
May 25, 2016

The Jambar: Activists Ask President Obama to End Fracking in Film

The Jambar: Activists Ask President Obama to End Fracking in Film

A screening of Dear President Obama at Youngstown State Univ. provokes discussion on how to address fracking. It is not, says CELDF’s Tish O’Dell, about pleading with elected officials. It’s about the right to make governing decisions in the places we live.

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May 23, 2016

The World: Movement growing to defend against corporate interests

The World: Movement growing to defend against corporate interests

State governments block communities’ efforts to stop harmful activities. Corporations sue the communities and are backed by the judiciary. What’s left? Says blogger Mary Geddry: people insisting on their right to local community self-government.

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May 20, 2016

Daily Camera: John C. Lamb: Fracking decisions show the system is rigged

Daily Camera: John C. Lamb: Fracking decisions show the system is rigged

Colorado resident refuses to accede to the CO Supreme Court’s recent ruling that denies the people’s right to govern themselves and ban fracking. He calls on Coloradans to make real their right to local community self-government through a state constitutional amendment.

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May 18, 2016

Press Release: Court Overrides Josephine County’s Democratic Decision-Making

Press Release: Court Overrides Josephine County’s Democratic Decision-Making

State preemption prevails again in this week’s decision from a Josephine County, OR, Circuit Court judge, overturning the people’s democratically enacted ban on GMOs.

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May 18, 2016

Guest Blog: Updating EPA Frack Waste Regulations: Let’s Call it What it Is

Guest Blog: Updating EPA Frack Waste Regulations: Let’s Call it What it Is

Guest blogger Tish O’Dell of Broadview Heights, OH, observes that efforts to update frack waste regulations perpetuates harm. It’s time to shift from slowing down the destruction of our communities and ecosystems, to stopping it.

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May 13, 2016

YES! Magazine: Faced With a Fracking Giant, This Small Town Just Legalized Civil Disobedience

YES! Magazine: Faced With a Fracking Giant, This Small Town Just Legalized Civil Disobedience

Grant Township, PA, residents send one clear, united message to the fracking industry: There will be no frack wastewater injection wells in our community. And we’re legalizing civil disobedience to make sure of it.

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May 12, 2016

The Laconia Daily Sun: Plymouth Selectboard’s Support of Northern Pass Would be Oath Violation

The Laconia Daily Sun: Plymouth Selectboard’s Support of Northern Pass Would be Oath Violation

The NHCRN urges Plymouth, NH’s, Selectboard to enforce the people’s Right to a Sustainable Energy Future and Community Self-Government Ordinance, adopted by residents in 2012 to stop the Northern Pass.

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May 11, 2016

Press Release: Community Rights Ramps Up in Ohio

Press Release: Community Rights Ramps Up in Ohio

Today residents in Meigs County and the City of Waterville, OH, launched their petition campaigns to place rights-based initiatives before voters this November. Residents are organizing to stop fracking projects and protect rights to clean air and water.

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May 10, 2016

The Tribune: Mailbox for May 10: Local Self-Government is needd

The Tribune: Mailbox for May 10: Local Self-Government is needd

The overturning of fracking bans in Colorado reveals corporations have more “rights” than people, and our government is here to protect those claimed “rights.” Coloradans are advancing a Community Rights state constitutional amendment to change that.

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May 6, 2016

Thom Hartmann Program: Civil Disobedience Just Became a Civic Duty

Thom Hartmann Program: Civil Disobedience Just Became a Civic Duty

Thom Hartmann interviews CELDF’s Chad Nicholson on Grant Township’s bold move to make civil disobedience a civic duty. Grant residents insist on protecting their community from toxic frack wastewater.

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May 4, 2016

Public Herald: Pennsylvania Township First To Legalize Civil Disobedience & ‘Bad Boy’ Tim DeChristopher Has Their Back

Public Herald: Pennsylvania Township First To Legalize Civil Disobedience & ‘Bad Boy’ Tim DeChristopher Has Their Back

How Grant Township, PA, residents continue to make history as they stand against PGE to stop a frack wastewater injection well – and garner support from members of the Climate Disobedience Center.

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May 4, 2016

Common Dreams: In This Passionate Anti-Fracking Town, Civil Disobedience Just Became Protected Civic Duty

Common Dreams: In This Passionate Anti-Fracking Town, Civil Disobedience Just Became Protected Civic Duty

In the face of PGE threatening a fracking wastewater injection well despite a local law banning injection wells, Grant Township, PA, residents make bold move and legalize civil disobedience.

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May 3, 2016

Press Release: Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Press Release: Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Grant Township, PA, residents make history as the first community in the U.S. to legalize nonviolent civil disobedience to protect their community from a fracking wastewater injection well.

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Apr 29, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. supervisor’s comments lead to motion in federal case

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. supervisor’s comments lead to motion in federal case

A newly appointed Highland Twp, PA, supervisor reveals he is not supportive of the Township’s Community Bill of Rights banning injection wells. In a lawsuit, CELDF attorneys request the judge to reconsider intervention by residents and the Crystal Spring ecosystem.

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Apr 27, 2016

Community Rights Paper #12: Preempting Democracy

Community Rights Paper #12: Preempting Democracy

North Carolina’s HB2 is a new state law that preempts local laws that protect LGBT rights. This means that the state legislature deliberately and knowingly eliminated protections for the LGBT community in North Carolina. It’s time for communities to take action.

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Apr 27, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township voters OK exploration of Home Rule Charter

The Bradford Era: Highland Township voters OK exploration of Home Rule Charter

Residents of Highland Township, PA, vote “yes” to consider a Home Rule form of government as they work for local community decision-making. The Township is fighting for their right to protect their community from a frack wastewater injection well.

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Apr 27, 2016

Ames Tribune: County Bill of Rights proposed

Ames Tribune: County Bill of Rights proposed

Boone County, IA, residents propose a Community Bill of Rights banning pipelines. Residents are working with CELDF to protect communities from the Bakken pipeline, threatening to cut through farmland and harm local ecosystems and water sources.

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Apr 26, 2016

Press Release: Highland Township Votes “Yes”to Consider Home Rule

Press Release: Highland Township Votes “Yes”to Consider Home Rule

As Highland Township, PA, residents fight to keep out a frack wastewater injection well, tonight they voted “yes” to form a study commission to consider a Home Rule form of government, which could expand local control.

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Apr 25, 2016

The Daily Item: My Turn: A necessary change to the system

The Daily Item: My Turn: A necessary change to the system

Our own local electeds are bound by our legal structure to allow harmful corporate practices into the communities they’ve sworn to protect. It’s up to the people to change this structure.

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Apr 25, 2016

Philly.com: A tiny town’s resistance to shale gas is put to the test

Philly.com: A tiny town’s resistance to shale gas is put to the test

Seneca Resources vows to defend its property rights – including its claimed right to site a wastewater injection well, which threatens drinking water sources. The people of Highland Township, PA, vow to protect their water and their community.

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Apr 18, 2016

Geddry: Maybe it is time to revoke our consent to be governed

Geddry: Maybe it is time to revoke our consent to be governed

Our right to local community self-government is unrecognized. Our elected representatives work on behalf of industry rather than we the people. Maybe it’s time to revoke our consent.

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Apr 14, 2016

Boulder Weekly: Community rights versus environmental destruction: Time to turn the page

Boulder Weekly: Community rights versus environmental destruction: Time to turn the page

In a state overrun by fracking, a Colorado leader in advancing Community Rights lays it out plainly: when democracy and fracking cannot coexist, one of them must always go. Through a state amendment initiative, Coloradans are working to make sure democracy is secured.

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Apr 13, 2016

The World: Secretary of State rejects ballot initiative seeking local control over corporations

The World: Secretary of State rejects ballot initiative seeking local control over corporations

Oregonians working to advance a community rights state constitutional amendment to protect the right to local self-government find their Secretary of State is working to block them. Residents are challenging the Secretary in the Oregon Supreme Court.

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Apr 11, 2016

Lancaster Online: Speaker: Pennsylvania communities need to revolt against Constitution to stop pipelines

Lancaster Online: Speaker: Pennsylvania communities need to revolt against Constitution to stop pipelines

Thomas Linzey speaks to how our legal structure keeping us from protecting our well-being, safeguarding ecosystems, and establishing a sustainable future. We need to change the structure to change the outcome.

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Apr 9, 2016

The Post: Friedrick’s recent column had some incorrect information

The Post: Friedrick’s recent column had some incorrect information

Supporters of Medina County, OH’s, Community Rights County Charter initiative call out fear tactics of anti-Community Rights government officials.

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Apr 9, 2016

The Post: Medina County: We have the right to clean air, water, soil

The Post: Medina County: We have the right to clean air, water, soil

When a county commissioner in Medina County, OH, steers residents away from protecting their community from fracking infrastructure projects through a rights-based county charter, residents call him out in this letter-to-the-editor.

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Mar 31, 2016

Kane Republican: Highland seen as leader in ‘revolt’ against corporations

Kane Republican: Highland seen as leader in ‘revolt’ against corporations

Highland Township, PA, is one of the leaders for communities across the U.S. that are advancing Community Rights to protect themselves from harm.

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Mar 31, 2016

The Bradford Era: CELDF founder lays out benefits of Home Rule charter to Highland Township

The Bradford Era: CELDF founder lays out benefits of Home Rule charter to Highland Township

CELDF’s Thomas Linzey speaks to Highland Township, PA, residents on their fight to protect their community from a frack wastewater injection well. Highland residents are considering a Community Rights Home Rule charter.

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Mar 27, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Township continues exploring home rule

The Bradford Era: Highland Township continues exploring home rule

Highland Township, PA, residents consider pursuing a Community Rights Home Rule Charter to protect themselves from Seneca Resources’ proposed injection well.

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Mar 24, 2016

Fosters.com: Barrington acts to protect natural resources

Fosters.com: Barrington acts to protect natural resources

Barrington, NH, Community Rights leader Cilia Bannenberg celebrates the townspeople’s adoption of a Community Bill of Rights Ordinance. The local law protects clean air, soil, and water, and bans unsustainable corporate practices as a violation of rights.

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Mar 21, 2016

Rights of Nature FAQs

Rights of Nature FAQs

What does “Rights of Nature” mean, and why do need them? Understand Rights of Nature with these FAQs.

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Mar 20, 2016

Cleveland.com: Pro-fracking writer ignored essential dangers of drilling: Tish O’Dell, Mothers Against Drilling in Our Neighborhoods

Cleveland.com: Pro-fracking writer ignored essential dangers of drilling: Tish O’Dell, Mothers Against Drilling in Our Neighborhoods

Ohio resident Tish O’Dell counters the oil and gas industry’s insistence that fracking is safe. Regardless, communities have the right to determine what happens in the places where they live, and protect their health, safety, and welfare.

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Mar 19, 2016

The World: FERC leaves Jordan Cove among the ‘undead’

The World: FERC leaves Jordan Cove among the ‘undead’

Coos County, OR, residents recognize FERC’s denial of Jordan Cove export terminal is not a win. FERC openly admits economic conditions – and not harm to the environment – was the basis for their decision. Residents dig in to continue advancing community rights.

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Mar 18, 2016

Akron Beacon Journal: Medina, Portage counties seek community bill of rights votes

Akron Beacon Journal: Medina, Portage counties seek community bill of rights votes

Medina and Portage Counties in Ohio begin gathering signatures to place Community Rights County Charters on the November ballot. Residents face fracking infrastructure projects, including pipelines and injection wells, and are advancing rights to protect themselves.

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Mar 14, 2016

Concord Monitor: Barnstead voters pass community bill of rights barring future religious identification

Concord Monitor: Barnstead voters pass community bill of rights barring future religious identification

In the face of hostile political rhetoric in the 2016 Republican presidential campaign, Barnstead, NH, residents protect themselves from religious identification requirements through a Community Bill of Rights adopted at Town Meeting on Saturday.

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Mar 14, 2016

Press Release: Ohio Residents Launch Community Rights Petition Campaigns throughout the State on Primary Day

Press Release: Ohio Residents Launch Community Rights Petition Campaigns throughout the State on Primary Day

Five Ohio counties and cities launch Community Bills of Rights campaigns to protect themselves from fracking activities. Residents are aiming for the November 2016 ballot.

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Mar 12, 2016

Press Release: Barnstead, NH, Adopts First-in-the-Nation Law Protects Against Religious Persecution, Including Religious I.D. Requirements

Press Release: Barnstead, NH, Adopts First-in-the-Nation Law Protects Against Religious Persecution, Including Religious I.D. Requirements

Barnstead, NH, residents make history as the first community to adopt a Community Bill of Rights establishing the right to be free from religious identification requirements.

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Mar 11, 2016

Press Release: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Local Self-Government  State Constitutional Amendment Can Advance to Next Stage Toward Ballot

Press Release: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Local Self-Government State Constitutional Amendment Can Advance to Next Stage Toward Ballot

The Colorado Supreme Court clears the way for residents to advance their Community Rights state constitutional amendment initiative to the November ballot. Oil and gas industry representatives had attempted to keep the measure from being voted on by the people.

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Mar 11, 2016

Geddry.com: Bucking the establishment anti-LNG crowd

Geddry.com: Bucking the establishment anti-LNG crowd

Making clear the distinction between ordinances banning harms and Community Bills of Rights laws banning harmful activities as a violation of rights, Coos County, OR, blogger and Community Rights proponent Mary Geddry urges support for rights-based strategies.

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Mar 10, 2016

The Athens News: County group plans to bring charter proposal back in November

The Athens News: County group plans to bring charter proposal back in November

Athens County, OH, residents advance a Community Rights County Charter banning frack wastewater injection wells for the November ballot.

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Mar 10, 2016

Fosters.com: Barrington narrowly approves ordinance to protect waterways

Fosters.com: Barrington narrowly approves ordinance to protect waterways

Barrington, NH, residents assert their right to local self-government in order to protect clean air, water, and soil, and to make the decisions about what extraction activities can occur in their Town.

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Mar 9, 2016

Press Release: “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment Supporters Set Sights on 2017

Press Release: “Community Rights” State Constitutional Amendment Supporters Set Sights on 2017

Community Rights supporters in New Hampshire look to 2017 to bring forward their state constitutional amendment securing rights.

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Mar 8, 2016

Press Release: The People of Barrington, NH, Vote in Community Rights at Town Meeting

Press Release: The People of Barrington, NH, Vote in Community Rights at Town Meeting

The people of Barrington, NH, adopt a Community Bill of Rights, asserting their right to clean air, pure water, and local, community self-government. The rights-based ordinance bans corporate gravel extraction and water withdrawals as a violation of those rights.

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Mar 8, 2016

Truthout: A New Strategy to Address Climate Change: Suing for Community Rights

Truthout: A New Strategy to Address Climate Change: Suing for Community Rights

As climate change catapults the planet toward ecological devastation, community rights emerges as a strategy to build a social and political movement addressing its root causes, shifting the rights of people and nature above corporate and special interests.

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Mar 8, 2016

News Lincoln County: 	  Let the People Decide

News Lincoln County: Let the People Decide

Lincoln County, OR, residents urge a county judge to recognize the right of communities to gather signatures and vote on the people’s Community Bill of Rights initiative. Let the people decide.

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Mar 1, 2016

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript: Viewpoint – Let’s give power back to people

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript: Viewpoint – Let’s give power back to people

New Hampshire State House Representative Susan Emerson calls for the legislature to place a Community Rights state constitutional amendment forward for a vote by the people of New Hampshire, to secure their inalienable right to local community self-government.

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Feb 29, 2016

Green Party of England and Wales Adopts Rights of Nature Policy:  CELDF Assisted in Drafting New Rights-Based Plank

Green Party of England and Wales Adopts Rights of Nature Policy: CELDF Assisted in Drafting New Rights-Based Plank

CELDF assists the Green Party of England and Wales to draft a Rights of Nature policy platform, which was adopted by the Party on Sunday. The policy calls for the recognition of the rights of nature to exist and flourish.

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Feb 28, 2016

Green Party of England and Wales’ Rights of Nature Policy

Green Party of England and Wales’ Rights of Nature Policy

On February 28th, the Green Party of England and Wales adopted a Rights of Nature policy, drafted in partnership with CELDF. Read the language here.

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Feb 28, 2016

CELDF Statement: Corporations Successful in Blocking Spokane from Voting on Community Bill of Rights

CELDF Statement: Corporations Successful in Blocking Spokane from Voting on Community Bill of Rights

In a move reflective of efforts by the corporate state to quash citizens’ initiatives across the U.S., the Washington Supreme Court recently denied Spokane residents the right to vote on their Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment.

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Feb 27, 2016

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents to vote on home rule charter in April

The Bradford Era: Highland Twp. residents to vote on home rule charter in April

Highland Township, PA, residents to vote on home rule as a tool to advance community rights and protect themselves from a fracking wastewater injection well. Seneca Resources Corporation is claiming a corporate “right” to site the well.

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