Listen to CELDF’s radio program – Democracy Matters – every Thursday at 10 am Eastern/7am Pacific at   You can also podcast the show each week at, click on Democracy Matters.This week’s program focuses on Congress’s DISCLOSE Act – a response to the Citizens United decision in which corporations are now able to spend freely on federal campaigns.  We talk with Ami Marcus of Mt. Shasta, CA, where residents are poised to vote on the very first local ordinance to ban corporations from cloud seeding and water extraction.  And we look at St. Thomas Township, PA, how the community fought to stop a quarry and found that corporations have powers and privileges that override the community’s democratic decision making.  If you are interested in having Democracy Matters broadcast on your local community radio station, give them a call and let them know.Each week we bring you stories from the frontlines as communities bring rights-based organizing to their communities – asserting their local self-governing authority to make the critical decisions that affect their lives and their community.

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