Oregon residents, through the Oregon Community Rights Network, have worked with CELDF to draft a state constitutional amendment securing the right to local community self- government. The measure is required to go before the Oregon Secretary of State before advancing to broader petitioning.

As anticipated, the Secretary halted the circulation of the petition. He claims that the Right of Local Community Self-Government state constitutional amendment does not meet certain administrative standards. The Secretary halted the circulation of the petition. Oregonians for Community Rights – the political committee of the Oregon Community Rights Network – believes the Secretary is incorrect in his determination and is challenging the state in court. It is unclear how long it will take for the group to prevail.

Support for the amendment to secure the right of local community self-government is growing. Oregonians are subjected to the Oregon corporate-state, which continues to take preemptive action over communities, and refuses to relinquish centralized control over critical community issues such as GMOs, minimum wage, and rent control. We the people are fighting back. Join us!

For more information go to orcrn.org and oregoncommunityrights.org.

Featured image Reprinted from Illinois Review: http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2015/10/petition-signature-gathering-top-priority-for-illinois-candidate-races.html

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