
Jan 19, 2020

NBC 24News: Toledoans For Safe Water screen “Invisible Hand” ahead of the state’s lawsuit against city

NBC 24News: Toledoans For Safe Water screen “Invisible Hand” ahead of the state’s lawsuit against city

Toledoans grow support for the Lake Erie Bill of Rights as their day in court approaches.

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Jan 9, 2020

Blog: Dillon’s Rule Under Scrutiny in Virginia

Blog: Dillon’s Rule Under Scrutiny in Virginia

Progressives may find Democratic wins favorable. But as long as Dillon’s Rule (legalized state preemption) stops local community self-government from heightening environmental and economic protections, no political party is going to help.

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Dec 10, 2019

Guest Blog: A Conversation with The Guardian

Guest Blog: A Conversation with The Guardian

LEBOR activists exchanged views with The Guardian on Rights of Nature and human rights. Here, they make clear the need to recognize that it is not nature’s rights vs human rights, but those combined against corporate claimed rights.

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Dec 5, 2019

Blog: A Fundamentally Humanizing Agenda

Blog: A Fundamentally Humanizing Agenda

The current administration wants a crackdown on people experiencing homelessness. It’s time, instead, for a humanizing agenda, such as that advanced by Denver residents this year.

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Nov 25, 2019

Media Release: First Rights of Nature legislation introduced in Australia

Media Release: First Rights of Nature legislation introduced in Australia

The first Rights of Nature legislation is introduced in Australia, into the Western Australia Parliament. CELDF’s International Center for the Rights of Nature assisted in drafting the law.

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Nov 13, 2019

Scalawag: Progressive wins in Virginia are limited as long as “Dillon’s Rule” is on the books

Scalawag: Progressive wins in Virginia are limited as long as “Dillon’s Rule” is on the books

Regardless of political gains by Democrats in Virginia, residents still do not have authority to govern themselves in their own communities. Here’s why – and what communities can do about it.

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Nov 11, 2019

Media Statement: Settlement Announced with Oil and Gas Industry Seeking Monetary Award: Ban Against Injection Wells Continues

Media Statement: Settlement Announced with Oil and Gas Industry Seeking Monetary Award: Ban Against Injection Wells Continues

Following settlement of one of the lawsuits against Grant Township, PA, for daring to protect its water from a frack wastewater injection well, the township continues to stand up to the oil and gas industry.

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Nov 4, 2019

Press Release: Election 2019: Corporations Are Determining What Gets Voted On

Press Release: Election 2019: Corporations Are Determining What Gets Voted On

Efforts are growing to not only determine how people vote, but what gets voted on. Your ballot measures are not yours to democratically determine.

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Oct 23, 2019

High Country News: In Oregon, the fight for local control upends Western norms

High Country News: In Oregon, the fight for local control upends Western norms

Lincoln County residents continue their fight to protect themselves and ecosystems from aerial sprayed pesticides, and spark not only hope, but tangible strategies for advancing rights.

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Oct 16, 2019

Press Release: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Attacks 4-Year-Old Community Water Protection Law

Press Release: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Attacks 4-Year-Old Community Water Protection Law

The people’s own Department of Environmental Protection in Pennsylvania sues Grant Township to overturn a democratically enacted Home Rule charter that includes a ban on fracking wastewater injection wells. This was their day in court.

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Oct 14, 2019 Letter To The Editor: Talk to the people of Toledo about the increasingly poor health of Lake Erie Letter To The Editor: Talk to the people of Toledo about the increasingly poor health of Lake Erie

An Ohio resident makes clear that it is state government itself that is driving forward polluting Lake Erie. The state is even joining a lawsuit to overturn the Lake Erie Bill of Rights while permitting four factory farms.

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Oct 14, 2019

Oregon Coast Today: A life of politics and peace

Oregon Coast Today: A life of politics and peace

Meet Maria Sause, and her life and commitment to Community Rights in Lincoln County, where residents are fighting a recent court decision to overturn their rights-based ban on aerial pesticide spraying.

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Oct 10, 2019

Media Statement: Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Pennsylvania

Media Statement: Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Pennsylvania

Community Rights advances to the state level as a Pennsylvania legislator introduces the “Local Self-Government Amendment,” elevating people and communities over corporations.

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Oct 10, 2019

Common Dreams: The Rights of Nature

Common Dreams: The Rights of Nature

“The Rights of Nature movement…is about ushering humanity back onto a living planet.”

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Oct 8, 2019

Media Release: Rights of Nature Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Sweden’s Parliament

Media Release: Rights of Nature Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Sweden’s Parliament

A representative in Sweden’s Parliament introduces Rights of Nature legislation – the first time a European national government considers the rights of ecosystems.

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Oct 5, 2019

The Indiana Gazette: Hellbenders have their day in court

The Indiana Gazette: Hellbenders have their day in court

Grant Township, Pennsylvania, argued for their environmental rights in court as they defend themselves against their own Department of Protection to stop a fracking injection well.

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Oct 2, 2019

Media Statement: Court Issues Decision on Two Year Aerial Pesticides Ban in Lincoln County, Oregon

Media Statement: Court Issues Decision on Two Year Aerial Pesticides Ban in Lincoln County, Oregon

Lincoln County, Oregon, community members prepare to appeal judge’s denial of their right to protect themselves from aerial sprayed pesticides.

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Oct 1, 2019

The Blade: Lake Fed Up

The Blade: Lake Fed Up

This Toledoan calls out Ohio government officials: actions speak louder than words, and promises to protect Lake Erie ring hollow when the state approves factory farm permits.

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Sep 30, 2019

Press Release: Ohio Courts Continue Attack on Local Democracy and Rights of Nature, Petitioners Seek Federal Remedies

Press Release: Ohio Courts Continue Attack on Local Democracy and Rights of Nature, Petitioners Seek Federal Remedies

Williams County, Ohio, residents submit request to join a multi-plaintiff federal civil rights lawsuit against state of Ohio as they continue to be blocked from the ballot.

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Sep 29, 2019

Mother Jones: Some Indigenous Communities Have a New Way to Fight Climate Change: Give Personhood Rights to Nature

Mother Jones: Some Indigenous Communities Have a New Way to Fight Climate Change: Give Personhood Rights to Nature

The Yurok Tribe recognizes the rights of the Klamath River this summer as part of the growing Rights of Nature movement.

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Sep 16, 2019

WINK News: Clean water advocates work to get Caloosahatchee amendment on 2020 ballot

WINK News: Clean water advocates work to get Caloosahatchee amendment on 2020 ballot

Lee County, Florida, residents advance a bill of rights for the Caloosahatchee River, joining five other Florida counties advancing similar measures.

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Sep 14, 2019

Truthout: Legislators’ Secretive Maneuvers Undermine Rights of Nature in Ohio

Truthout: Legislators’ Secretive Maneuvers Undermine Rights of Nature in Ohio

The unsurprising truth behind legislation adopted by the Ohio Assembly in an effort to undermine the Rights of Nature movement.

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Sep 11, 2019

Farm and Dairy: Emails show LEBOR was target of last-minute change in law

Farm and Dairy: Emails show LEBOR was target of last-minute change in law

Corporate control runs deep in the Ohio legislature as the big business writes language to stop Rights of Nature enforcement.

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Sep 10, 2019

My Plainview: How giving legal rights to nature could help reduce toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie

My Plainview: How giving legal rights to nature could help reduce toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie

An analysis of Rights of Nature laws as a path forward to protecting ecosystems in the face of continuing environmental harms.

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Sep 10, 2019

The Toledo Blade: Back off ballot-measure limits

The Toledo Blade: Back off ballot-measure limits

The Editorial Board of the Toledo Blade speaks out against the legislature’s proposed bill making it more difficult for citizens to place initiatives on the ballot.

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Sep 7, 2019

Thom Hartmann Book Club: How Wealth Rules the World

Thom Hartmann Book Club: How Wealth Rules the World

Thom Hartmann Book Club covers CELDF’s Ben G. Price’s book, How Wealth Rules the World. Check out this interview!

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Sep 6, 2019

Blog: It’s Time: Rights of Nature in the UK.

Blog: It’s Time: Rights of Nature in the UK.

As we begin a sixth mass extinction, we must act now to change our trajectory. In this guest blog, Susan Shaw urges the UK to embrace Rights of Nature to propel us forward.

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Sep 5, 2019

Concord Monitor: My Turn: The rights of nature

Concord Monitor: My Turn: The rights of nature

This New Hampshire resident urges continued recognition of nature’s rights to end the insane ravaging of Earth’s ecosystem.

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Sep 5, 2019

WORT Community Radio: How to arm nature against corporate profiteers

WORT Community Radio: How to arm nature against corporate profiteers

Bestselling author Jim Hightower on Rights of Nature – its rights are our rights, and it’s time to act.

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Sep 2, 2019

Herald-Tribune: Legal system isn’t set up to protect environment

Herald-Tribune: Legal system isn’t set up to protect environment

It’s time to change our law so that we can protect ecosystems over commerce. CELDF is helping communities advance that paradigm shift across the U.S., including Florida.

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Aug 30, 2019

The Press: Emails show: Chamber of Commerce pushed to undercut Lake Erie Bill of Rights

The Press: Emails show: Chamber of Commerce pushed to undercut Lake Erie Bill of Rights

Industry worked with Ohio legislators to insert language in the Ohio budget bill, attempting to make it illegal to enforce laws that recognize Rights of Nature.

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Aug 29, 2019

Media Release: EXPOSED: Chamber of Commerce Wrote Ohio Law Banning Rights of Nature Enforcement

Media Release: EXPOSED: Chamber of Commerce Wrote Ohio Law Banning Rights of Nature Enforcement

Investigation by Ohio citizens finds the Ohio Chamber of Commerce drafted Ohio legislation language to stop Rights of Nature enforcement.

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Aug 22, 2019

Bloomberg Environment: Tif Over Local Control of Aquifer Pours Into Ohio High Court

Bloomberg Environment: Tif Over Local Control of Aquifer Pours Into Ohio High Court

The Ohio Farm Bureau and corporate agribusiness urge the Ohio Supreme Court to block Williams County voters from casting ballots on the people’s own initiative.

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Aug 22, 2019

Think32: Uniting Behind the Rights of Nature, the Rights of Ireland

Think32: Uniting Behind the Rights of Nature, the Rights of Ireland

Amidst calls for a new Irish Constitution are calls to recognize the Rights of Nature, changing how humankind and nature are in relationship, and how we protect nature under law.

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Aug 21, 2019

PennLive: Opinion: The limits of home rule

PennLive: Opinion: The limits of home rule

It’s not enough to have Home Rule as state legislators continue to strip rights of local self-government from communities across the state. It’s time to change state constitutions to recognize the authority of communities to protect their own health, safety, and welfare.

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Aug 21, 2019

Press Release: Democracy Challenged in Williams County, Petitioners Appeal to Ohio Supreme Court Again

Press Release: Democracy Challenged in Williams County, Petitioners Appeal to Ohio Supreme Court Again

Williams County, Ohio, residents partner with CELDF to fight for their right to vote in the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Aug 20, 2019

The Bryan Times Letter to the Editor: Protecting Our Water

The Bryan Times Letter to the Editor: Protecting Our Water

Corporate interests intent on selling Williams County, Ohio, water for profit is the issue, points out this resident.

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Aug 19, 2019

TSW Media Release: Activists Defend Lawsuit Enforcing Lake Erie Bill of Rights, Rights of Toledoans

TSW Media Release: Activists Defend Lawsuit Enforcing Lake Erie Bill of Rights, Rights of Toledoans

Toledo residents file pro se lawsuit defending the people’s Lake Erie Bill of Rights.

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Aug 16, 2019

Florida Politics: Can rivers have rights? Orange County, others, mulling the question

Florida Politics: Can rivers have rights? Orange County, others, mulling the question

The Rights of Nature is taking root in Florida, as counties begin working with CELDF to protect water ecosystems from relentless corporate harms.

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Aug 13, 2019

Media Statement: Lake Erie Bill of Rights Court Case Heats Up as Algae Bloom Grows

Media Statement: Lake Erie Bill of Rights Court Case Heats Up as Algae Bloom Grows

The City of Toledo takes a stand in court to defend the Lake Erie Bill of Rights.

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Aug 12, 2019

Bryan Times: Forum: County charter being stonewalled

Bryan Times: Forum: County charter being stonewalled

Williams County, Ohio, residents are working to protect their county’s water source from privatization. Their own government is trying to stop them.

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Aug 12, 2019

Next City: Can Cities Grant Nature the Right to Exist, and Thrive?

Next City: Can Cities Grant Nature the Right to Exist, and Thrive?

More and more cities are taking action to end the commodification and exploitation of people and nature for corporate profit, using Community Rights and Rights of Nature.

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Aug 3, 2019

NPR: Should Rivers Have Same Legal Rights As Humans? A Growing Number Of Voices Say Yes

NPR: Should Rivers Have Same Legal Rights As Humans? A Growing Number Of Voices Say Yes

NPR covers this story on the growing Rights of Nature movement across the U.S. and around the world. “‘[W]e have to change our environmental protection in this country and across the world, because obviously what we’re doing isn’t working.'”

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Jul 31, 2019

Truthout: States Are Thwarting Cities’ Attempts to Govern Themselves

Truthout: States Are Thwarting Cities’ Attempts to Govern Themselves

The federal court’s decision to uphold the Berkeley cellphone radiation disclosure law should not be mistaken for judicial deference to the right of local self-government.

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