
Oct 20, 2015

DeSmog Blog: Communities Pushing For Legal Rights To Regain Power Over Fracking Companies

DeSmog Blog: Communities Pushing For Legal Rights To Regain Power Over Fracking Companies

As the fracking industry pushes into communities against the will of the people, growing numbers of communities across the U.S. are using community rights in their grassroots organizing to challenge our existing structure of law and bring democracy back to the people.

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Oct 18, 2015

Sentinel Source: Citizens can’t rely on state laws for protection

Sentinel Source: Citizens can’t rely on state laws for protection

New Hampshire resident and attorney Lorraine Hansen decries the state and federal regulatory system as a means to protect people and the environment from harmful projects. What to do? Assert your rights and support the New Hampshire Community Rights Network’s proposed state constitutional amendment.

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Oct 18, 2015

TruthDig: Death by Fracking

TruthDig: Death by Fracking

Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges speaks to fracking as one of myriad harms destroying communities and ecosystems; the uselessness of our environmental laws; the incestuous relationship between government and industries; and the necessary resistance that must emerge from the only places it can: locally, in the places where we live.

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Oct 17, 2015

Eye on Ohio: Ohio Supreme Court rules against anti-fracking ballot measures

Eye on Ohio: Ohio Supreme Court rules against anti-fracking ballot measures

Reporter Simon Davis-Cohen provides in-depth reporting on state and industry efforts to keep fracking and pipeline initiatives off the ballot in Ohio – including the state’s use of oil and gas industry law firms.

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Oct 16, 2015

State Impact: Federal court rejects township’s waste water disposal ban

State Impact: Federal court rejects township’s waste water disposal ban

While a federal judge finds in favor of the oil and gas industry to force frack wastewater into Grant Township, PA, the decision also reveals to growing numbers of people the unjust structure of law and governance ruling over communities. Grant residents are considering an appeal.

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Oct 16, 2015

Huffington Post: Epic Change — Part 1

Huffington Post: Epic Change — Part 1

Kenny Ausubel of Bioneers sees a colossal awakening happening as climate change forces human behavioral shifts. Under our current structure of law, however, sustainability is illegal. CELDF is helping communities challenge and change that structure through community rights and the state and National Community Rights Networks.

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Oct 15, 2015

NCRN Press Release: National Community Rights Network Endorses the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment

NCRN Press Release: National Community Rights Network Endorses the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment

NCRN endorses Youngstown, OH’s Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment. The initiative advances the rights of residents and prohibits fracking activities that would violate community rights to clean water, air, the peaceful enjoyment of their homes, and their right to be free from chemical trespass.

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Oct 15, 2015

Press Release: Grant Township, PA: The People Left Out of Court Decision

Press Release: Grant Township, PA: The People Left Out of Court Decision

A U.S. District Court finds in favor of corporations to site a frack wastewater injection well in Grant Township, PA – ignoring the will and the rights of the people who live there. Grant residents consider an appeal, while growing numbers of residents seek a state constitutional amendment to protect their rights.

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Oct 11, 2015

New Hampshire Union Leader: Developer says Newfound-area wind plant still on track

New Hampshire Union Leader: Developer says Newfound-area wind plant still on track

A Portuguese energy company edges forward on harmful industrial wind projects in towns in New Hampshire. Residents are determined to decide for themselves what projects site in their communities, and are working through the New Hampshire Community Rights Network to codify that right.

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Oct 10, 2015

The World: Coos County community rights group driven to ‘legalize sustainability’

The World: Coos County community rights group driven to ‘legalize sustainability’

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey spoke to Coos County, OR, residents, who are advancing a Community Bill of Rights sustainability ordinance to stop an export terminal and legalize their right to a sustainable energy future.

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Oct 8, 2015

New Hampshire Union Leader: Network finds legislative sponsor for local land rights amendment

New Hampshire Union Leader: Network finds legislative sponsor for local land rights amendment

Representative Susan Emerson in the New Hampshire legislature introduces a CELDF-drafted community rights state constitutional amendment, brought forward by the New Hampshire Community Rights Network.

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Oct 7, 2015

EcoWatch: This Pennsylvania Community Is Determined to Ban GMOs and Pesticides

EcoWatch: This Pennsylvania Community Is Determined to Ban GMOs and Pesticides

Lancaster County, PA, residents recognize it’s not enough to label GMO food. They want to ban it. Using community rights, residents are organizing to assert their right to be GMO and pesticide-free.

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Oct 7, 2015

The Calvert Recorder: LNG project opponents drafting ‘Community Bill of Rights’

The Calvert Recorder: LNG project opponents drafting ‘Community Bill of Rights’

Calvert County, MD, residents are working with CELDF to draft a Community Bill of Rights to protect themselves from future harmful corporate projects, such as the LNG export facility under construction at Dominion Cove Point.

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Oct 5, 2015

Jefferson Public Radio: How To Exercise “Community Rights” On The Environment

Jefferson Public Radio: How To Exercise “Community Rights” On The Environment

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey speaks to the community rights movement. Growing numbers of people are using community rights to challenge corporate claimed “rights” and state preemption, which today are leveraged to force environmental harms into the places where we live.

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Oct 5, 2015

Press Release: New Hampshire Legislature to Consider CELDF-Drafted State Constitutional Amendment

Press Release: New Hampshire Legislature to Consider CELDF-Drafted State Constitutional Amendment

A CELDF-drafted state constitutional amendment recognizing the rights of communities to govern themselves is being introduced in the New Hampshire legislature.

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Oct 4, 2015

The Spokesman-Review: Election preview: Spokane Proposition 1, the Worker Bill of Rights

The Spokesman-Review: Election preview: Spokane Proposition 1, the Worker Bill of Rights

Spokane, WA’s, Worker Bill of Rights initiative places worker rights over corporate privileges. “If we are about creating …sustainability, we can’t get there without actually challenging this idea that corporate rights should be greater than the community’s rights,” says Envision Spokane’s Kai Huschke.

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Oct 3, 2015

The World: Your View: Time for people to reject corporate shackles

The World: Your View: Time for people to reject corporate shackles

Future generations in Coos County, OR, have a fundamental and unalienable right to a sustainable economy and energy future. Coos residents advance their bill of rights banning pipelines and a proposed LNG port, recognizing the need to challenge existing law that makes sustainability illegal.

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Oct 1, 2015

Boulder Weekly: Letters – Community Rights

Boulder Weekly: Letters – Community Rights

Boulder, CO, resident Rick Casey urges discussion and exploration of community rights and the community rights state ballot initiative, heading for the November 2016 ballot.

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Oct 1, 2015

Eugene Weekly: Fighting Back Against Corporate Rights

Eugene Weekly: Fighting Back Against Corporate Rights

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey returns to Oregon on a speaking tour, addressing community rights as a challenge to corporate harms such as GMOs and coal trains. Linzey will be speaking at Lane Community College on October 7th.

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Sep 30, 2015

Statesman Journal: Salem talk starts “community rights” events

Statesman Journal: Salem talk starts “community rights” events

In Oregon and across the U.S., community rights is growing into a people’s movement. CELDF’s Thomas Linzey is on a community rights tour in Oregon, speaking to the authority of communities to make governing decisions to protect rights.

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Sep 28, 2015

Wisconsin Public Radio: Ho-Chunk Nation Amends Constitution To Add Environmental Protections

Wisconsin Public Radio: Ho-Chunk Nation Amends Constitution To Add Environmental Protections

Tribal members add the rights of nature to their constitution, in order to strengthen protections against corporate harms. Over the last decade, CELDF has helped the 1st communities in the U.S. to adopt laws recognizing nature’s rights.

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Sep 25, 2015

Commonweal: Pope Francis to UN: Respect the ‘Right of the Environment’

Commonweal: Pope Francis to UN: Respect the ‘Right of the Environment’

In a stunning assertion during a speech to the U.N., the Pope asserted the need to recognize the Rights of Nature. For over a decade, CELDF has been working with communities, civil organizations, and countries to codify and protect nature’s rights in law.

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Sep 24, 2015

WKBN First News 27: Youngstown fracking amendment makes another run, group supports passage

WKBN First News 27: Youngstown fracking amendment makes another run, group supports passage

Frack Free Mahoning Valley members urge support in Youngstown for a Community Bill of Rights banning fracking, which is on the November ballot.

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Sep 23, 2015

Truthout: Campaign for a “Worker Bill of Rights” Puts ALEC in Spokane’s Crosshairs

Truthout: Campaign for a “Worker Bill of Rights” Puts ALEC in Spokane’s Crosshairs

Spokane, WA’s Worker Bill of Rights asserts the right to community decision-making over corporate claimed “rights” to call the shots. And in Colorado, residents’ community rights state constitutional amendment asserts community decision-making over state claimed preemptive authority.

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Sep 21, 2015

Earth Island Journal: Government and Gas Industry Team Up Against Local Fracking Ban Initiatives in Ohio

Earth Island Journal: Government and Gas Industry Team Up Against Local Fracking Ban Initiatives in Ohio

Reporter Simon Davis-Cohen reveals how Ohio state government used tax payers’ money, hiring private oil and gas industry law firms to keep the people’s community rights initiatives off the November ballot.

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Sep 19, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Upholds the Right of the People of Youngstown to Vote on a Citizens’ Initiative

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Upholds the Right of the People of Youngstown to Vote on a Citizens’ Initiative

The people of Youngstown’s constitutional right to vote on a local Bill of Rights charter amendment initiative was upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Sep 18, 2015

Aurora Advocate: Were Supreme Court cases victors really the victors?

Aurora Advocate: Were Supreme Court cases victors really the victors?

While the Ohio Secretary of State spins a “win” in last week’s Ohio Supreme Court decision, the Justices in fact slapped his wrist for his claim to be empowered to “prejudge the legality or constitutionality of the substance of a petition,” freeing up Ohio counties to bring their measures forward next year.

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Sep 18, 2015

Vindy.com: Ohio Supreme Court orders frack ban onto Nov. ballot

Vindy.com: Ohio Supreme Court orders frack ban onto Nov. ballot

After slapping the wrist of Ohio’s Secretary of State for attempting to rule on the content of community rights initiatives in three counties, the Ohio Supreme Court does the same with the Mahoning County Board of Elections, placing the Youngtown Community Bill of Rights charter amendment back on the ballot.

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Sep 17, 2015

WFMJ: Court overrules election board on Youngstown anti-fracking amendment

WFMJ: Court overrules election board on Youngstown anti-fracking amendment

Youngstown, OH, residents’ Community Bill of Rights charter amendment banning fracking has been ordered back on the ballot by the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Sep 16, 2015

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Rules Against Secretary of State

Press Release: Ohio Supreme Court Rules Against Secretary of State

The Ohio Supreme Court rules in favor of the democratic rights of citizens, and against the Ohio Secretary of State’s claimed “unfettered authority” to block the people’s right to initiative.

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Sep 16, 2015

Chron: Ohio Supreme Court rejects fracking foes’ ballot protest

Chron: Ohio Supreme Court rejects fracking foes’ ballot protest

While three Ohio counties are unable to place their community rights charter amendments on the November ballot for a technicality, the Ohio Supreme Court makes clear to Secretary of State Husted that he may not rule on the legality of the proposed charters’ content.

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Sep 16, 2015

The Athens News: Bill of rights/charter won’t be on November ballot in Athens

The Athens News: Bill of rights/charter won’t be on November ballot in Athens

Ohio Supreme Court keeps Home Ruler charter initiatives off the November ballot in three Ohio counties; slaps Secretary of State’s wrist for attempting to keep the measures off the ballot for content.

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Sep 16, 2015

Government and Corporations Collude Against the People: Ohio Is a Corporate State

Government and Corporations Collude Against the People: Ohio Is a Corporate State

Ohio government officials, both locally and at the state level, use oil and gas industry law firms in an attempt to keep the people’s ballot initiatives impacting banning fracking off the November ballot.

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Sep 16, 2015

Be the Change: How to Get What You Want in Your Community

Be the Change: How to Get What You Want in Your Community

A revolutionary handbook that shows everyday citizens how to stand up and take control of their local governments. With assistance from the cutting-edge methodology of his Democracy School, this book will teach you how to achieve true self-governance and help provide ecosystems with the inalienable right to exist and flourish.

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Sep 15, 2015

Daily Egyptian: Rights group to Jackson County Board: Protect us

Daily Egyptian: Rights group to Jackson County Board: Protect us

Jackson County, IL, residents rally at the County Courthouse to support adoption of a Community Bill of Rights ordinance. The local law would establish community rights to clean air, water, and soil, banning fracking as a violation of those rights.

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Sep 12, 2015

My Daily Tribune: Ohio Court of Appeals denies Meigs ‘Home Rule’ ballot initiative

My Daily Tribune: Ohio Court of Appeals denies Meigs ‘Home Rule’ ballot initiative

An Ohio appellate court refuses to place a community rights county charter initiative on the ballot for residents of Meigs County. Residents are appealing.

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Sep 12, 2015

The Medina-Gazette: Party leaders weigh in on charter denial

The Medina-Gazette: Party leaders weigh in on charter denial

Some local party leaders make clear Ohio Secretary of State’s decision to remove county home rule initiatives that were duly qualified from the ballot is tyranny.

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Sep 11, 2015

The Bradford Era: Publication describes liabilities townships face over bill of rights ordinance

The Bradford Era: Publication describes liabilities townships face over bill of rights ordinance

The PA State Association of Township Supervisors disparages CELDF’s work, while others see through the smokescreen to the real issue at hand: communities fighting to protect their health, safety, and welfare, while corporations bully them for doing so through lawsuits.

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Sep 11, 2015

The Spokesman-Review: Supreme Court date set for Envision arguments

The Spokesman-Review: Supreme Court date set for Envision arguments

Spokane, WA, residents qualified a Community Bill of Rights for the ballot for 2013. Corporate and government interests attempted to keep the measure off the ballot, and lost in an appellate court. November 10th the Washington Supreme Court will hear the case.

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Sep 10, 2015

The Athens News: Charter petitions awaiting decision by Ohio Supreme Court

The Athens News: Charter petitions awaiting decision by Ohio Supreme Court

An Athens County, OH, resident, lays out the considerations for the Ohio Supreme Court as it determines whether or not residents of three counties may vote on their own community rights county charter initiatives.

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Sep 9, 2015

Envision Spokane fires back against mayor’s legal challenge

Envision Spokane fires back against mayor’s legal challenge

Envision Spokane is asking a judge to throw out a legal challenge brought by the mayor against the group’s most recent ballot initiative.

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Sep 9, 2015

Citizens should be able to vote on charters against pipelines

Citizens should be able to vote on charters against pipelines

Thank you, Paul Wohlfarth, for your 7/28 LTE raising awareness about the hazards of pipelines and the Waterville compressor station and for pointing out that we cannot rely upon our judicial system to do what’s right for the people. Experience indicates that the same could be said for our legislative and regulatory systems as well.

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Sep 9, 2015

Columbus Free-Press: Community Rights Network Calls Out Jon Husted for Blocking Anti-fracking Initiatives

Columbus Free-Press: Community Rights Network Calls Out Jon Husted for Blocking Anti-fracking Initiatives

Ohio residents don’t take “no” for an answer, protesting Ohio Secretary of State’s recent decision to remove three county Home Rule charter initiatives that ban fracking infrastructure projects from the November ballot.

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Sep 8, 2015

StateImpact: DEP delays deep injection well decisions

StateImpact: DEP delays deep injection well decisions

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection refuses to issue two frack wastewater injection well permits where townships have community bills of rights bans on injection wells.

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Sep 6, 2015

The Journal Gazette: Fracking at center of battle over vote

The Journal Gazette: Fracking at center of battle over vote

Residents in three Ohio counties argue to the Ohio Supreme Court that their right to vote is being violated by Secretary of State Jon Husted. Attorneys for the Secretary of State argue Mr. Husted acted within his authority to pull the duly qualified initiatives from the ballot.

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Sep 5, 2015

The Athens News: Big state groups come out against charter/bills of rights in Athens and two other counties

The Athens News: Big state groups come out against charter/bills of rights in Athens and two other counties

Big business comes out against the people of Ohio and in favor of reining in democracy as it files amicus briefs in support of Secretary of State Jon Husted in the Ohio Supreme Court. Mr. Husted pulled 3 county Home Rule initiatives from the ballot. Residents are suing Mr. Husted to place their duly qualified initiatives back on the ballot.

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Sep 5, 2015

Observer-Reporter: DEP cites local ordinances in wastewater well rejection

Observer-Reporter: DEP cites local ordinances in wastewater well rejection

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection rejects a permit for a frack wastewater injection well in Grant Township, acknowledging the Township’s Community Bill of Rights banning those wells.

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Sep 3, 2015

The Spokesman-Review: State Supreme Court to hear 2013 Envision Spokane case

The Spokesman-Review: State Supreme Court to hear 2013 Envision Spokane case

Not wanting communities exercising authority in the places where they live, business and government interests appeal a Washington appellate court decision to the Washington Supreme Court. The appellate court had ordered Spokane’s Community Bill of Rights on the ballot for a vote by the people.

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Sep 3, 2015

The Crescent-News: Dozens protest Husted speaking engagement in opposition to fracking decision

The Crescent-News: Dozens protest Husted speaking engagement in opposition to fracking decision

Determined to have their right to vote recognized, residents from across Ohio protest the Secretary of State’s blocking of their community right county charter ballot measures. More than 9,000 signatures were gathered in three counties.

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