Highland Township

Nov 13, 2017

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: ‘No is no is no’: A tiny township’s fight against oil and gas waste disposal

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: ‘No is no is no’: A tiny township’s fight against oil and gas waste disposal

While Grant Township, PA, residents fight to protect themselves from PGE’s frack wastewater injection well, the oil and gas industry admits it wants to bankrupt CELDF.

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Oct 2, 2017

Press Release: Judge Strikes Portions of Democratically-Enacted Charter Banning Frack Waste

Press Release: Judge Strikes Portions of Democratically-Enacted Charter Banning Frack Waste

Highland Township, PA, residents plan enforcement of their Home Rule Charter banning a frack wastewater injection well as judiciary sides with Seneca Resources Corporation.

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May 5, 2017

The Ridgway Record: Highland Twp, PA, residents seek support from county commissioners

The Ridgway Record: Highland Twp, PA, residents seek support from county commissioners

Seneca Resources attempts to force a frack wastewater injection well in Highland Township, PA, against the will of the people. Residents request support from Elk County Commissioners in their fight.

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Apr 27, 2017

The Bradford Era: The joke is on Highland Township

The Bradford Era: The joke is on Highland Township

We watch as Highland residents fight to protect their water, the oil and gas industry attack, and the people’s own state government and PA Department of Environmental Protection back industry.

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Apr 24, 2017

GoErie.com LTE: PA DEP suing municipalities during its ‘justice’ tour

GoErie.com LTE: PA DEP suing municipalities during its ‘justice’ tour

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection holds “listening hearings” for feedback from communities, while it sues two townships fighting the oil and gas industry.

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Apr 15, 2017

The Bradford Era: Highland’s water provider seeks to protect community water rights

The Bradford Era: Highland’s water provider seeks to protect community water rights

Highland Township, PA’s, Water Authority files to intervene in a federal lawsuit to protect the community’s right to water. Township Supervisors are attempting to give away that right and allow a frack wastewater injection well.

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Apr 10, 2017

Mint Press News: PA Dept. of Environmental Protection Sues Towns Over Fracking Ban

Mint Press News: PA Dept. of Environmental Protection Sues Towns Over Fracking Ban

Residents of Grant and Highland Townships, PA, continue the fight to protect themselves from a frack wastewater injection well. Joining the fight against them: the PA DEP, which has sued the townships for protecting themselves.

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Mar 31, 2017

In These Times: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Sues Towns for Trying to Protect Their Environment

In These Times: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Sues Towns for Trying to Protect Their Environment

It doesn’t get any clearer than this: our own environmental regulatory agencies suing communities who dare to protect the environment by banning fracking activities. Is there any question that we live in a corporate state?

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Mar 30, 2017

PennLive: Outrage and localism after state sues towns that banned frack water wells

PennLive: Outrage and localism after state sues towns that banned frack water wells

Residents of Grant and Highland Townships, PA, are outraged by the Dept. of Environmental Protection’s lawsuits against them for rights-based laws banning frack waste injections wells.

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Mar 29, 2017

PR: The Corporate State of Pennsylvania

PR: The Corporate State of Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection sues Townships with Community Rights Home Rule Charters to force in fracking injection wells.

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Mar 28, 2017

PA Dept of Environmental Protection sues its own communities over fracking injection wells

PA Dept of Environmental Protection sues its own communities over fracking injection wells

A state agency charged with protecting the health and safety of communities and the natural environment sues Grant and Highland Townships in Pennsylvania, attempting to force in frack wastewater injection wells against the will of the people.

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Jan 14, 2017

Kane Republican: Motion to intervene filed in Highland Twp. case

Kane Republican: Motion to intervene filed in Highland Twp. case

While Seneca Resources tries to force a frack wastewater injection well into Highland Twp, PA, a second time, residents and the Crystal Spring Ecosystem fight back, filing for intervenor status in a federal lawsuit.

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Jan 13, 2017

PR: Ecosystem and Residents File Motion to Intervene In Federal Lawsuit

PR: Ecosystem and Residents File Motion to Intervene In Federal Lawsuit

Crystal Spring Ecosystem and residents of Highland Township, PA, filed to intervene in a lawsuit today. Parties are fighting to block Seneca Resources’ plans to site a frack wastewater injection well in the Township as a violation of their Home Rule Charter.

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Jan 6, 2017

Kane Republican: Former water/sewer board is back in Highland

Kane Republican: Former water/sewer board is back in Highland

Highland Township Supervisors in Highland, PA, abandon their efforts to illegitimately remove the Water Authority board. Highland residents are fighting to protect themselves from an injection well, while their Supervisors ally with the fracking industry.

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Jan 4, 2017

PR: Cease and Desist Letter Issued to Highland Township Supervisors

PR: Cease and Desist Letter Issued to Highland Township Supervisors

Highland Township, PA, supervisors concede they don’t have the authority to remove the Township’s Water Authority Board after receiving a cease and desist letter. Supervisors have been harassing the Board as the community fights an injection well.

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Nov 8, 2016

PR: Highland Township Bans Injection Wells, Rebukes Corporate Rule

PR: Highland Township Bans Injection Wells, Rebukes Corporate Rule

Highland Township, PA, voters step up their fight to protect themselves from a frack wastewater injection well, adopting a rights-based Home Rule Charter banning the well, 55% to 45%.

Read More | Community Wires, Press Releases & Blogs, Success Story

Nov 7, 2016

Kane Republican: Township referendum question causes ad campaign onslaught

Kane Republican: Township referendum question causes ad campaign onslaught

As Highland Township, PA, residents prefer to vote on their rights-based Home Rule Charter to protect themselves against a frack wastewater injection well, Seneca Resources funds anti-Charter flyers to sway voters.

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Nov 6, 2016

CELDF Blog: From Absurd and Far-Fetched to Inalienable

CELDF Blog: From Absurd and Far-Fetched to Inalienable

As the predictable self-destruction of this culture of deceit and greed proceeds and accelerates, CELDF’s recommendations for change will become less “far-fetched” and “absurd.” They will at last seem inevitable and unavoidable.

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Oct 13, 2016

Courier Express: Study commission asks to be sued, request granted by the court

Courier Express: Study commission asks to be sued, request granted by the court

An Elk County, PA, judge rules in favor of the Highland County Government Study Commission to intervene in a lawsuit filed by their own Supervisors to keep a Charter measure off the November ballot.

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Sep 21, 2016

The Bradford Era: Appeal filed in Seneca versus Highland Township case

The Bradford Era: Appeal filed in Seneca versus Highland Township case

A U.S. District Magistrate Judge refused to allow community or ecosystem intervention in the Highland Township, PA, case, where communities are fighting to stop a frack wastewater injection well. CELDF files an appeal on their behalf to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

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Sep 15, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule case headed to court

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule case headed to court

Highland Township, PA, residents put the pressure on their supervisors. The local electeds voted yesterday to try to stop the people’s Home Rule charter initiative in the Common Pleas Court. The charter includes a ban on fracking wastewater injection wells.

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Sep 13, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Home Rule Charter moves forward, for now, after ruling

The Bradford Era: Highland Home Rule Charter moves forward, for now, after ruling

Highland Township, PA’s, residents move a step closer to voting on their own Home Rule Charter proposal in November. Their solicitors are trying to block the measure. Residents are fighting a frack waste injection well, using their right to local community self-government.

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Sep 13, 2016

Courier Express: Highland Township home rule question voted to ballot

Courier Express: Highland Township home rule question voted to ballot

The Elk County, PA, Board of Elections is advised to place the people’s proposed Home Rule Charter measure on the November ballot. Residents face a frack wastewater injection well, which would be banned if the Charter is adopted.

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Sep 13, 2016

Energy Wire: ‘Rights of nature’ heads back to federal court

Energy Wire: ‘Rights of nature’ heads back to federal court

Highland Township, PA, residents work with CELDF to push for the recognition of the Rights of Nature in the 3rd Circuit Court.

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Sep 9, 2016

The Bradford Era: Challenge issued to Highland Township Home Rule

The Bradford Era: Challenge issued to Highland Township Home Rule

After rescinding an ordinance banning frack wastewater injection wells, Highland Township, PA, supervisors and solicitor further betray residents fighting to protect themselves: they attempt to remove the people’s rights-based Home Rule charter from the November ballot.

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Aug 30, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township commission OKs putting charter on ballot

The Bradford Era: Highland Township commission OKs putting charter on ballot

The Highland Township, PA, Home Rule Study Commission votes to advance a rights-based charter for the November ballot. The charter includes a frack wastewater injection well ban, similar to a Community Bill of Rights banning injection wells that was rescinded by supervisors.

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Aug 19, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents want to recreate controversial ‘bill of rights’

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents want to recreate controversial ‘bill of rights’

Highland Township, PA, residents turn to themselves to protect against unwanted fracking wastewater. Township Supervisors rescinded a Community Bill of Rights banning an injection well. Residents now consider home rule to ban the harmful waste.

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Aug 16, 2016

The Bradford Era: Case closed: Seneca Resources can move forward with Highland Twp. injection well

The Bradford Era: Case closed: Seneca Resources can move forward with Highland Twp. injection well

Highland Township, PA, supervisors folded to Seneca Resources, rescinding the people’s Community Bill of Rights ordinance protecting them from Seneca’s proposed wastewater injection well. Residents have not. They are continuing their legal fight and looking to Home Rule.

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Aug 15, 2016

Press Release: Democracy Ruled Dead in Highland Township

Press Release: Democracy Ruled Dead in Highland Township

Highland Township Supervisors overturn their rights-based fracking wastewater injection well ban. They file a consent decree to allow an injection well, and receive approval by a federal judge. Residents vow to fight back and protect their community.

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Jul 31, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. slates home rule hearing for Sunday

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. slates home rule hearing for Sunday

The Home Rule Study Commission in Highland Township, PA, is holding a public hearing Sunday. The commissioners may recommend drafting a charter to govern the Township, and would seek input from residents on content. The Charter will likely contain a bill of rights.

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Jul 31, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group votes to draft charter

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group votes to draft charter

The Home Rule Study Commission in Highland Township, PA, held a public meeting Sunday to share information about drafting a Home Rule Charter. The Charter, if adopted in November, would recognize and protect the rights of residents to make governing decisions.

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Jul 30, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. to possibly rescind bill of rights ordinance

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. to possibly rescind bill of rights ordinance

Highland Township, PA, Supervisors prepare to betray residents and rescind their rights-based ordinance banning frack wastewater injection wells. Residents, meanwhile, are drafting a Home Ruler charter that would ban injection wells. Such a charter would be beyond the reach of the Supervisors.

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Jul 27, 2016

The Bradford Era:  Highland Township Home Rule group hears from supervisor

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group hears from supervisor

Highland Township, PA, residents begin drafting a Home Rule Charter. They consult with Grant Township, where last November residents overwhelmingly adopted a new, rights-based charter that included a ban on frack wastewater injection wells.

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Jul 9, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township to draft Home Rule Charter

The Bradford Era: Highland Township to draft Home Rule Charter

Highland Township, PA’s, government study commission issues its report: their existing governing structure allows a few people to make decisions that belong to the many. It’s time for a Home Rule form of government, allowing the community to make the governing decisions.

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Jun 24, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group discusses progress made

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule group discusses progress made

Highland Township, PA, residents review their governing code, finding it insufficient to meet the needs of the community because it places corporate “rights” over community rights. They are drafting a Home Rule charter that elevates communities over corporations.

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May 25, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule Charter group holds first meeting

The Bradford Era: Highland Township Home Rule Charter group holds first meeting

Highland Township, PA’s Home Rule Study Commission was voted in last month. Last night, they held their first meeting to begin consideration of becoming a Home Rule township, retaining CELDF as legal counsel.

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May 23, 2016

The World: Movement growing to defend against corporate interests

The World: Movement growing to defend against corporate interests

State governments block communities’ efforts to stop harmful activities. Corporations sue the communities and are backed by the judiciary. What’s left? Says blogger Mary Geddry: people insisting on their right to local community self-government.

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Apr 29, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. supervisor’s comments lead to motion in federal case

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. supervisor’s comments lead to motion in federal case

A newly appointed Highland Twp, PA, supervisor reveals he is not supportive of the Township’s Community Bill of Rights banning injection wells. In a lawsuit, CELDF attorneys request the judge to reconsider intervention by residents and the Crystal Spring ecosystem.

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Apr 27, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township voters OK exploration of Home Rule Charter

The Bradford Era: Highland Township voters OK exploration of Home Rule Charter

Residents of Highland Township, PA, vote “yes” to consider a Home Rule form of government as they work for local community decision-making. The Township is fighting for their right to protect their community from a frack wastewater injection well.

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Apr 26, 2016

Press Release: Highland Township Votes “Yes”to Consider Home Rule

Press Release: Highland Township Votes “Yes”to Consider Home Rule

As Highland Township, PA, residents fight to keep out a frack wastewater injection well, tonight they voted “yes” to form a study commission to consider a Home Rule form of government, which could expand local control.

Read More | Community Wires, News from the Grassroots, Success Story

Apr 25, 2016

Philly.com: A tiny town’s resistance to shale gas is put to the test

Philly.com: A tiny town’s resistance to shale gas is put to the test

Seneca Resources vows to defend its property rights – including its claimed right to site a wastewater injection well, which threatens drinking water sources. The people of Highland Township, PA, vow to protect their water and their community.

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Mar 31, 2016

Kane Republican: Highland seen as leader in ‘revolt’ against corporations

Kane Republican: Highland seen as leader in ‘revolt’ against corporations

Highland Township, PA, is one of the leaders for communities across the U.S. that are advancing Community Rights to protect themselves from harm.

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Mar 31, 2016

The Bradford Era: CELDF founder lays out benefits of Home Rule charter to Highland Township

The Bradford Era: CELDF founder lays out benefits of Home Rule charter to Highland Township

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey speaks to Highland Township, PA, residents on their fight to protect their community from a frack wastewater injection well. Highland residents are considering a Community Rights Home Rule charter.

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Mar 27, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township continues exploring home rule

The Bradford Era: Highland Township continues exploring home rule

Highland Township, PA, residents consider pursuing a Community Rights Home Rule Charter to protect themselves from Seneca Resources’ proposed injection well.

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Feb 27, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents to vote on home rule charter in April

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents to vote on home rule charter in April

Highland Township, PA, residents to vote on home rule as a tool to advance community rights and protect themselves from a fracking wastewater injection well. Seneca Resources Corporation is claiming a corporate “right” to site the well.

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Dec 14, 2015

PA Township News: Pre-emptive State Laws and Corporate ‘Rights’ Are Fraught with PERIL for Municipalities

PA Township News: Pre-emptive State Laws and Corporate ‘Rights’ Are Fraught with PERIL for Municipalities

CELDF responds to inaccuracies presented by the general counselor to the Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Association regarding Community Bills of Rights and our organization.

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Sep 11, 2015

The Bradford Era: Publication describes liabilities townships face over bill of rights ordinance

The Bradford Era: Publication describes liabilities townships face over bill of rights ordinance

The PA State Association of Township Supervisors disparages CELDF’s work, while others see through the smokescreen to the real issue at hand: communities fighting to protect their health, safety, and welfare, while corporations bully them for doing so through lawsuits.

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Aug 25, 2015

The Bradford Era: New defendants want in on Highland Township injection well lawsuit

The Bradford Era: New defendants want in on Highland Township injection well lawsuit

A natural gas driller suing Highland Township in federal court claims attempts by outside parties to intervene in the case, one involving a municipal ban on wastewater injection wells, are both “befuddled” and baseless, asking the court to refuse their inclusion, in a statement filed on Monday.

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Aug 12, 2015

Allegheny Defense Project: Rural PA Township in the Allegheny National Forest refuses to be bullied by Houston, Texas based oil and gas company Seneca Resources Corporation.

Allegheny Defense Project: Rural PA Township in the Allegheny National Forest refuses to be bullied by Houston, Texas based oil and gas company Seneca Resources Corporation.

Highland Township, PA, supervisors voted last night to defend the people’s Community Bill of Rights banning frack wastewater injection wells. Seneca Resources Corporation claims it has a corporate “right” to inject wastewater in the township, and does not recognize the community’s right to protect their clean water.

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Aug 11, 2015

Press Release: Highland Township Supervisors Vote to Defend Community Bill of Rights Banning Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

Press Release: Highland Township Supervisors Vote to Defend Community Bill of Rights Banning Frack Wastewater Injection Wells

This week, Highland Township, PA, Supervisors, with overwhelming community support, voted unanimously to defend their Community Bill of Rights banning frack wastewater injection wells rather than surrender their community’s rights. The vote was taken after Seneca Resources (Seneca) made good on a two year old threat to sue the Township to overturn the ordinance.

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