Thursday, February 16, at 7 PM EST

CELDF invites you to join this conversation with Talking Wings about our connection to and responsibility to Nature. Blake Lavia and Tzintzun Aguilar-Izzo together make up Talking WingsBlake is a filmmaker, illustrator and author and Tzintzun is an environmental artist-scholar and story weaver, striving to plant the seeds of a regenerative future. This amazingly creative team was able to take CELDF’s verbal description of our Rights of Nature work and transform it into creative illustrations and logos to convey our message visually. Art has always played an important role in movements for systemic change.

Using illustrator and writer Shaun Tan’s short story “Bears with Lawyers” as a touchstone, this discussion will interrogate the societal conception of rights (and rites) within our current legal system and beyond.

Is our current legal system the only valid governance structure? What is the difference between the “western” conception of rights and the ancestral notion of rites and rituals? Do other species have their own societal rights and rites? Are human beings the only stewards of planet Earth?


The posting of this piece is a reflection of CELDF’s commitment to featuring diverse perspectives and ideas in the quest to bring about a community rights and rights of nature existence into full being. 

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