On May 16th, CELDF participated in the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change.

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Earth Law Alliance requested the PPT convene the tribunal to consider:

“What is the extent of responsibility and liability of States and non-state actors, both legal and moral, for violations of the rights of nature related to environmental and climate harm caused by these unconventional oil and gas extraction techniques?”

CELDF submitted an amicus curiae brief arguing that fracking violates the rights of nature and the human right to a healthy environment.  From impacts on air and water quality, to wildlife, to climate change, CELDF’s brief demonstrates how from a scientific, legal, moral, and spiritual perspective, both state and non-state actors are responsible, and therefore liable, for violating the rights of nature.

The Center for Earth Jurisprudence also submitted an amicus curiae brief to highlight indivisible connection between human rights and rights of the Earth, and detailed why they must be considered together.

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