Rights of Nature

Feb 6, 2020

Rights of Nature: Ohio Organizer Tish O’Dell on Top of Mind with Julie Rose

Rights of Nature: Ohio Organizer Tish O’Dell on Top of Mind with Julie Rose

If corporations have individual rights under US law – like freedom of speech – why not a grant a lake or forest or river the same status? Ohio organizer Tish O’Dell talks about Toledo’s groundbreaking law – the Lake Erie Bill of Rights – and the Rights of Nature Movement!

Read More | Community Rights, Community Wires, News from the Grassroots, Resource Links, Rights of Nature

Sep 6, 2019

Blog: It’s Time: Rights of Nature in the UK.

Blog: It’s Time: Rights of Nature in the UK.

As we begin a sixth mass extinction, we must act now to change our trajectory. In this guest blog, Susan Shaw urges the UK to embrace Rights of Nature to propel us forward.

Read More | Blogs, Press Releases & Blogs, Rights of Nature

Aug 22, 2019

Think32: Uniting Behind the Rights of Nature, the Rights of Ireland

Think32: Uniting Behind the Rights of Nature, the Rights of Ireland

Amidst calls for a new Irish Constitution are calls to recognize the Rights of Nature, changing how humankind and nature are in relationship, and how we protect nature under law.

Read More | Community Wires, News from the Grassroots, Rights of Nature