Goliath battle that will not only determine Grant Township’s local right to protect their environment and municipal activism in the state more broadly.

Would you please consider making a donation to help Grant Township take another stand against corporate polluters?