
Sep 29, 2019

Mother Jones: Some Indigenous Communities Have a New Way to Fight Climate Change: Give Personhood Rights to Nature

Mother Jones: Some Indigenous Communities Have a New Way to Fight Climate Change: Give Personhood Rights to Nature

The Yurok Tribe recognizes the rights of the Klamath River this summer as part of the growing Rights of Nature movement.

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Nov 13, 2014

Fort Bragg Advocate-News: Fracking ban success surprises supporters

Fort Bragg Advocate-News: Fracking ban success surprises supporters

Mendocino County, CA, residents voting to use Community Rights to ban fracking by an overwhelming majority in the November election, welcome the broader conversation about the recognition of community rights within the county.

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Nov 6, 2014 Mendocino County voters ban fracking Mendocino County voters ban fracking

Mendocino County, CA’s, Community Bill of Rights banning fracking protects residents and local ecosystems, and challenges existing law that denies communities the right to local decision-making, the right to clean air and water, and the right to create sustainable communities.

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Nov 5, 2014

2014 Election Update: Record Number of Community Rights Initiatives on Ballot

2014 Election Update: Record Number of Community Rights Initiatives on Ballot

Community Bills of Rights advance on Election Day 2014, with a record number of initiatives on the ballot, and a growing number of communities determined to drive those rights forward.

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Nov 5, 2014

YES! Magazine: 6 Ways Americans Voted Against Corporate Power in the Most Expensive Midterm Elections Ever

YES! Magazine: 6 Ways Americans Voted Against Corporate Power in the Most Expensive Midterm Elections Ever

CELDF-drafted Community Bills of Rights banning fracking and challenging corporate claimed “rights” in Ohio and California take center stage.

Read More | Community Wires, News from the Grassroots, Success Story

May 20, 2014

Global Exchange’s People to People Bog: Community Rights & Fracking Ban Tour hits Mendocino County

Global Exchange’s People to People Bog: Community Rights & Fracking Ban Tour hits Mendocino County

CELDF partner, Global Exchange, works with Mendocino County, CA, residents who are threatened with fracking. Residents are using Community Rights to protect themselves, gathering signatures for a Community Bill of Rights initiative banning fracking for the November ballot.

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Apr 1, 2014

Global Exchange’s People to People Blog: Mendocino County: Charting a new course for water protection?

Global Exchange’s People to People Blog: Mendocino County: Charting a new course for water protection?

Mendocino County, CA, residents work with CELDF’s partner Global Exchange in Community Rights organizing to protect their water. Communities are working on Community Bills of Rights, including a County level Ordinance.

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Aug 5, 2013

Noozhawk: Fracking and the Rights of Nature

Noozhawk: Fracking and the Rights of Nature

Community Rights and the Rights of Nature are changing our western legal paradigm, and are tools to protect Santa Barbara, CA, from fracking.

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Jul 3, 2013

Noozhawk: Protecting Santa Barbara County — Community Rights vs. Corporate Control

Noozhawk: Protecting Santa Barbara County — Community Rights vs. Corporate Control

Wayne Mellinger on Community Rights to protect Santa Barbara from fracking corporate interests.

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Mar 14, 2013

Rights of Nature on the Santa Monica City Council Agenda

Rights of Nature on the Santa Monica City Council Agenda

Santa Monica City Council introduces California’s first community rights ordinance, recognizing the right to self-governance, clean air and water, sustainable food and energy systems, and the rights of nature.

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Jan 25, 2012

Santa Monica Patch: Council Moves Toward Making ‘Green’ Goals Mandatory

Santa Monica Patch: Council Moves Toward Making ‘Green’ Goals Mandatory

Santa Monica City Council members unanimously passed a resolution backing a bill of rights for the environment, which would give legal standing to city officials to protect the environment within Santa Monica’s borders if passed as a law in the future.

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May 3, 2011

Pachamama Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in San Francisco

Pachamama Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in San Francisco

Rights of Nature panel at Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, San Francisco.

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May 17, 2010

Mt. Shasta Water Rights: Who Decides – A report on the Mt. Shasta Community Water Rights and Self-Government Ordinance

Mt. Shasta Water Rights: Who Decides – A report on the Mt. Shasta Community Water Rights and Self-Government Ordinance

We can disagree on many things as neighbors and residents, but we can ALL come together on one — what happens in Mt. Shasta that affects our health, safety, welfare, quality of life and sustainability of our natural environment should be ours alone to decide.

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Apr 27, 2010

Mt. Shasta Community Water Rights Ordinance to Be put to Vote

Mt. Shasta Community Water Rights Ordinance to Be put to Vote

The Mount Shasta City Council voted unanimously Monday evening to order a special report on the Mt. Shasta Community Water Rights and Self-Governance Ordinance, which would prevent corporations from cloud seeding and bulk water extraction within Mount Shasta city limits.

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